Yas Forums Boobs

We're all trapped in our houses because of corona, let's kick back and enjoy some quiet time with big fat Yas Forums tits.

Attached: 1480377652202.jpg (1920x1200, 322.59K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Attached: couchpotato.webm (1920x1080, 1.48M)

The tits are off-put by her story being pretty sad and depressing.

>cough, fever, chest tightness, headaches
Scruffy gon' die the way he lived.

Attached: DnlGyvLVAAAzw1y.jpg (811x1200, 235.17K)

Those trips will save you.

Attached: 1537216341144.png (1280x1656, 527.87K)

Out of Yas Forums, Yas Forums and Yas Forums, its surprising that this board has the least amount of busty gals to showcase. Wonder why.

Attached: 1533995272395.jpg (1228x1736, 213.68K)

Death prophecy locked in

Attached: she then bookmarked the page.png (1080x1080, 967.99K)

have a couple i doodled the other day

Attached: yukinicolesketch.png (1673x1755, 1.11M)

We have an entire board specifically for adult cartoons, post this shit there

Attached: otp sketch.png (1560x2240, 1.23M)



I submit that this angle is the sexiest way to view tits.

Attached: 79208240_p0.jpg (765x990, 205.33K)

So few we've had to make our own.

Attached: 80a218c323c7352589e83ffc7ebcd1403f789272.png (509x709, 144.12K)

You are not wrong. Underboob is the patrician boob, and must be admired from the proper angle.

Learning to draw so I can make my own on the side.

As much as I like /coc/ titty monsters, I kind of just want a normal one. Briana is cool but not into the somewhat hulking type. Audrey is cute but too young. And then there is Ma'am but her bust is only temporary and is actually flat.

Briana is my favorite. I unironically believe she's cuter than GG.

Attached: 1476294203320.png (1652x2060, 591.79K)

have another

Attached: quick doodle.png (2000x2000, 329.14K)

or two

Attached: muh wife.png (479x863, 245.01K)



another incel thread....


have sex retards....

Fucks' sake there are multiple boards already specifically established for you to go there and masturbate. Guess the FAGGOT MODS are too busy whacking their gack to big flopping titties to remember to kick your dumb ass out.

Kill yourself, newfag.

I respect your tastes and enjoy them, but I submit the side-boob as the most tantalizing angle, thus the best view.

Attached: 6f4d13f17f42e54b081b7ca7ca064fa3.jpg (482x869, 156.97K)

And it fucking sucks

Attached: 1553379547170.jpg (750x1024, 317.08K)

What’s this from What’s this from

Attached: 1578389425692.gif (1032x567, 862.08K)

Top one is from a french short. Bottom is from a french show based on a comic book.

nice drawings, saved for future inspiration

V and a have access to Japanese media. Co is almost entirely Western media which has been heavily feminized in the last few years and any obvious appeal to males is now depicted as wrong.

Attached: 1473435155287.jpg (1871x1169, 1023.35K)

You are tasked making a main character for a new cartoon coming out. There are a few catches however, she has to be incredibly busty but her design and attitude can't accentuate it. What kind of character are you going to make? Name, story, style, typical shit like that.

Attached: porkmeat.png (1280x720, 625.24K)

Am I the only one who prefer her younger hero self, even though she is smaller then?

When was she ever smaller?

Attached: 2012-10-01-1-.jpg (650x919, 224.42K)

The whole joke was that she was literally Power Girl back then, though.

Attached: 2010-10-25.jpg (650x919, 246.33K)

What comic is this anyway? Is it any good? Or at least cheesy enough to keep up with?

Attached: keyhole.jpg (1480x2048, 189K)

It was. Then the writer succumbed to "thinks he knows how to write drama" syndrome and now it's more soapboxing than fun.

Attached: 3.jpg (1240x1736, 334.19K)

Huh, I guess she was smaller back then.

Attached: Chinese Spider.jpg (739x415, 39.56K)

Cool. I got some OC to.

Attached: IMG-3015.jpg (1494x2447, 910.29K)

Attached: Power Girl.jpg (1440x2033, 987.11K)

Oh cool drawfags, would you be willing to scratch out some requests for us?

I'm willing to try.

Basically do western Okusan. SoL of a mom who is ridiculously endowed and her daily life taking care of her husband and children.

Attached: ESeSjFSXYAAK1yC.jpg (1600x2223, 142.47K)

>and children.
Wait, did something happen while I was reading Ashitaba-san?

Sensing some Red vibes. Nice!

She's confirmed pregnant my man.

I'm clearly....older than you....considering the thread you're defending.....idiot

thank, and nice work yourself
At the moment I'm colouring a civil war soldier, who is a man and doesn't have huge tiddies. if I get that done early I'll give it a go
also i've run out of decent Yas Forums titty monster drawings so here's something for the ass men

Attached: Yukidress.png (1800x3400, 2.68M)

Kill yourself, newfag.

I wouldn't mind seeing a girl struggling to tie her shoes because her boobs are too big. But if you don't want to that's cool

I for one would love to see one of these drawfags do SuperMILF justice

Attached: super_milf_in_profile_by_krazykrow_d5f6rqb.jpg (822x1131, 155.34K)


First one is from Fol Amor:

Attached: 77442912_p0.png (2000x2000, 1.01M)

i actually did base it on a picture of her by taboolicious I believe, but I can't find the original anywhere. The actual girl however is from the Seaman Hook Short "Tokyo Woes."

Attached: Tokyo Woes.gif (444x250, 378.48K)

Any specific girl?