Thoughts on Superman: The animated series?

Thoughts on Superman: The animated series?

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Kino, Like BTAS, I recommend it


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wish they had included silver banshee before jl

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Doesn't hit the same high as BTAS, but doesn't hit the same lows either.
God-tier finale, though. And Lobo's my favorite side character.

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>I am many things Kal-El. But here I am god

Wish they had included Terra man.

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What were the lows of BTAS? Besides "Batman In My Basement"?

Prophecy of doom.


Either way OP, S:TAS was a good show with some great moments. Its shining points may not outshine B:TAS' shining points, but the lows of S:TAS are less shitty than those of B:TAS.

The thing it other has better over B:TAS is its integration of other DC characters and overall quality consistency and stability.

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I liked, shame it didn't have more episodes.


Definitely "The Underdwellers".

It was one of the earliest episodes they produced, but they delayed its original air date because it was a weak episode and they knew it.

Conceptually it's fine, Batman discovering an underground system of orphans subjegated under a so-called "Sewer King" is a good scenario that adds to Bruce Wayne's character, but the execution of the episode was poor.

Character dialogue in particular was weird and stilted, and stuff like having an orphan in Bruce Wayne's manor, whilst being Batman in all parts of it, and snatching a gun that the orphan started playing with.
Bruce Wayne having rifles on display in his home doesn't make a lot of sense, it was part of some forced PSAs like "don't play with guns", and the opening non-sequiter of children literally playing on top of trains.

That was the finale? I saw that fight randomly on TV, but that line alway stuck with me. One sentence explained how Apokolips worked, before I even knew what Apokolips was.

It was, yes.

Deserves way more credit than it gets. BTAS gets all the accolades, but 99% of the stuff people love about the JLA, JLAU, and a lot of the other DC animated series took characters, plotlines, and topics from STAS .

Better than BTAS

Not as good as BTAS, JL, JLU, Batman Beyond. But it's okay.
Better than The Zeta Project.

Lobo was fucking based, as always. Still mad everyone told him to fuck off in Justice League when he subbed in for Supes.

Doesn't that have to do with all the shitty embargoes they had to deal with?

Made Brainiac a actual villan and fucking scary to boot.
Has my favorite superhero theme.
Show was kind of bland and uninteresting with the exception of the new gods episodes and the one where clark is investigating his own murder by a dirty cop

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I loved this mini character arc for hamilton from stas to jl

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Metallo and Toyman were underrated

Quite enjoyable. I loved their Darkseid, and unfortunately, it has one of Orion's more flattering appearances in recent years. Turpin's death actually caught me by surprise.

The late Mr. Kent and the Flash episode were kino. I remember also liking their version of Dr. Light, though he was called something else for some reason.

I legit think it's better than BTAS. Superman is so wholesome in the show.
Memories of a better time.

I enjoyed it more than BTAS, but then again I like Superman more than Bat5

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I think this show is much much better than Batman Beyond,but to each it's own.

The guy with the hard light constructs?

It was a little held back by being based on the more grounded John Byrne stuff that was still canon in the comics at the time. Superman is at his best when he's surrounded by high concept lunacy. In JL/JLU, a lot of Superman-related characters began to drift closer to their classic portrayals (Science Lex over Business Lex, Backwards Bizarro, etc.), which was an improvement.

Still a great series, but also a product of its time.

He’s Luminus, he’s an original Character.

If this series was so great, why'd they male Lex Luthor black?

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Lex is clearly black but there are people here who claim he is the exact same shade as everyone else, he literally is not.

Honestly, this. I would have liked it if it were a little more inspired by the Silver Age. The Superman design of STAS also doesn’t do anything for me. It would have unironically been awesome to have something more inspired by Curt Swan like pic-related, but with modern story telling.

I think it was Mark Waid who said that a lot of the writers in STAS, even the biggest supporters there, were just using STAS as an opportunity to get into BTAS.

Paul and Bruce has a lot of passion for Batman, Bruce admitted that it was hard for him to get Superman.

Dwayne McDuffy understood Superman a little better though, which is why he wrote the best Superman episodes in JL/JLU

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This design is honestly better. Clearly inspired by Fleischer

His design was inspired by Telly Savalas and his features are meant to be suggestively Greek. You can hear Timm and others talk about it in the commentary tracks of the Superman cartoon.

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They're practically clones, definite proof that Timm drew him as black.

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STAS >Static Shock>Batman Beyond>BTAS

Never watched GLTAS, but I heard it was good

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>Well what do you know the boy scout brought protection

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How are the McCloud comics, friends? Are they worth spending money on? I loved the BTAS ones.

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Pretty damn good, and it set up the DCAU more than BTAS did in hindsight. Best Lois too, not to mention it gave us Livewire

From what I understand the STAS comics have become essential Superman reading.