Here's your villain, bro

>Here's your villain, bro.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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>sodium chloride
>that would be salt, my dude

Can someone summarize or post the page of Hydra Cap justifying his allegiance to Hydra?

The point is that this type of rhetoric is commonly used to manipulate stupid people. Looking at this site for five minutes proves that to be correct.

>"The heritage and culture of America is that of a melting pot welcoming the poor"

This is incredibly misleading, the whole "melting pot" thing wasn't a thing until the 1900s, and when America "welcomed" the poor, welfare and other programs which gave people free money and shit weren't a thing either, so if you came to this country you had to make due on your own, leading to a generally high quality of person coming to this country, while in the modern days you get any asshole looking for an easier ride.

Not going to bother reading the rest because if you don't know something that basic, the rest is no doubt dribble as well.

No, it was very much an 1800's thing. Shit, naturalization initiatives were put in place as early as 1790. The Irish mass imigrated in the early 1800s, followed by the Chinese. Spaniards fucking owned a big chunk of what is now the US and tons of their citizens naturalized. Your knowledge of history is nonexistent.

But then you don't even know the word "drivel" so nothing can really be expected of you.

>The Irish mass imigrated in the early 1800s, followed by the Chinese
Yes and both groups were treated extremely poorly, just because a country accept immigrants doesn't mean it's goal is to be a melting pot, hell the majority of countries accept immigrants to some degree, are the majority of countries melting pots?

Founding Fathers were incredibly harsh when it came to immigration because they knew it was a threat to the culture of the country, they never intended it to be a "melting pot"

Also curiously enough you ignore the point of the lack of welfare and the like being the condition under witch immigrants were allowed back in the day.

Oh wow a typo, GOT EM, pointing that out totally isn't a sign of desperation!

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Lol @ comparing Irish and Chinese to obese Mexican welfare leeches.

>It was a typo
No, a typo is when you mis-spell a word. You used the wrong word because you heard someone smarter than you use the correct word in a sentence and your smooth brain tried to copy them without knowing what they were saying.

>under witch
Get your ESL larping ass the fuck outta here

Why even bother posting if you have no argument?

>losing a debate about your own country to an ESL
absolute state of Yas Forums

>This is incredibly misleading, the whole "melting pot" thing wasn't a thing until the 1900s,
Do you even know what a melting pot is?
In this case "melting pot" is the ethnical and cultural one.
The race of the americans is based on various ethnicities of europeans.
>and when America "welcomed" the poor, welfare and other programs which gave people free money and shit weren't a thing eitherso if you came to this country you had to make due on your own, leading to a generally high quality of person coming to this country, while in the modern days you get any asshole looking for an easier ride.
Never claimed otherwise
It just says that the melting pot is ethnical

>replying to bait
I'm disappointed little deputy

You've been posting this for almost four years, and it's just as wrong as the first time you said it.

>Founding Fathers were incredibly harsh when it came to immigration because they knew it was a threat to the culture of the country, they never intended it to be a "melting pot"

Attached: alt-right founders.png (1240x1870, 3.48M)

The Red Skull is right, it's a doggy dog world. Some people are going to were ship false idols and others will fall for obvious proper gander.

All we can do is except that government is a working progress.

>In this case "melting pot" is the ethnical and cultural one.
Except for the fact the founding fathers had a big concern about immigrants changing the country's culture and were harshly against it.

Here's your villain, bro.

Attached: The Secret of Cobra Commander.jpg (1988x3056, 705.44K)

>so mad about a throwaway image response to commonly spammed threads that he has to "investigate"
rent free

Posts like these are a diamond dozen, but I could care less.


>Truth mades the stupid people go "I agree, HURF"
I'm glad to be almost retarded then.

Well actually the first claim made in the thread is that the US is supposed to be a melting pot, so burden of proof would actually be on that.

Anything asserted without evidence can be denied without evidence.
Also see

>leading to a generally high quality of person coming to this country
Yeah that's not what happened at all, the high quality person had no reason to leave his home nation.

>the heritage and culture of America is that of a melting pot
A poem made by a jew is not our culture, and it was added after the fact to the Statue of Liberty. Our heritage is 'White Men of Good and Noble Character'.

>the high quality person had no reason to leave his home nation.
Their reason is because the US provided more opportunity than most if not any other country. You could make something of yourself and countless people did. If you think the only reason people move between countries is for free goverment gibs then you are a failure.

That was meant to be linking to

What utter dribble. I'll have you know I grad-jew hated as the valid victorian of my class, and you can't half it boat haze.

I may be in self-immolation from Coronavirus, but that doesn't mean I don't have something special installed for you. By the time I'm done you'll think it was all some kind of bazaar dream.

Attached: not an arug.jpg (403x394, 70.74K)

get in the fucking oven

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You should reframe from pretty insults, in cybil-A tea is the rude of all evil

The Founding Fathers were european from backgrounds they don't even remember, being a self hating migrant doesn't make you less migrant

Seems that Red Skull would vote for Bernie

So this is the mind of someone with 80 IQ.

The "muh country was founded by immigrants" argument is so fucking gay and I hate it
>durr we let immigrants in before and it worked
>who cares if they were predominantly white and came from developed countries, darkies are literally no different lol

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I bet you're not like me. You don't stare at the sealing with a vagrant look on your face all-day strong, thinking about women's whore moans and company carbon admissions while you wait for a call from the laundry mat. You didn't grow up in a colder sack having American values trilled into your head and stories of times in memorial, conjugating with people of all races and creeds.

You exghost me.

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sea Also try to keep the racism on the download

Honestly it works better as an argument against immigration when you look at what happened to the natives.

>Lose an argument
>Start shitposting le so wacky

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I'm pretty sure we also had an entire other 2/3rds of a landmass that needed colonizing at that point as well, so you had at least some minor justification for an artificial increase in population via immigration.

Hitting a little too close to Rome?

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>this page is cited as "comparing all people with conservative views to a racist monster"
>most of the people complaining about it are literally proud, open racists

Attached: i don't get it.gif (640x368, 3.51M)

No, just a nice ego boost to start the day with, it's always fun breaking someone's mind over the internet.

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Does it count as open if it's only on an anonymous image board?

People who assume all immigrants are good are just as bad as people who assume all are bad.

>more smug anime girls
After that lamb basting I don't blame you for tugging your tail between your pegs and humming away

I mean, if the anonymous image board is where they're turning out to complain about it, yeah.

I'm still here, soaking in every second of you sperging out.

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You fucking tard barely one post above it you have you absolute fucking tard

Hi, Stephen Miller. That's an actual for-serious lie that literal stormfags use to cover their asses.

I hate to brake it to you, but the moment you replied you lost

but for real I'm running out of ESL puns to hit you with and replying to smuganimegirl678.png is boring, try harder

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>there are nazis and nazi LARPers in a Yas Forums thread

Oh are you just realizing you're here for my amusement and not the other way around?

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I remember when trolls on this site tried
This is just lazy

>"The New Colossus" is a sonnet by American poet Emma Lazarus
>Emma Lazarus (July 22, 1849 – November 19, 1887) was an American author of poetry, prose, and translations, as well as an activist for Jewish causes.
Ah yes "lie" that other word for Hatefact

no, we're done, you decided to be lazy
no more Yas Forums bait thread for you

>N-n-no we're done
cry more faggot pull your pilpul somewhere else

>I'm not a loser, I'm a victim who is entitled to so much more for being white!

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>we should cater to black people because a bad thing happened almost a century ago

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>Losing so hard on facts that you're reduced to beta passive-aggressive post-it notes style shitposting
here's your (You)

Why are you guys not reporting obvious bait threads

It's like you want Yas Forums to be shit

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I downloaded 3 gigs of racism this morning

shit was so cash

>Yas Forums

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>arguing with yourself

What "facts" have been posted ITT?

for one the statements of the Founding Fathers on Americafor two the actual origin of the "Give me your tired and poor" poem on the statue of liberty