Why the fuck is his trunk so weird?
Why the fuck is his trunk so weird?
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He was circumsized.
How are you even supposed to flatten it at that point
With magic
Is this the summer camp island thread?
It will be if the jannies don't delete it
Pic related
Anything can happen when witches make the rules.
What's supposed to be happening?
>Alice I can't believe it, you gave me the old spicy wand!!
The ol' spicy wand
>ol' spicy wand
Oh I get it now ahah
I still can't understand how that meme took off, is it even popular outside of here?
Not op.
The dick flattening meme? I've seen different versions. There's even an Isabella" clit lengthening one"
What a tragedy. Where does one watch this show, any how?
Kim cartoon if you don't mind being a pirate
But its so specific, it doesn't apply to anything in real life and its not a reaction image, is this what the hip youth call a "dank meme"? Like thos family guy memes that were popular and didn't make any sense? The ones that looked like some kind of bad internet publicity?
What the hell teal
Ive seen real life dick and ball flattening videos
Hedgehog would be in the corner watching Oscar get his dick smashed like the cuck she is
>Why the fuck is his trunk so weird?
Because shitty art style.
That sounds hot.
I didn't know that, that sounds terrible
Nah dude, hedgehog is a bro and wants her bro to get smashed. I doubt hedgehog likes oscar that way or vice versa
It's horrible. There's this one video where its like 3 girls screwing the two plates of plexiglass against this guy's balls. What an idiot
Just wished there are more lewds.
Me too, is there a summer camp island discord server? Doesn't have to be lewd.
Does someone have that sci meme of 51%, 13% of the population?
I can't believe I just now realized who Susie reminded me of. Thanks OP.
unironically it would be cute if susie starts developing a crush on oscar that's one-sided.
I always loved how this show could be really gross when it wants to kinda like 20s AT
Susie is made to be domestically abused by Oscar.
I like this idea
His trunk didn't recover from yesterday.
How long has this been going on?
We can't ask for lewds even as a joke.
Max was pretty cute
How about magic accident that makes everyone fall love in Oscar.
I wonder when the show is gonna continue. Are they making S2 as we speak, or is CN being a fucking idiot as usual, or a mix of both?
They are being a fucking idiot as usual, episodes are done but they are doing a summer thing with it since called summer camp island. They could release the episodes per week if they wanted to but they don't.
Fucking hell. I wonder if the people in charge of scheduling shows are clueless or trolling.
I often wonder how many South Koreans this show has saved from suicide.
Why do Koreans regularly become suicidely obsessed with American cartoons?
Cause I've seen it so often I'm starting to think there may be a pattern
so uhm, how exactly would they make it work?
So crazy yandere
Life finds a way.
Genuine question, what is the appeal of this shit
>Genuine question, what is the appeal of this shit
I don't know, maybe enjoying something that's not edgy as fuck for shock value while still having some adult themes is refreshing?
You'll get it when you're older. Now indulge in all the fapservice and maximum edge shows while you're still young and gullible.
hedgehog getting cucked/self-destructing.
sauce please, sci hot stuff is really rare.
Holy shit what the fuck happened to CN
We can't. You have no idea how much SCI triggers the powers that be.
Why is Susie so cute