Remember that one time in which Adam Sandler played an animated version of himself that was super ripped and awesome at...

Remember that one time in which Adam Sandler played an animated version of himself that was super ripped and awesome at basketball, and there was no joke whatsoever ?

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I remember someone was eating a jockstrap

I actually loved this movie

Fuck you

>remembering 8 Crazy Nights, which was literally an excuse to play on the popularity of his Channakah song
That's a technical foul!

Remember that one time in which Adam Sandler sang a song with a bunch of corporate logos in one of the most shameless product placements scenes of all time?

Remember Dunkachino?

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>super ripped
Kid have you ever lifted more than six pounds in your life

>was good at basketball
Sandman is actually kinda filthy at ball tho

The only good thing about Eight Crazy Nights was the animation. It kind of looked like The Iron Giant in some way.


I kinda forgot about this move altogether.

Remember when his company tried to branch out into horror?

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This, i wouldn't be surprised if it had a bunch of animators from that film

Yeah, this was a bad film. Another reason why the public turned on 2D theatrical animation during that era

Yeah, I would fuck animated Adam Sandler too.

Imagine if networks still made Saturday morning cartoons based on R rated films. Now imagine an Uncut Gems cartoon reimagined as a cyberpunk action scifi cartoon, the synth score remains and it's a neofuturistic NYC, and it involves Howard pulling cons/schemes that get him in trouble with different robot/cyborg bad guys.


Everything Adam Sandler touches turns to shit.

The studio who worked on the iron giant did this drove them out of business when the movie bombed.

>Billy Madison
>happy Gilmore
>big daddy
All amazing. You Zoomers are the worst.

yep. I remember seeing this about a month after it came out, having seen him on SNL. I think the world was expecting him to grow up, and to do more mature jokes, but this movie in retrospect was kind of a nail in the coffin lid. His style wasn't evolving, and his carreer wasn't waving goodbye to an old era, it was just nestling into a pit of repetition.
His entire shtick is being a "loveable' skamp who gives people a doe-eyed look for 5 seconds, only for said people just hand wave along with money the world just has lying around for him. And to be fair, Sandler has talent, but he's such a hack, and an asshole, that he refuses to change.

Yes, the movie is one of the few major media representations of jewish culture, but I'm just so pissed it was so half-assed by an equally half-assed manchild.

Don't forget Click!

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Is it at least funny bad

all medicore due sandler being essentialy the same asswipe in each one.

I was flipping channels and saw this on comedy central. it was the port-o-potty scene, absolutely disgusting

A half billion dollar asswipe you dollar store Jew who probably celebrates Christmas. Zoomers are the fucking worst. Go celebrate gay black kids who ride horsies.

Even as a dumb kid all I liked about this movie was Whitey.
Wasn't Sandler's character just trying to fuck some kids mom/sister? Gave me creep vibes even back then.

I remember animated Sandler got some nice porn.

>Wasn't Sandler's character just trying to fuck
Literally every sandman movie. Why are you kids such faggots these days? Are you even old enough to post here?

Billy Madison is real fuckin' mediocre, looking back. I'm ashamed of my middle school self for quoting it so often.

>Yes, the movie is one of the few major media representations of jewish culture
is that so?

No...say it ain't so user

You've got some nerve calling me a zoomer, you fucking retard. Sandler's a talentless hack whose dumb luck is limitless. Not an opinion, but a known fact.

Because he was the ultra Chad. Pure jock assholishness and he was also the most hated person in the movie.

That's small time.
Eight Crazy Nights features the heartfelt song about Davie confronting his repressed grief for his dead parents being sung almost entirely by Product Placement. Atleast Dunkaccino has the self awareness to literally be an ad rather than several ads literally stealing the soul of the movie.

>do you have anymore gum
Makes me laugh to this day.

Nah fuck you, zoomer. You kids are fucking insufferable.

compared to the 200 new movies that get rolled out every single christmas, yeah, there are very few jewish centric movies by comparison.

You act like that isn't part of the joke. He's at a mall.

It was a pretty shitty place to have jokes.

>uses jew in a negative way
>to defend a hack who is jewish
>when said hack uses jewish identity as a crutch
>who is a shit example of jewish thespianship
cool story bro.

You misunderstood Goldstein I was calling you a shitty Jew not saying Jews are shitty.

>super ripped
t. Whitey

It was completely forgettable

What did you forget the most about it?

Its existence until this very thread

Little nicky is pretty funny too
And waterboy is everyone's goto Sandler movie

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>uses jew as a primary descriptive trait
>uses "Goldstein" poltard meme
>uses shitty jew, instead of shitty person

sorry my dude, adam's not going to give you a token shekel for liking his movie. he's not going to take your honorary aryan card because you're nostalgic over a shitty cartoon that was held together with voices and fart jokes.
It's time to grow up, isn't it?
It's time.

That was actually a clever way to put in mandated product placement. Their scene was incorporated in the story, the character development, made sense why as to why he was seeing talking logos in a drunken stupor, and was a good song overall. You can't take out that scene without fucking up the whole movie, that makes it great.

>poltard meme
Look kid fuck off alright I'm not commenting on Jews just fuck off. God damn I wish you'd hang yourself and stream it.

But that's terrible.
Good Product Placement is Product Placement that makes sense and doesn't feel inorganic and shitty. In this case they put it in so it could absolutely undercut the entire point of the song.

also you're a shitty Jew because you hate the Jewish guy making the Jewish movie. That's all that I was saying you insufferable fucking faggot.

This does make sense you just dislike it cause you clearly hate Sandler.

>that makes sense and doesn't feel inorganic and shitty.
>He's in a mall
>He's drunk, that's why the logos come alive
>It doesn't detract from the story because it's sewn into the story
It fits your criteria, retard.

>so it could absolutely undercut the entire point of the song.
The logos are 99% of the song. It's Adam Sandler talking to himself. They put him in a mall because the scene ends with him getting arrested for breaking and entering. The scene would play out the exact same way if the logos were completely fictional, but since Sandler movies seem to demand product placement because that is how they get made, that scene was a smart place to put it in. It doesn't feel like a literal fucking ad compared to Jack and Jill because I'm still thinking about Davey's character journey since the birthday card moment steals the scene at the end, not the product placement.

I would actually respect Adam Sandler if he made that whole mess just to do this stupid Al Pacino pun.

>over 50 posts in
>not one mention of the deer

only teens, immature manchildren, and the brainbeat suburban houswives of boomers seeking 'family friendly' bullshit, like Adam Sandler movies.
Sandler being jewish has nothing to due with the fact that he hasn't made anything other than low effort trash for the past 10 years. But apparently that matters to you, polboi.
Sandler is a mentally stunted has-been that relies on fart jokes and shit jokes. He's a hack skating by on the talent of co-stars and marketing campaigns. The only thing keeping him alfoat are the other hacks he's formed a cliche with - Chris Rock, and that Mall Cop fatass.

ps- faggot, cunt, etc. (you)
consider yourself validated, champ.

the deer ate poop and smiled. I think there was corn involved.

I don't hate, old Sandler.
>Having your very obvious ads sing a song that has nothing to do with them doesn't detract from the story
Sorry mate it does. Maybe just don't have a heartfelt song sung by logos.

> ads sing a song that has nothing to do with them
No, it has to do with Davey. That's why the fucking scene works.

He probably did. I mean he only does these shitty comedies for a paycheck and a vacation to whatever location they will be filming at, so I wouldn't be surprised if it that was the case with the Dunkachino.

>Formed a cliche
I find it hilarious, almost as hilarious as a Sandler movie, when pretentious little faggots like you shit all over yourselves trying to sound more intelligent than you actually are.

He formed a clique, not a cliche. And he's worth 500 mil.

I haven't watched a Sandler movie since the gay cop one but you just seem to have a weird animus. Did the dude fuck your girl?

It's certainly not an intellectual thing because as we can see you're a fucking braindead fool so what is it? Unless you actually do consider yourself too refined for low brow humor but too retarded to properly employ a relatively simple vocabulary

weird to think hes partly responsible for hotel transylvania.

>only teens, immature manchildren, and the brainbeat suburban houswives of boomers seeking 'family friendly' bullshit, like Adam Sandler movies.
Only brainlets think this shit. I bet you'd be afraid to tell people you watch cartoons and or read comics let alone discuss it online. How does it feel being both too dumb to have any confidence in how people view your intelligence as well as thinking you're too intelligent and sophisticated to enjoy some silly jokes and an upbeat ending? Do you let directors of movies you don't even understand tell you capeshit isn't worth your time.

Billy Madison is still one of my favorite sandler movies. " who would steal 20 school lunchs? " " ive said it before and ill say it again , it was that god dam sasquatch "

this is going into my cringe compilation

so you're jamming pointlessly elongated words, yet ya skip on the punctuation? Kinda defeats the purpose of trying to sound small.

He's worth 500 million bucks, cool. I know a race horse worth $200 grand. They both produce shit.
Sandler's a hack, deal with it.
Why are you defending a hack, and getting butthurt when someone points out his shitty movies cater to a braindead demographic? Are you emotionally invested in garbage? Are you trying to justify buying a commemorative T-shirt or something?

He's really obsessed with the guy and defending him, and keeps bringing up his worth. Sad, Sandler will never appreciate the time some guy on an anonymous forum spends on defending his honor

I'm not into capeshit, haven't read a comic in years, and I do like the odd shit joke, fart joke, etc. (Mel Brooks is highly recommended) I just think 8 Crazy Nights sucked. It wasn't funny, and Sandler's entire carreer has been a downward slope. It's just sad to see that he has talent, but plays the same character every movie, relies on tropes to hold scripts together, and pumps out low effort schlock. It's sad to think of what could have been if he had just tried.
And I like pissing off this guy