Which one of these four cartoons has to go?

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Avatar. Delete thread now jannies.

Adventure Time at it's best was never as good as an average episode of the other shows listed, so it can be gone.

Adventure Time

What a weird ass selection, it's shows from 2001, 2005 and 2010 twice.

At least pick cartoons from the same era retard.

Regular Show

Adventure Time. 2010s humor hasn't aged well, but Regular Show is slightly more bearable to rewatch.

Jake the Dog is one of the most annoying characters ever thought up, so this is an easy one.

Adventure Time
Also kills off SU and other shit

Adventure time holy fuck fuck fin, fuck that stupid faggot.
Fuck fin.

adventure time is easily the shittiest of these.

Avatar, i'm just not a nature guy and while the others are also outdoorsy, it's not the theme.

Avatar. Hardly even feels like a choice because there are countless anime that are similar that it's aping, the other 3 are pretty distinct and any similar shows came afterwards.

The edgy season of Samurai Jack? No contest.

samurai jack because it's the only good one there (sans season 5)

>Two great cartons from the early 2000s
>Two shit cartoons from the post 2010 decline
Gee I wonder which one any rational person would pick?

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Regular show or adventure time

What anime had an avatar narrative? There ain't no lion king and kimby the white lion level of similarities is there?

>Avatar - helped usher in a wave of western anime and story driven shows
>Regular Show - fairly harmless comedy that had a few low notes but mostly high notes and ended on a good episode
>Samurai Jack - overrated but harmless action show with little to no character development and no stakes thanks to status quo for four seasons; controversial ending
>Adventure Time - started promising like Steven Universe with lots of world building; ended like a wet fart with forced wokeness and retcons like Steven Universe; popularized the noodle arms look that would affect Regular Show, Gravity Falls, Amphibia and others

Adventure time

I like early AT more than early Regular show but hate late AT far, far more than late Regular Show.
Not to mention AT spawned a lot of hack imitators, I'm gonna have to vote it off the island.

All of them. They are artifices of art, created by corporate stooges whose careers hinge on the perpetuation of a rotting social order.

Adventure Time obviously.

Adventure Time, no contest. It heralded this modern era of cancer, it's existence is already a mistake.

Adventure Time.

What, was that supposed to be hard?

Adventure Time was never good so that one.

At some point these series turned into a steaming pile of shit, except avatar i guess, that turned to shit in the second series
So, everyone but avatar should go

I agree EXCEPT “oh my crease” is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen

Adventure Time is worse than regular show, and they’re both soulless trite compared to the other two kinos pictured

but, they are all gone already user...

Isn't Adventure Time supposedly coming back to HBO max or some shit? Ironic, considering it's the cartoon that most people think it should go ITT.

>Samurai Jack - overrated but harmless action show with little to no character development and no stakes thanks to status quo for four seasons; controversial ending
shit taste

What? Oh god.

Adventure Time. I forgot how utterly unlikeable every character in that show was until YouTube started recommending me clips from it. And I'm not even talking about later seasons, the first two seasons are hard to stomach now because the humor has dated horribly, and all that's left is assholes.

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Adventure Time. It's the worst of the four yet has the most annoying fanbase.

Yeah. It's funny because there is zero buzz for it as well. Has a cartoon ever fallen from grace as hard as Adventure Time did? Imagine if the CHAD Gravity Falls got a third season, the internet would be ablaze.

I never watched much Regular Show, so that can go.

Adventure Time had some pretty decent highs and some very low lows, but I'm biased enough to want to keep it.

Samurai Jack's last season might have dropped off in quality, but I wouldn't want to forget four other seasons of quality television due to a bad ending.

I would never in my life even consider dropping Avatar.

Only took 13 posts to get to the correct answer

Regular Show is far better than AT. I'd just be missing fond memories of watching the earliest seasons of AT but I'd rather give that up to prevent the honest to god cancer it spawned and went through. I don't know where we'd be without it, maybe something would have taken its place not too long after and we'd be in the same position, but I want to at least try and get rid of this infestation.

Regular Show
its the most forgettable of them all.
deleting it from existence is only speeding up the inevitable

Regular Show.
Adventure Time at it's peak was more enjoyable then Regular Show at it's best.

>Has a cartoon ever fallen from grace as hard as Adventure Time did?
The Simpsons.

Adventure Time, waste the Litch on the non coherent bitch that was Simon's Fiance/Girlfriend/Bitch

Most of the later seasons of AT are more forgettable, all anyone remembers is the beating around the bush pandering and miniseries that were passable or shit.

What is AT's peak? You mean that early shitty Rebecca emotional era?

avatar. its just your typical shounen anime

I'm gonna have to get rid of the show ruined by faggots and lesbians.

Reminder that Flapjack was the one who started the off-model shit on purpose we see on shows like Steven Universe and OK KO and was the pioneer of the CalArts style we saw during the 2010s. Adventure Time is innocent, Flapjack is the one who deserves all the hate.

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the people voting off avatar have brain damage

Regular show, how is that even a question.

Yeah but
1. Flapjack was actually good
2. It may have been the pioneer but AT popularized the style

>Implying Adventure Time wasn't good
Hate the finale sure, but the show as a whole was good.

I don't like any of them but if I have to pick only 1 to go then it would definitely be the reddit samurai.

I have always considered Flapjack as the patient 0 but something in my heart makes me fear that Chowder migth be the real patient 0. It's an hunch that even my great love for Chowder can't remove..

But all of these are already over

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>four seasons of uninspired fight scenes against robots that explode with no plot advancement or character development
Grow up and acquire better taste, pleb.

Chowder and Flapjack really draw the line because while there's obvious Calarts influence the art style and world they inhabited was too stylized for it to be considered true patient zero for it. I mean just look at its contemporary from another field (comics), Scott Pilgrim. That could reasonably be considered Patient Zero, especially since as the artsyle got more cartoony to the end, people drew comparisons to Cartoon Network. These days, I'm not even sure if Adventure Time can be considered the true source since besides stretchy limbs, they don't share much similarity to the other big Calart names. Also Adventure Time deliberately did a minimalist art style.

Adventure Time for having dykes in the show

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adventure time. there's were quite a bit of episodes that i didn't give a shit about.

Adventure Time. I really regret watching that while it was on and not Regular Show, I feel like Regular Show was everything I would have wanted in a cartoon when I was a teenager, and I'm still relating to it in college. Adventure Time never went anywhere and made me feel retarded for wasting my time with it. The other two I wouldn't even consider removing

avatar, never watched it

Adventure time

i never liked it as a kid and i aint giving it a chance

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