Based Mao Mao is getting cancelled in favor of new episodes of shit like Apple and Onion, Summer Camp Island, Craig of The Creek Tig & Seek and The Fungies
Why did this have to happen Yas Forums?
Based Mao Mao is getting cancelled in favor of new episodes of shit like Apple and Onion, Summer Camp Island, Craig of The Creek Tig & Seek and The Fungies
Why did this have to happen Yas Forums?
sic semper furfagis
I like all those shows
I don't believe you
The vore beginning to be a bit much.
Even though there's no source, I wouldn't be surprised if it was cancelled. The show is animated by titmouse after all, it never stood a chance.
>Mao Mao is getting canceled
If this shit happens, I'm quitting CN for good.
>Update: Cartoon Network is in negotiations with Titmouse Studios to do more episodes of "Mao Mao: Heros Of Pure Heart".
>shitting on Apple & Onion
Come the fuck on, OP. Have you even watched the show? It's real nice.
>Update: Cartoon Network is in negotiations with Titmouse Studios to do more episodes of "Mao Mao: Heroes Of Pure Heart".
And to rub salt on the wound, it is below "Wee Baby Bears — Season 1."
So OP is lying and gay.
It's another day of cartoon fans trying to have their show win the opressionlympics
they still need to have an epsiode with his sisters. This shit won't end this soon.
WBB makes CN loads of cash with the korean audience, of course Mao Mao is gonna be below.
Simmons has no fucking idea what is going on either. He has just spent the last three months building gundam models in his garage
It's decent, but it's not as much raw fun as Mao Mao.
Are they cancelling the Show. Or just some episodes?
Except Summer Camp Island is better than Mao Mao you vore-obsessed cunt.
I was surprised by how much I enjoy it, really made me put on perspective how I let face value and public opinion stop me from enjoying things i can potentially like
literally who watched this show lol
Your mom.
big if true
They are two different shows altogether.
Thank God, Mao Mao is the only current CN show that im even remotely interested in
I never said whether it's better or worse than Mao Mao, but the latter's possible cancellation doesn't justify shitting on Apple & Onion getting more episodes picked up. You can lift one good show up without tearing other good ones down, especially when they're of two different genres.
Ramaraffe a cute
They're not canceling the show. Everything is alright user.
New episodes soon
Aaaw. Thanks, you're cute too, user
Thanks, that's good, because i really like the show, it's really well made
Are we still using this guy as a legitimate source?
I’m afraid so...
>really made me put on perspective how I let face value and public opinion stop me from enjoying things i can potentially like
If only the majority of this board's userbase could heed your advice.
I’m new to Mao Mao. Did we ever get the intended order for Season 1? I feel like some episodes might’ve been out of order.
I exclusively watch via streaming, and haven't been watching that much, even though I really like it. I'm guessing a lot of other people are in that position too.
>in that position
>I exclusively watch via streaming, and haven't been watching that much, even though I really like it.
Neat. What things you like the most about it user?
Well first off, the animation (of course).
The humor was pretty good as well, it was very silly and the over the top voice acting really added a lot.
I agree with many of those points, plus extra ones like the art direction, backgrounds, and the fresh looking character design.
>via streaming
Where is Mao Mao streaming right now? Just that shitty CN app?
He is legit, even according to Parker, he just doesn't have all up-to-date info
Well, On Demand actually.
Cool. Have we gotten the order for the following episodes? We have, like, 31 already released.
she's already married to the fox you cuck
This says the exact opposite of it getting cancelled.
>I wouldn't be surprised if it was cancelled.
It's not. All sources, including Parker himself, say Mao Mao is getting more episodes.
But I've also seen at least one tweet by a crewmember asking why the hell CN won't actually air the new episodes already, so I don't know what's going on behind the scenes.
Yas Forums seemed to love it given every thread we had on it hit bump-limit.
>Based Mao Mao
Literally what was based about it? You still think Simmons was "/ourguy/"?
Craig of the Creek is wholesome and great and co can’t tell me otherwise.
Not that hard to do, unless you've only been on Yas Forums, and Yas Forums in general, for about 2 weeks. Only then would I get why that would surprise you.
and then parker denied they were gay for eachother
nothing about if badgerclops is gay in general
Not that the show will ever say it.