Why was Adam such a jerk all the time?

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He was a white American.
What did you expect?

Nigger tranny

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Jake was being an aggressive suppressed homosexual and Adam wasn't liking that.

He confused yellow linoleum for gold.

>Why was Adam such a jerk all the time?

Because the giraffe girl raped him.

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>get thrown into some jungle school
he never asked for it.

This faggot didn't know what he had. Ingrid was top tier cute.

Didn’t have to be pissy all the time. He’s a fucking lion, get over it

>Ingrid was top tier cute.

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The premise for this show makes no sense.

So if your last name just so happens to be similar enough to an animal's, you get thrown into animal school no questions asked? I know a guy whose last name is Jay, would he get sent there because Jay is also the name of a bird?

didn't he had a crush on a pony girl?

Also Nurse Gazelle was a cougar.


It was a technical error, it read Lion instead of Lyon. And know, they’d have to be like Blue Jay, it’s a comedy series

of course

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So where the fuck are all the humans named Fox, Buck, Roe, Bass and Ray that got lumped in because of this technicality?

I remember this show being fairly decent. Was it good or did I have shit taste?

>first human at the school is named Adam

Was it symbolic?

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It was nominated and won like 5 awards. Granted a lot of shit was getting awards and nominations.

It’s a small community. Also Adam’s parents are like never around because they have space stuff to do as astronauts
It was okay, 4 out of 10

The Early Zoomer/Gen Z kid culture era (2005-2009) was a dark time for cartoons except Avatar.

Is it worth watching as an adult? I'm trying to watch a bunch of shows I didn't as a kid. I've already gotten through most of Billy and Mandy.

Gonna lean towards no

Maybe a handful of episodes. Some of them pissed me off.

The later seasons get kinda self aware of not being a good show so it's get meta as fuck, even more than chowder.

There was a human girl with a ponytail

Well that's disappointing. I remembered liking everyone but the monkey.
>meta as fuck, even more than chowder.
That sounds good. I'll check out some of the last season and see how it is. I loved the meta moments in Chowder.

The show is better than what people give it credit for. It's cute and worth watching if you're looking for something different. It's not quite as good as the Eds, PPG, or even Jimmy Neutron, but it's not so bad you couldn't watch it.

It wasn't completely bad it was pretty fun and like another user said it got meta as fuck in the later seasons.

His gym partner was a monkey.

Can you blame him? He's in a school that he's obviously not supposed to be in and his parents clearly don't give a shit about him since he's still in said school.

dat says da bibble

yes, im recently rewatched it and its good


He had to deal with shitty people/animals sometimes.

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Adam did literally nothing wrong.

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Camp Lazlo brah



>that time Adam was stalked by a grown woman who wanted to film him.

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All hail the Shiny

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yes, she was

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Better question: Why did this cartoon even exist?

This. I legitimately enjoyed it when it aired and was quite surprised to see so many people on Yas Forums bash it. It's a fun harmless show.

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so that furries can make porn of Nurse Gazelle

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Some were nice tho.

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>that time Adam was molested by Jake's dad

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I just now remember Nurse Gazelle and I have been awoken

He was going through puberty and he wasn't into bestiality.


Hawaii, Kentucky, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Vermont, West Virginia and Wyoming don't have bestiality laws. So there ya go.

I don't remember a lot about this show, but wasn't this kid a chocolate chaser?

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>most of those are midwest

Are people just so bored in those big empty states that they fuck animals just to kill time?

I remembered her looking more attractive than this for some reason

I watched this show as a kid and DO NOT remember nurse gazelle

Probably more like no one exists in any of those excluding Texas, so the ones that do it never get caught by another person that can afford a lawyer instead of a shotgun.

I remember the tree house episode and the only one person allowed joke.

The premise could have been funnier if they outright instead say that he was chosen because they needed a human...not cause of his last name being an animal.

Lions are jerks.