Hurr they have weird names

>Hurr they have weird names

You mean like Deathblow? Bloodshot? Deadpool? Killer Shrike? Carnage? Deathlok? Oh those names are so much better. New Warriors were always cringe
Even the original new Warriors had Night Thrasher and Speedball.

>hurr Majick Backpack
Magic Ring? Magic watch? Magic Lantern. Magic beetle. Magic helmet. Maybe it's time Marlel starts taking advice from DC

>internet gas
Heavy water. Gamma explosion. Cosmic Rays. Radioactive Spider. Radioactive jackrabbit.
I'm not defending this woke shite but these hot takes are retarded

Attached: newwarriors2020newkids-b-negative.jpg (817x879, 86.11K)

they're all shit, whats your point

Don't forget nanites, especially nanites

Your ideas still suck, Kibblesmith.

Some people are acting hypocritical but some those names are pretty bad Kibble.

I have no stake in this but I was scrolling by and noticed that you compared internet gas to some very real things and that not only makes you a retard but it also invalidates whatever point you hoped to make in your post. You dumb asshole.

I like B-Negative.
Also I always hated the naming convention of just being a basic ass word like carnage.
That being said Snowflake and Safespace are fucking dumb.

Chemicals are a real thing that cause changes to your body and aren't always very well understood. Lightning is a real thing that causes changes to your body and wasn't very well understood in the 60s. Heavy water is a real thing that wasn't super well understood at the time. The same applies to genetic manipulation, radiation - including cosmic radiation - or particle accelerators.

The key ingredients are "changes the body" and "is to some degree a mystery". If you follow that, you can use literally anything and maintain suspension of disbelief.

But there is no such thing as 'internet gas', there are not even PLANS for any 'internet gas', and internet doesn't change your body, and we understand PERFECTLY how internet works. As such, someone getting superpowers from internet is fucking moronic.

>Snowflake is non-binary and goes by they/them
Dr. Money approved! Absolute proof of arbitrary sex

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>Absolute proof of arbitrary sex
Gender identity isn't about usefulness of genitals, it's about matching one's brain with one's body and being true to oneself.

Oh, and the issue with magic backpack is something I call 'superhero threshold'.

Superhero threshold is a simple idea - to be a superhero (or a supervillain) you need to be able to effortlessly take out, or at least survive, fighting a regular goon with a gun. A bank robber, terrorist - but you must.

If you can't do that, if your powers or abilities don't allow you that, you're not a superhero because you're less capable of crimefighting than a regular trained policeman. Congrats, you're useless. In fact, at this point it begs the question - if you can't survive in a firefight, why do you NOT have a gun and body armor?

Think about it. Batman doesn't have any powers, but he's a skilled ninja in a bulletproof armor, who can either disarm people with batarangs or use stealth. Green Arrow can survive in a firefight because he uses a ranged weapon - a bow and arrow.
Superman is bulletproof, so is Green Lantern or Aquaman. Martian Manhunter can phase through bullets. Wolverine has a healing factor. Cyclops can hold his own in a firefight due to his eyebeams. Spider-Man can dodge bullets with spider-sense. Captain America has a bulletproof shield.

Every hero - and every villain - needs to be more capable than a regular human with a gun, be it a thug or a cop. Otherwise they aren't really "super", are they?

And that's the issue with backpack girl. She's fat so we know she's not a gymnast, and her only power is summoning random objects. She needs to at the very least be also bulletproof, otherwise she will just be a hindrance to the team.

The key part of the Internet gas is the word "experimental". It's the same suspension of disbelief that let's chemical x make a trio of superpowered kindergartners. The same suspension of disbelief that let's adamantium bond to a guys bones. The point of my post is people are too ready to nitpick

Adamantium doesn't exist. Internet does.

It would've made more sense if it went with something that people are actually working on related to internet, like full immersion virtual reality, brain implants, or artificial intelligence. I guarantee you that then nobody would mind, e.g. that he tried to download entire internet into his mind and got overloaded with memes, that could be actually funny. But "internet gas" is idiotic.

What the fuck is internet gas? What does it do? Why should I care?

I should specify - Adamantium doesn't exist but it's PROBABLE. We understand the idea of a super hard metal because we know what that would entail. It is, at the same time, something mysterious.

I have no clue what 'internet gas' is. I saw that phrase written down like twenty times now, and nobody bothered to explain what the fuck IS internet gas, and I frankly don't care what it would entail. Hence, the failure.

Pic related. Anyone is capable of anything in a comic

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user I think the problem is that you aren't opening your mind up to what internet gas could be. When I hear Internet gas I think of Braniac, OMAC/Brother Eye, that granny goodness drug from Young Justice, watch dogs VR games, and virtual reality. It seems a lot of people hear internet gas and just scoff it off

B-Negative is too good for that group. He's the kind of scrawny goth bitch boy I wanted to fuck back in 2002.

>the world is a vampire... and so am I

This zoomer makes me feel like a boomer, but I hope he sticks around because his cringe is a good kind of cringe. The internet gas kid too. I don't remember or care about the other 3.

Entire point of Kick-Ass is that it basically is the origin story for him, and he's not really a superhero but a wannabe. Hit Girl and Big Daddy do meet superhero threshold by using lethal weapons like guns and knives, and story clearly paints THEM as the "real deal" compared to Kick-Ass.

Maybe if Backpack Girl starred in a solo series it could work, but she's on a *team* - so you know she will either be the useless member who never does anything, or every fight will be resolved by Deus Ex Machina from her backpack. And there is no middle ground.

>What the fuck is internet gas?

Attached: internet gas.jpg (719x768, 87.48K)

What the fuck are you talking about?

That's not the point you fucking stupid retarded fuckwit.

>You're not opening your mind to what internet gas could be
Why would I? So far everything about this is a writing disaster. Why would I give the book benefit of the doubt? It didn't earn it, so far.

Should have named him HIV Positive, would have fit in better with the rest of the cast.

super heroes are fucking lame

So what's the real reason you don't like the book?
I'm gonna say it once more for the bubble room kid here.
The point of my post isn't that the comic is going to be good. It's that people are being nitpicky with their arguments. Trying to justify the hate despite there not being anything that makes this boo conceptually different than any other comic book.

If you’re not defending it, then shut the fuck up.

>B-Negative? More like HIV Positive

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Fuck you cunt

>So what's the real reason you don't like the book?
He already said everything written so far has been shit. That's enough reason to hate it. Your flimsy arguments about internet gas don't help either. What would internet gas even do? What purpose does it serve? It being "experimental" doesn't mean jack shit when it's a retarded fucking concept. You're even more retarded for equating gas to sight when you typically can't see any sort of gas.
People aren't even being nitpicky with their arguments. They're correctly calling out bullshit.

She'll probably stop a bank heist by telling the robbers "No swiping"

So what's the power of HIV POSITIVE? And how he got his super powers?

Michael Morbius (you know from the movie Morbius?) swapped blood with him when he was a baby

Shut the fuck up Kibblebitch

The problem with the superhero threshold is that it is contextual. Batman in something like a Thor comic is just a guy in a cape and funny hat pretending he's helping. You could make an argument that her listed characterization doesn't really jive with magic backpack, running headfirst into danger when your only power is summoning random objects would point to a reckless or overcompensating personality, but even then you've got to consider that she's on a team with a guy who can create forcefields around other people.

Going back to Batman as an example, how is he better than your regular policeman? Your regular policeman has training, body armor, a utility belt, and a gun, how would Officer Doughnut be less effective against a clown with a gun than the guy throwing themed boomerangs?


No, it's about spoiling little kids who want icecream before dinner.
Humans are naturally conditioned to accept the body they grew up with, even if they are some kind of abomination that looks like freaks. Same with animals and any other species on this planet.
Most people just want to be a girl/boy because they want an easy way out. They don't want to be the one to insert themselves into another person, but want to be submissive and be the one to get fucked. They think cutting a hole into their body and growing their hair long will do the trick.
Well, it does the trick, it also mutilates a perfectly working organ.

Instead of playing to their delusions, we should teach them to grow the fuck up. If you don't have a penis, you don't have one. If you have a penis, you have one.

>Internet gas.
And they say people don't inject their fetishes in their works, the bastard looks like a fucking braap poster if I ever saw one.

It's just personality traits. Women can be manly and vice versa, there are still two genders.

B Negative may be the least cringe but you know his name was still made with Twitter culture in mind. He's supposed to exemplify how acting bad is totally okay. No consequences for your actions. This is what they use to tell themselves it's okay to drive a person to suicide. In fact his character may embody the worst traits of them all.

He's literally just a vampire. It's sad when the most generic character is the least cringey

basado fuck america and fuck fags

very surprised at the lack of gay porn of him in all honesty

The reason why all the earlier retarded shit, like all the different radiation, and fictional metal, was acceptable, was Because it didn't require too much Suspension of Disbelief. It's? A rare metal. Metal is sharp and strong. It's? Radiation. Radiation mutates people.
But... It's? Experimental Internet Gas? Gas? As in the state of matter? Internet? As the mass of code on computers?
Can you reason to me how you would possibly turn code into gas? It's not nanites, or else they would have said it was nanites. It's not putting the code on a seperate gasious element. It is the Internet, but in fucking gas form.

Stop OP, too much facts will make the strawmen spergs seethe even more!

>>internet gas
>Heavy water. Gamma explosion. Cosmic Rays. Radioactive Spider. Radioactive jackrabbit.
All these these sound fine (even some are actual terms). Internet gas is just stupid.
And you are contranian

>heavy water, gamma explosion is same as internet gas
American education strikes again

wtf i love snowflake and safespace now

>he's actually defending experimental internet gas

Attached: Screenshot_20200318-105444_YouTube.jpg (1280x720, 328.81K)

God I want my fat grandfather to blow his internet gas all over my face.

> naturally conditioned

Redneck level science right here.

Nature isn't pro-programmed. Studies have shown that trans people simply aren't born in the right body.

Its not about personality traits though, its about how you feel. I get you're a sociopath, but you should be able to comprehend the concept.

Dilate. You will never be a real woman.

>It is the Internet, but in fucking gas form

Attached: 20200201_230037.jpg (720x1118, 441.52K)

>It is the Internet, but in fucking gas form
brapfags about to have a field day with this shit

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Pronouns and all this gay homo shit should always be treated as a joke.

Gross. You think you're smart haha

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Join the 41%

Dude's got that sorta frail FtM trainwreck look.

B-Negative unironically has a good name and design. Everyone else is super gay

OP is a fucking queer that just doesn't get it. Kid picked on and beaten up every day for asking dumb questions. Nobody likes you, Kibbleshit.


Studies have shown that trans people simply aren't born in the right body.

Show me one peer-reviewed paper that conclusively demonstrates this. Just one.