New episode of Bluey today at 2pm PST ("Charades"). Are you ready?

New episode of Bluey today at 2pm PST ("Charades"). Are you ready?

>Bluey S1 (51 eps)!kREziYzD!OaX9lZtI1CsugAbMwE0QnA


Attached: probably_another_bluey.png (555x652, 375.74K)

Other urls found in this thread:!9KAyxCAZ!waVztknMn1Dny4YSYWvMl1MQBwNyn_hsGA73dLOThio!2xMkSazQ!2oejNWPGZmAOjQuYAMYAtg!KxUWXKZT

Would Bluey work better with 15 minute episodes? There's not much room for continuity as is (though I know they try).

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I think some of the most fast paced episodes would suffer from having to extend them, like Takeaway, Daddy drop-off, Sticky Gecko, etc. Can you think an episode that would benefit from being longer?

Don't you mean a new episode of Bingo?

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Honestly I don't know man, I just want more Bluey.


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It already was, fuck off.

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Rock on, diamond dogs.

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30 more minutes.


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user, you know the Switch has a built in screenshot function, right?

>Socks said her first word
Too cute! I saw it coming, though.

>Bluey S02E11 - Charades!9KAyxCAZ!waVztknMn1Dny4YSYWvMl1MQBwNyn_hsGA73dLOThio

Attached: Bluey S02E11 - Charades.jpg (1280x720, 145.75K)

>unironically watching a show target towards CHILDREN

kill yourselves, all of you.

comic and cartoons are FOR children.

who is he?

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As someone who hasn't seen any episodes of Bluey, how wholesome is it? Are the kids bratty like in Peppa Pig? Also, is it funny for everyone or only funny to little kids?

pretty much every episode is wholesome af. Only real bratty character is cousin Muffin but it's usually played for laughs. Humor is good but never seems forced, usually has to do with how the parents handle situations

Attached: srsly.png (1920x1080, 2.4M)

Such is my love for you that I leave a puppy on your pillow
And then I sprinkle it with chocolaaaate!

You're the best, thanks for always sharing these links

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Maybe he's another the youngest Heeler brother?

>socks finally speaks

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It saves me time

didn't he speak in BBQ?

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>long curly hair
>never been in an episode. either too busy to come visit or is lazy
>open mouth smile
Literally me about 5 years ago when I moved out and lived with some friends. no joke about the hair my old ID card looks just like that lmao

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Maybe it´s a self insert from one of the showrunners.

Socks is a girl actually? I the Heeler family is cursed with daughters.

Well, it's better than the last edit

Spoken like someone who's never seen an episode

Do you have the episode “Favorite Things”?

*I think the Heeler

She and it was more baby speak than anything where it sounds like a word but is not.

Wasn't Chilli pregnant in early promo art/production? Maybe they'll get a little brother someday

I have no idea what you're talking about. Since when was early promo art for this show available?

I just noticed Muffin is more blocky because she's supposed to be pudgy, just thought she was short because she's younger but Bingo is thinner than her

here's most of S2 so far!2xMkSazQ!2oejNWPGZmAOjQuYAMYAtg!KxUWXKZT

thank you very much good user

Good timing, I was just updating it, was a day or so behind. Also subs of course. Sorry to that deaf user, my proxy was being fucky and I got a bit lazy. I'll try and be more on top of it.

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I saw them on tumblr a couple of months ago. Even found the pilot. I never saved the Chilli pic though. Let me see if I can find it.

Attached: pilot.png (1594x890, 726.57K)

Jeez. Muffin.

Here's the one you're probably talking about. Either she's fat or she's pregnant.

Attached: bluey chilli preggers.jpg (720x720, 50.61K)

Many thanks.
Good episode. Be good to your Nanas.

Deaf user here, thank you for your work.

Tomorrow is Sticky Gecko, then it's new episodes from there on out.

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Just one day, then coasting on new episodes for the rest of the season.

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You tell em, Muffin.

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blessed mega user delivers again. I've done some webms for the Yas Forums /wsg/ thread for those interested.

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fugged up the links

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Good stuff. I love that little song.

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The way Muffin acts in this episode is exactly how my niece acts when playing games down to how she bossed everyone around. it's cute but damn she still can't hold a remote/controller correctly and constantly needs help.
Chilli laughing with her kids att the end is just too much. God this show is adorable.

We need bitchy teen Muffin

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Rusty's father probably

I was hoping Rusty would be related to Bluey from Chilli's side of the family, if he's really related to her at all. Honestly anything with Chilli's side of the family would be neat to see.

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But Rusty is a Kelpie

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