New Glitch Techs behind the scenes video with a bunch of concept art for Miko, Alpha, etc

New Glitch Techs behind the scenes video with a bunch of concept art for Miko, Alpha, etc.

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miko is my kween

>Making new threads for a show that has nothing to talk about
You guys never learn do you?

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There was nothing to talk about after the 2nd thread
Yas Forums was disappointed with the show (specifically the dialogue and humor) and it's propped up with porn now, you know this and everyone knows it
Just another Owl House/Amphibia where there's no substance to its support and has nothing but artificial support over the female character design

Miko is the standard energetic "adventurous" girl character that we've seen a hundred times. You could better in waifus user.

At least Amphibia and Owl House have multiple females to diversify our attention. Glitch Techs on the other hand is a one waifu wonder

The Yas Forums hivemind is disappointed with everything. It's an unwritten rule that nobody is allowed to like anything.

I like Glitch Techs. Yas Forums is not one person.

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its weird how this is the only show that does this kind of stuff. Why are other cartoons afraid of showing behind the scenes footage?

enough cartoons have behind the scenes specials. it also happens when staff runs out of story ideas

Last two threads were so shitty, they left bad taste in my mouth. Glad you made another one. As the saying goes, third time is a charm.
I just rewatched it with Japanese dub while I was banned for calling Mitch who he is, and I like it even more. I wonder how fucking rotten inside you must be to hate on GT, it's so fun.

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This is pretty wrong there’s been many recent shows with consistently universal praise

What was wrong with the last two?

Tons of persistent haters.

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Ah, I noticed that when I dropped in last time.

You can spot one certain person instantly - that one guy who posts Spongebob images alongside his posts. He is doing it since the start of the show. All people really need to do is to ignore them completely.
Anyway, Robles shared yet another early concept art of GT. Looks like Fanboy and Chumchum.

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Where did you watched the Japanese dub?

On Netflix directly like that tripfag adviced. Five sounds cute, but that about it. I am a total weeb, but I prefer English dub for everyone. Sadly Japan rarely uses popular seiyuus for cartoon dubs. But there are exceptions. Star from SvtFOE is voiced by Ueda Kana (Ishtar/Rin from FSN, Rachel from BlazBlue, Yuel from Granblue) and she talks in Kansai dialect. Such a waste of a good voice for a subpar show.

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>Yas Forums is not one person.
we aren't?

Looks like that show about the monster cowboys

>Yas Forums was disappointed with the show
We see you, FUD spammer.

Wouldn't have minded this style at all either.

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Miko is the cutest Yas Forums girl!

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Seems to be an "Investors? Possibly you!" type pitch I guess.

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I really appreciate what we have got. The current artstyle is just good enough on it's own.

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No, I was just in the initial threads
I personally like it but Yas Forums doesn't

I think I much prefer the artstyle we got. I'm looking forward to the next batch of episodes in June. I wonder if they'll stay purely episodic or if they'll end with hints at a larger story to make people want more.

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I actually liked Amphibia though. I haven't seen more than one episode of Glitch Techs, I'm just here for the lewds.

I did not see a majority of hate for the show. There were some that didn't like the dialogue but they were mostly humorless aspies anyway that took characters like Helpie at face value. There were at least a few easily identifiable users as pointed out that samefagged and dwelled in the threads autistically screeching at everyone who did like the cartoon, but that is far from indicating that the Yas Forums hivemind hated the show. These fags want every new thing to be the next TORtanic (pic related, though the sinking ship should really be Korra since thats what really started that trend on this board).

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disappointed seems like a weird word
as far as I could tell everyone said "its fine just nothing special"

It indeed has a larger story, but for now it's the monster of the week and I'm loving it. I just hope we can actually get season 2 and see what they have prepared for us.

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I think there's some genuinely great action animation in the show. Actually the overall animation is incredibly strong, and personally I find the characters to be charming.

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While I was away no one bothered to post art from anywhere. We need to catch up on that.

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You're doing God's work.

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Not only that, but even facial expressions are thoroughly animated. This show has too much soul.
I am glad to be somewhat helpful.

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Eh this show is not getting renewed. Just enjoy whatever remaining episodes left

Robles is amazing. He can draw in different styles. You can't even say it's done by the same guy who did FaCC.

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Swimsuit should be long sleeve and long pants

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>he doesn't know

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Like? Name one. The most recent one I can think of is Over the garden wall but that was like six years ago. Then again it is true that if Yas Forums doesn't talk about a show its probably good

Not him, but the only one I can think of was Primal.

How soft is Miko's ass?

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Green Eggs and Ham I guess.
Genndyfags worship anything he shits out. They were even damage controlling and apologizing the shit out of SJ's ending.

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I didn't notice Five when I looked at it for the first time

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Are those supposed to be rockets or dildos with faces?

People were really hyped up (not mentioning the lewders before it aired) because the animation looked way higher quality then recent stuff and it was an action series

Missiles. That image is a parody on Parodius, a game that is a parody of Gradious, a shoot em up from Konami.

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Cool art.

I also want a robot boyfriend.

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He's low-key hot here.

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Mitch is ugly and gay.

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Cute OTP.

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Okay I'm going to bite the bullet and admit I only spend about 6 hours a day on here so I miss stuff sometimes. What the fuck does "FUD" mean?

Yeah it's pretty easy to see when it's samefags and copycats instead of people with an actual opinion. You wouldn't see nearly so much bullshit about how the gaming references are dated or retro if the criticism were coming from people who actually watched the show.

The lewd artists have been unhealthily fixated on Miko, but both her unnamed mother and Zahara are both high tier waifu material as well and they're starting to get the recognition they deserve.

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Sharing my Metroid Miko here because why not.

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>surfing the missile like Haruko on her guitar
>not riding the missile like Hikaru and Akane

One job, fanartist.

FUD = fear uncertainty doubt, an aggressive countermarketing tactic by shills. Not sure why Glitch Techs even needs this against it since it was essentially stillborn but whatever, Nick shows have been known for getting FUD'd hard in the past.

Hector is a fitting name for a chad like him.

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Ah, gotcha.

In this case I think it's probably just the usual Yas Forums recreational bitching rather than actual counter-marketing. But you never know.

>Nick shows have been known for getting FUD'd hard in the past.


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These two definitely need to hatefuck

Loud House got it pretty hard, but when it didn't work and still became a hit, CN's marketing people resorted to other tactics such as demonizing it's fanbase with normie tier complaints (How DARE they lewd the characters!) and when TAT didn't work they had a bunch of interns scream #metoo and Amid Amidi literally calling for the show's cancellation because of it (former worked, latter didn't).

Also, I vaguely recall FOP getting fucked with in the past too, but that was actually someone on the mod staff doing it to them. Must've been a backroom deal or something.