>During an Instagram Live, Hellboy was one of the topics Harbour touched upon. This time, Harbour explained he believes Hellboy failed because fans cherished del Toro's films so much, and therefore rejected the reboot before it even got off the ground. Harbour's disappointment with the entire situation was very clear, though he did make sure to mention that it's "people's right" to feel differently about things. His entire comments are as follows:
>I think it failed before we began shooting because I think that people didn’t want us to make the movie and for some reason there was like a big… Guillermo del Toro and Ron Perlman created this iconic thing that we thought could be reinvented and then they certainly - the loudness of the internet was like, “We do not want you to touch this.” And then we made a movie that I think is fun and I think had its problems but was a fun movie and then people were just very very against it and that’s people’s right but I learned my lesson in a lot of different way.
>Why didnt you see the new Hellboy? Because Del Toro didn't direct it.
Jonathan Smith
Because the makeup they used on David Harbour to make him Hellboy looked like shit
Thomas King
I bought it on bluray. It wasn't very good. Both the del toro films and the books are infinitely better. For reference I have seen this film about four seperate times. Once after watch the del toro film. Then I watched it a couple times more. And after reading the storyline it was based on I watched it again. A lot of the characters lose all depth from prior versions. The effects are terrible. The film isn't funny. There is no character development that I recall. It feels like its missing a lot of story. (It starts on the third major storyline from the comics and it feels like it.) Alice Monaghan is made black. Contributing to gingercide. Ben Daimo's acting is terrible. And its gory for no real reason. I liked David Harbour but he doesn't beat Ron acting wise. I will probably buy the figure.
>Why didnt you see the new Hellboy? Because it wasn't the third Del Toro movie.
Nathan Adams
>Why didnt you see the new Hellboy? It wasn't in theaters long enough for me to see it. Then I saw it on HBO and I'm glad I didn't see it in theaters, because it was fucking trash. Its not bad because it wasn't made by Del Toro, it was just plain bad on its own.
Caleb Cox
I also own in on blu ray, its a mess. They absolutely demolish Hellboy's character, reducing him to a dumb teenage Fred Flinstone hollering idiot. He's been alive since the end of WW2. He's been trained by an order of Monster Hunters and supernaturalists. Yet Hellboy is almost completely ignorant of the Supernatural. Everything in the movie catches him by surprise or is misunderstood by him.
>We know nobody wanted this but we still went ahead with making it Fucking Hollywood.
James Mitchell
Further, if Del Taco was going to play him as a moody teenager, they should have changed his origin to something more contemporary, with a ritual enacted by Nazis who had survived to near-present day. A lot of them are semi immortal anyway so that's no problem, just have the BPRD encounter them at stonehenge.
There's no excuse for Nu Hellboy being Full Retard though.
The film failed because: >The tone was over all the place. It tried to be an even edgier Deadpool, but badass and metal at the same time, and the actors weren't acting 'in the same movie'. Even though GDT's films weren't good as adaptations, at lest they had an consistent tone and an identity. >Mike managed to alienate a lot of his core fans through retarded interviews and social media posts, mostly by shitting on GTD and calling this movie 'more true to the source' only to back stab it and the filmmakers literally days after the release. >The marketing was full blown retarded.
Adrian Torres
>The marketing was full blown retarded. Rare case of truth in advertising, because the movie was full blown retarded.
Grayson Barnes
What'd Mike say about it? I remember that he was fairly quiet, which was telling of how he felt.
William Jenkins
As probably one of the biggest Hellboy fans on Yas Forums, I really tried to see the good in it. It had a lot of the same problems as Watchmen in where the lifted scenes and completely butchered/missed the tone. Instead of trying to make a Hellboy flick, they dumped in %60 of the mythos into a blender and fed it to executives, who had hoped to shit out the next big Deadpool hit. Del Toro's Hellboy was definitely it's own thing, but at least it feels like something more than a shallow corporate mandate, and there was a lot of good material and it payed respect to it's predecessor.
tl;dr: You couldn't do worse if you tried.
Isaac Hall
I wanted Hellboy 3, but was also open to a comic-accurate adaptation which they said this would be. And lol that's not what it was at all
Brandon Hill
It wasn't good. It had way too many goddamn plotlines going at once, and they had the brilliant idea to adapt the wild hunt and some later arcs as THE FIRST GODDAMN MOVIE IN A SERIES. Like its ok if they wanted to do something that was set after seeds of destruction but fucking hell man. The big red himself was mostly fine, i feel they went in too hard with the 'meathead' style, he's even more of a beef brain than during his missions in the 50's. The guy who did trevor bruttenholm was fucking awful, it was like seeing a dmc donte equivalent of trevor. Doesn't help that the guy who did him in the del toro films was absolutely perfect. In general the whole film lacked the FEEL the hellboy comics had, they are action-packed, yes but they have a very specific pace.
It feels like they wanted to do his personality during his earlier ears in the BPRD when he was younger, but they failed. Del taco's feel like a midpoint between that and the seasoned agent we know in the comics.
Chase Johnson
i may be wrong but the movie says that hellboy ages in reverse dog years. he might be 40-something but relative to us he's still young
Oliver Gray
>i may be wrong but the movie says that hellboy ages in reverse dog years. he might be 40-something but relative to us he's still young Sorta? I dunno how it is in therms of demon years, but in the comics by the chronological age of 10-ish he was a full grown man and kinda stayed like that afterwards.
Jack Reed
He's immensely long-lived, but the years have always weighed heavily on him because he has a human heart and isn't some diabolical fiend. He's supposed to be world-weary, not some rebellious child.
Adam Cook
I didn't see it because it looked less like a Hellboy film and more like an Asylum knockoff of a Hellboy film.
Carter Gray
even in his earlier (in the 40's/50's), more meatheady years he wasn't some 'fuck you, fuck the world, fuck everything' moron. eager to punch first, ask questions sometime, but still a reasonable guy.
Josiah Cruz
>Its the fans faults
David Martin
Oh one last thing. Characters like Bruttenholm and Magneto NEED to be carefully removed from World War 2, the way Tony Stark was removed from Vietnam.
Is Trevor supposed to be over 100 years old in Hellboy? You can't make modern movies featuring old guys who were adults in Nazi-times. The (very) few people still around from those days (as teenagers) are barely ambulatory.
You could always just set the stories in the '80s or '90s.
Daniel Ramirez
Bro the Asian guy and lady legit do not need to be in the film at all as it's constructed. The shit is horrible.
Christopher Reyes
>Magneto NEED to be carefully removed from World War 2 Only Mexicans and black kids think this. I'm not even a Jew and I get extremely angry when people think they should be fucking with his heritage. Just make new characters.
Owen Gonzalez
>"There’s always gonna be a part of you that says, I almost wish I hadn’t let him go. Y’know? It’s not really mine," he said. "The books are mine; that’s great. But at a certain point, it’s like watching your kid grow up and move away. They’re doing shit you don’t know anything about and you kinda miss when they lived in the house." >syfy.com/syfywire/hellboy-reviews-mike-mignola-internet-lobster-johnson-david-harbour
Oh, the ways the movie was terrible... >the make up I get it, they wanted to make him look cooler and edgier, but c'mon, he looks like a red ape in the comics >the butt metal Seriously, who the fuck thought that was a good thing? It didn't fit at all and the placement didn't even match the scene. >the humor Honestly, they were trying too hard. Like way too hard to make funny quips. >no abe sapien Seriously, what? >hellboy is a bit of an idiot I get it, he's suppose to be young and new to it, but he was trained by the foremost known occultists. He should've at least been prepared.
Isaiah Sanchez
Better option is adapting his Ultimate origin, just like they did with Falcon..
Ian Johnson
I watched a trailer and it looked like fucking trash.
It was adapting the most soulful arc in Hellboy and appeared to making it into a retarded 90 minute comedy.
They cast a nigger as a redhead.
They are not entitled to my money.
Camden Jones
on the scene where the giants ambush and slay the hunters hellboy waked up in the river. his left hand looked orange instead of red because the water washed the makeup off. then when he turns his head you can see the whole plastic prosthetic running down his chest twist unnaturally. oh, and there's a shot where he actually has a LEFT hand of doom
Only the second Hellboy made any money, and it wasn't a whole lot. Why you'd try and reboot it makes no sense, I guess someone had the movie rights and they were about to expire.
Cooper Howard
Literally just say his powers include slow aging in the movie verse.
Have Charles born a couple decades after Eric and then it's a fun dynamic where Magneto is older but looks younger and stronger, while Charles is younger but looks his old age and is in a wheelchair
Adrian Gray
>We knew fans didn't want this >We made it anyway >It's the fans fault this movie failed Hollywood can't die fast enough
Angel Gomez
Better idea, dont adapt to modern times. I dont need characters using smartphones for the movie to be good.
Dominic Phillips
>Only Mexicans and black kids think this.
Blake Martin
I watched it and gave it a chance. It still sucked and Harbour made for a very flat Hellboy imo.
Brayden Lopez
why every movie with Milla Jovovich on it has to be shit?
>Fans of the original loved the original so much they didn't want to see the new one that looked objectively worse wow shocker
Isaac Johnson
5th Element is kino, Messenger Joan of Arc was good.
Josiah Russell
Didn't this movie had a lot of problems behind scenes? Like the director fucking off somewhere with his girfriend on the middle of the production?
Carson Reyes
it was garbage
Juan Bennett
I watched it and it was bad, nobody from the general public care about hellboy outside of the Del Toro films, if the film was going to bomb anyway they should have just let Del Toro do 3 and be done with it
Jordan Nguyen
I think they severely overestimated the popularity of Hellboy, and limited their audience with the R rating. Yes, the Del Toro movies were moderate successes, but people remember and appreciate them for their great costume and makeup effects, whereas nu Hellboy looks like shit.
If I didn't know who Hellboy was, I sure as well wouldn¨t go watch this new incarnation solely based on how ugly the design and makeup looks. Comic Hellboy looks like a big burly red guy with some demon features, not a literal ugly monster.
Jaxon King
Yeah, and he had fought for said girlfriend to be cast as Alice but failed.
Ryan Lee
>I'll blame the fanbase, that have always turned out positively
Dominic Hernandez
I enjoyed some parts of it. The scene with demons killing people on Earth was amazing
Jeremiah Anderson
>I think had its problems but was a fun movie fun my shaved itchy ass it stopped every 5 minutes to do an exposition dump
Carson Wright
My niggas
Can confirm if it was actually the third Del Toro movie, my ass would've been in a movie theater seat on opening fucking day. I'm still mad they chose this over a continuation.
Thomas Richardson
I'm a huge Guillermo fanboy and I saw it to give it a chance. It sucked.
Parker Anderson
Praise be Corona-chan
Alexander Reyes
It looked like ass. Del Toro Hellboy was cool but this one didn't look that way.
Parker King
Just have the movies take place in the 80s or 90s or something for Hellboy. It ain’t like we need Hellboy on a smart phone flossing or etc. Many movies are doing that. Then after Trevor dies you can jump ahead if you need to.
Sebastian Butler
is it just me or do people who have nothing positive to say about a movie other than "it was fun" know its a bad movie.
You know what a fun movie that didn't perform great is, "the nice guys" but when I talk about that movie I don't open with "It was fun" I talk about how it's funny, or well acted or has a great buddy cop dynamic or how the mystery is genuinely engaging.
It's just really obvious he doesn't want to trash a project he was a part off that had a weak script.
Justin Wood
>The marketing was full blown retarded. How so?
Carson Hernandez
If a person involved with a hollywood film acknowledges the film "had problems" then it is absolutely horrible.
Christopher Morgan
They basically explained none of the plot and just showed explosions and hellboy snarling and then would put in huge letters it's a... HELL of a time
Lucas Wilson
I'm not a film aficionado so if I enjoyed a movie and "it was fun", then I'd considered it a good movie.But I do acknowledge it's possible for a movie to be objectively bad but still somewhat enjoyable
Jordan Gray
I mean fuck I'm not even gonna lie, if Ron Pearlman was Hellboy again and Del Toro was back I would have been hot in my seat right in the threatre jerking off through my pants till I filled my boots with semen, then I would do a boot chug fuck yeah I would have loved that movie
Angel Parker
>Milla Jovovich stated on Instagram that all her "raddest films have been slammed by critics" and argued that Hellboy would become a cult classic.
Brody Rivera
>Why didnt you see the new Hellboy? I forgot it even existed, now that i remember it i think "A reboot? of Hellboy? Why? Who's going to sit down and watch a Hellboy reboot?" Also i don't trust current hollywood to make a good movie that relied mostly on its aestetics and charm, but most important of all, i don't trust hollywood to make a good movie