Is it possible to make apolitical comics?

What would they be like? Manga?

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Everything is political

I dunno man, today's Flash issue about Barry running very fast was pretty apolitical

It always surprises me that people think manga is apolitical when every story I've read has featured some indictment of Japan's corporate and societal structure

Really, this But to try and give a slightly more helpful answer: usually when something is called 'apolitical' people usually just mean it expresses no views that would be considered controversial or debatable. So I guess by sticking to super-simple morality where the only messaging is 'killing torturing people because you feel like it is wrong' levels of black and white, you could probably pull it off, and even then there'd be a lot of ways for accidental implications to sneak in.

Americans think foreign media is apolitical because they don't recognise the messages due to cultural differences

Manga can be quite political.
Maybe one of those dailies where they just do the same joke every morning.

What the fuck are you talking about? Shit like the latest Batman/Superman and detective comics are apolitical.

People like you really need to blow your fucking brains out.

Even then, that depends on the hero’s response as to killing or not, as capital punishment is a political issue

I suppose even then it's political in that it supports the current mainstream views on right and wrong..

Manga are extremely political. Just because you don’t get the political, social or personal messages and themes doesn’t mean they’re not there.

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im sure there are lots of comics out there with all white casts

Ultimately every viewpoint or opinion a person could have can be viewed as political. Saying "Crime is bad" is a political statement against anarchists.


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But they are political, superheroism is inherently political as it deals with things like taking the law into their own hands, saying that the police can't do their jobs, problems are solved by violence etc. Everything is political, the issue is that you don't like some of the politics in modern comics because it makes you uncomfortable

>Detective Comics
>not political
Literally every story for at least five years now, on that book, has been about how Batman affects the society, politics and morality of Gotham’s population. Have you actually read the books?

I don't believe Leftism is correct, but I also don't want a super-Jingoistic Right-wing comic either. Can't we have comics about superheroes solving crimes, battling bad guys, or saving people without demonizing huge groups of potential customers?
Like, if you have a character who's an asshole, is it really necessary to make sure they're wearing a red baseball cap? Does it make the story any better or does it simply allow the writer/artist to virtue signal?

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You haven't read Detective comics in at least two years it would seem.

Nah. You can kill yourself.


Everything ever made is political Charlie Kirk, now why don't you fuck off back to Yas Forums with the rest of your incel dickbuddies?

Not an argument Sargoebells of Akkkad

>blow your fucking brains out
You first Shen Bapiro.

Fuck off softbrains

How is the manga about Goku fight against Majin Buu political?

>I don't believe Leftism is correct, but I also don't want a super-Jingoistic Right-wing comic either.

That doesn't have to be the case and the problem is the leftists will treat anything they don't like as "RIGHT WING" not matter what it is. If you had this:

>Can't we have comics about superheroes solving crimes, battling bad guys, or saving people without demonizing huge groups of potential customers?

If you did this, which is how it should be, the leftists would complain that you are enabling their enemies by not demonizing their enemies for them. They'd complain the author isn't catering enough to them by inserting characters to speak to just their views alone.

That's how the leftists are now.

>Everything is political
>repeating it makes it true

This is like choosing to call a full glass "not empty" rather than full. Not empty could mean any level of thing where as full means full.

To you anything you can skew through a sociological lens is for some reason "political" rather than sociological. When you grow-up past 20-25 or so you'll gain some perspective and realize how childish and reductive this is.


And this. Manga is a good example of people creating fictional worlds that aren't relying on real-world politics and events to push propaganda.

But it is, having any stance on anything is a political position. Batman is above the law, that's a position that the police don't work or at least need agents above them.
Then how do you define what is and isn't a political issue?

>He thinks DBZ isn’t a communist manifesto

Then there's isekai with it's constant
>Japanese knowledge is the best, Japanese curry is magic

>saying that the police can't do their jobs, problems are solved by violence etc.
You're retarded, yeah I'm sure that the comic about the literally insane billinaire playboy wich is constatly portrayed as morally ambiguous fighting against a mysterious lovecraftian giant space starfish got a determined political stance.

>But it is, having any stance on anything is a political position

No it is not. It is a sociological one.

>Remember that one episode where Goku rails against Capsule Corp and says all there tech should be nationalized and property of the State?

Me neither.

>i don't know the definition of political but choose to call everything political

>Nanking? What's that?
Oh those wacky Japs, and their history revision.

>le everything is political
this would explain why you fucking cretins have no problem escaping your containment board and infesting the rest. you genuinely think you're on topic.

Oh boy, in addition to being Yas Forums and Yas Forums, is Yas Forums also gonna become Yas Forums?
There are two genders, male and political? etc
"It's only political if I don't agree with it."

Then show me how to determine if something is political or not


>manga is apolitical

user, manga has been political since friggin' Astro Boy

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and only feature straight cis men, with the occasional woman as cheesecake and/or as a love interest.

osamu tezuka made a manga about hitler


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>Then how do you define what is and isn't a political issue
Politics concern governance and the related issues like elections. People who think "everything is political" need to take a sociology class. It's almost always Children and community college kids who say this.

Not specifically Goku vs Majin Buu, but the Frieza saga is definitely political because Frieza is based on predatory real estate moguls during Japan's economic boom in the 80s.

No it isn't. It's just that retards like to make everything political.

Wouldn't that mean that the idea that batman is more effective than the police is a political issue? As it's questioning the effectiveness of police strategy which is determined by elected officials

If it has to do with government or elections it's political

>Politics concern governance and the related issues like elections
So you wouldn't consider a story where a bunch of heroic black trans women go around murdering random white people who are alays bad and deserved is political?

TDS is the worst thing to have happened to American entertainment media in the last couple of decades.
I can't wait until Americans vote in a Democrat again so they can relax with their rape cults, pedo rings or whatever the fuck the entertainment industry is up to these days.
So they can create more degenerate entertainment without the taint of TDS.

>the idea that batman is more effective than the police is a political issue?
No, specifically because it isn't doing this:
>As it's questioning the effectiveness of police strategy which is determined by elected officials

What it's actually doing is providing an escapist power fantasy.

I'm a lefty, but yeah, I also agree.
Shit like this is just obnoxious.

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>Is it possible to make apolitical comics?
Yes, and it's actually incredibly fucking simple. The problem is that the only people who write comics are mouth breathing retards who are too stupid to write novels, so they write hamfisted children's picture books instead.
>usually when something is called 'apolitical' people usually just mean it expresses no views that would be considered controversial or debatable.
No, what they mean is that they want something more nuanced than
If capeshit wasn't godawful, this wouldn't be too much to ask for.

Aren't the government in charge of police? Wouldn't the idea of batman be questioning the police and therefore politicians?

You have righties doing the same thing, crying about "forced diversity" because they saw a same sex couple in a funny book.
Reactionary retards exist all over the spectrum.


Frieza is openly a criminal. He's a pirate.

Just like real estate moguls.

Batman is the worst example possible, he's crazy and constantly portrayed as morally ambiguous you should choose Spider-Man instead.

Why's it have to be a white guy that hates mutants? Can't black people hate mutants? Honestly, the existence of mutants might end racism because you'd have blacks, whites, asians etc all band together becsuse at least they're HUMAN.

it's fine if there's politics it just needs to be written by someone who isn't a fucking retard.
>wow someone isn't comfortable with unchecked immigration?
>they must want to exterminate all brown people
is the typical level of political discourse in comics.

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I know. Savage Dragon went off a fucking cliff.

Notice you already injected sociopolitical checks. No I would not yet consider that idea INHERENTLY political. If they said they were beating people up for political reasons even still I would consider it a case study in how people react to society - not politics.

>Le guberment are Le police
Social norms dictate laws that the federal government then delegates the duty of upholding to local governments.

None of this matters to Batman being Batman. Can you politicize the concept and story to make A political story? Yes. Is it INHERENTLY political? No.

But again if you're the type of fool to conflate sociology with politics you're going to think everything is political.

Yeah, they leaned WAY too hard into the "rural/blue collar white man hates blacks" with that.
Like, so much so, it pretty much stops being an allegory for anything else, even though the sign says God Hates Muties.

not at all actually.

Just like them.

There’s always token blacks/minorities in an anti-mutie crowd. You can even see them in the background of the very post you quoted

I'm sure you can explain.

>He thinks sociology and politics are mutually exclusive
>He thinks politics begin and end at the ballot box
>He thinks government and elections exist in a vacuum and aren't shaped by sociological factors

>manga is apolitical
Amerimutts must hang

The only art that can be completely apolitical is the one too vapid to be saying much of anything else and the people who bitch about "politics" in their books/games/comics tend to cheer when something comes out that validates their personal politics

Something like Watchmen is extremely political, for example. Rorschach is pretty explicitly Moore making fun of similar characters by Ditko who was a frothing Objectivist. But since it is removed from the current culture wars and is nuanced enough to allow for several interpretations you can still have arguments about Watchmen that focus on the actual portrayal of the characters/story and not on whether Moore himself is personally a faggot

>she thinks the ability to politicize things actually makes them inherently political
Just blow your brains out slut. Or hang yourself and stream it.

I'm sure you think everything is inherently sexual just because you can use six degrees of separation to turn it into a "that's what she said" joke too, right?

>Why's it have to be a white guy that hates mutants?
Statistically speaking there's more of them in the anglosphere so if you were to pick an anti-mutant guy at random, odds are they'd be white.

Yeah Ash training to became a pokemon master is like, totally political right?

daily reminder

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Its more important to think about what the readers want. When people complain about politics in western media, they are complaining about how one specific type of politics seems to be influencing everything and you are attacked if you want something that doesn't apply it.

It's strange how apolitical seems to coincide with "not mean to right wing" but not the inverse. Maybe just be honest about what you actually want?

Well the seizure episode made it political whether it wanted to or not

keep playing the victim while accusing others of doing so

the pokemon universe has universal healthcare, and the bad guys are almost always big corporations


People to grow thicker skin. I still remember when people got offended by a name.

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>and the bad guys are almost always big corporations
that's how it works

Depends. Are we talking the anime, the games, or the manga? And if so, which manga?

Because let's not forget one of the pokemon games has you literally fighting eco-terrorists and another is the Church of PETA.
In a few of the different canons the pokemon league seems to be a governing body as well.
Then there's the whole thing about it being a post war society.
And the first movie was basically a big long "cloning is bad" speech.
There's stuff there.

Team Rocket is literally the Italian Mafia,

>The only art that can be completely apolitical is the one too vapid to be saying much of anything else and the people who bitch about "politics" in their books/games/comics tend to cheer when something comes out that validates their personal politics
>Le it's vapid
Okay Marty Scorsese why post on Yas Forums? I'm dead serious there is no reason to be here if you don't enjoy discussing vapid material.

>Something like Watchmen is extremely political, for example.
Literally NOBODY said it isn't or that comics cannot be.

>Rorschach is pretty explicitly Moore making fun of similar characters by Ditko who was a frothing Objectivist.
Not at all you casual he was simply an adaptation of that character. Moore quite likes Ditko despite his compunctions, unlike others who he piktucsll disagrees with but used to fawn over.

>But since it is removed from the current culture wars and is nuanced enough to allow for several interpretations you can still have arguments about Watchmen that focus on the actual portrayal of the characters/story and not on whether Moore himself is personally a faggot
Oh. So this seems like the little nugget you just had to get off your chest and chose some tertiary topic to do so with.

Nobody said this. Apolitical means not focused on political implications. It's that simple. OP doesn't even say comics shouldn't be political.

and like 4 of the games have the bad guys be energy companies

Slave fighting: the series

Only in the English dub. It's not like the head's name is Giovanni everywhere.

And defending yourself from the Italian mafia is totally political because even breathing is political.

Political = atoms and shit

Reply to the post that spurred this non-sequitur. This has nothing to do with what is being discussed.

A main problem with a lot of comics that include these issues is that they don't actually explore them in any depth beyond being straight up propaganda.
Pretty much any sort of real world political issue has upsides and downsides that require people to make difficult choices and compromises about what they think is best that are entirely absent from comics, in favor of
>And then the heroes did exactly what I believe in, and there were absolutely no downsides whatsoever.

Was it last year, or the year before, where there was that issue of Superman where in a montage he stopped some immigrants from being shot by a guy that was clearly mind controlled, just like everyone else in the montage, and a bunch of people got offended about politics in comics?

Not capeshit. By definition they're vigilantes and defenders of a status quo. Those are the bare minimum starting points, and defense of the status quo is in part a political stance.

Bitch he's the owner of the Celadon Game Corner , he's clearly a Mafia Boss

a good example is whenever foreign intervention is shown. There’s no nuance for such a complex topic, the intervening force is either mustache twirling evil or angels set to bestow milk and honey

RBG specifically takes place in a post war society, constantly criticizes humans' effects on the ecosystem and the main villain is literally a mob boss. Pokemon was probably the worst example you could have chosen.

I don't see any

>why post on Yas Forums
I like some comics and cartoons.

>Moore quite likes Ditko
Which does not mean Rorschach isn't an extremely unsubtle satire of some his characters, but because that would be "POLITICAL" it doesn't seem to compute

And no, I brought up Watchmen because it's very in-your-face about politics but discussions about it aren't dominated by them, which is not "tertiary" to making that point explicit.

People who have a human level IQ are capable of noticing patterns.


Why do leftoids say everything is political as an excuse for making increasingly political comics, but then actively try to stop right-wing comics or not even right-wing comics, but comics made by right-wingers? Even resorting to using illegal means?

They're also capable of seeing jesus in a piece of toast. Just because you see a face doesn't mean your breakfast is a miracle.

>defense of the status quo is in part a political stance.
>defense of Batman and Superman not aging is political
Shut up

user NOBODY said comics CANNOT be political. OP literally implies they can't be apolitical.


I don't give a fuck about some random faggots who got off topic. Comics and specifically cape shit are many times apolitical.

The denial of political themes in fiction reeks of "I don't want to acknowledge the real world. Just let me indulge in my mindless punch ups.". Well tough shit. Nothing exists in a vacuum.

Background. Them niggas ain’t white