
user...You're straight.

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Then how come everyone keeps calling me a faggot?

no I'm not you whore

Of course she would know if the only thing she excels at is being a cocksucker.

Please stop making garbage threads. You're driving anons to leave for reddit.

You don't want reddit to win, do you? That wouldn't be based

Gays have to fear getting beat up for being gay. But they also have a community to rely on and back them up that provides them with both intimacy and protection.

If you are a straight guy other men see you as a punching bag to torment or if you’re lucky, sexual competition. Women see you as a threat because they’re disturbed that you want to fuck them. It comes across as violating.

Because you actually listened to what a woman was saying.

pfft jokes on you whore, im gay for pay


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Not really

But user, I'm bi

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Most Emma fans are fags, for real every one of them I have met is either gay or a tranny


who else took the bi pill

Emma is the only reason I played the buggy mess that is Rouge-Like

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I'm straight and proud.

how have I not seen this edit before thats hilarious

Fuck, cant get hard on femboys, shemales and futas anymore.

I get far enough to have them all doing threesome but then the game gets so fucking buggy before I can buy any of the accessories.

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>Gays have to fear getting beat up for being gay. But they also have a community to rely on and back them up that provides them with both intimacy and protection.
The LGBT community has horrible domestic violence rates.

>Emma Frost uses her mind control on me to make me straight.
Oh, I know where THIS is going...

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Wait, what's happening?

user...you're straight

Attached: 7048030-emma.jpg (662x960, 253.47K)

They are also obsessed with BBC, extremely blupilled, and have awful tastes in almost every area.

You're right, your shitty slut dress and plastic boobs just made me realize I love the D.

>user...you're straight
>You're right, you made me just realize I'm gay
What did he mean by this?

That OP is such a massive faggot not even Telepathy from a powerful psychic can cure him

I still can't believe this costume and Magik's slutty goth outfit were designed by a gay man.

user has cooties.

>Women see you as a threat because they’re disturbed that you want to fuck them.
I understand that this is a foreign concept for you, but women generally enjoy sex, too.

Then why won't they have sex with me...

I dunno. Iceman was massively straight and got one tapped by Jean.

She's here...

Attached: You Know.jpg (1012x675, 114.55K)

Heaven help us...
No, no, no! No! I don't wanna be gay!
Emma! EMMMAA!!

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It's a lose lose world huh. Unless you were born with the chad gene or charisma magnet perk

No shit Emma.
I've been wanting to rail Illyana for years

The gay community can be especially fucking ruthless to each other. Imagine alpha bitches and poisonous friends all passive aggressively mocking you but this time the aggression turned up to 10 because "drama queers" don't have the subtlety of the average woman.

Where do you think you are?

I love it so much

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wait who designed the outfit

Bachalo's gay?

Wait, really?

Illyana's always been best X-Girl

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win what


every faggot I have seen online has been pure evil

hot pics of ww and pg at comicons with norm guys but never emma

And why do i like traps and ladyboys!
Checkmate Emma!

Damn it, I need those other edits, STAT!

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Every last one of them is gold

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hello, Ive come to remind all of you that this is in fact real. No I don't know how this made it to print.

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Oh yes, this is what I was looking for

shit man, that is dark. Telepath genocide when?

I went to reddit in 2010
Its worse than here and i stopped around 2014
I have an archive of all of r/megalinks though, that was based

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But OP, as always...

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