Gravity Falls

Did all of Dipper's manliness training in "Dipper vs Manliness" just evaporate over time in the show?

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He gets pretty hands-on in the finale when they're fighting Gideon's giant robot

True, but
>squealing about "The Journals!" in AToTS
>Did a foot pop in Carpet Diem
>Candy dropped her crush on him after hearing him scream like a girl in Roadside Attraction

Alex Hirsch is a hack. Next.

His "training" evaporated the second he refused to kill the Multi-Bear and sang "Disco Girl" with him. But don't forget the wood chopping scene where Stan says he's "really coming along". He was never going to stay as macho as the Manotaurs would have him.

Is being effeminate better for him than being macho?

>no Gravity Falls beach episode

For shame Disney.

speak for yourself luke

There was "The Deep End", a pool episode.

Manliness training is stupid, you should play to your strengths instead. That was the point.

What are Dipper's strengths?

being a sissy jew, i mean "city" boy

Come on. He's effeminate, but he's not a sissy

Blinding people with his bare chest.

>S1 Dipper: Brash and kind of selfish kid who wants use the journal to get fame and recognition for himself
>S2 Dipper: Whiny doormat who reacts to whatever Mabel is doing

I felt like the point was more 'don't let other people define the standards you judge yourself by'. Y'know like Stan more or less explicitly says at the end of the episode


Being a cute shota

Someone post the collage

pleasuring old men for money

Nah, that's Wendy's job

seriously, why else would a cheapskate like Stan keep around an employee who does barely any work?

I thought he was the nerdy straight man character

How academcially smart is Dipper?

he's dumb as fuck

I want to fuck him. Yes, I'm not going to say anything else. I just WANT to fuck him.

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How so?

That's disturbing

What's more disturbing is your lack of sex drive towards him.

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I want these after he's done wearing them.

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Shimapan is nice too.

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I mean, as long as it's Dipper, everything will look good on him.

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Or nothing at all is fine Well, you're right! Cute boy.

Just nothing is boring. Clothes can make a person sexier.

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He had like, an hour of training.

I haven't looked up what the creator looks like, but the episode felt like super cope to me.

Was there even a likeable person in this show ? They all come across as selfish, childlish, greedy or shallow. I couldn't enjoy the show and its comedy because i didn't care for the characters and their dilemas

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Crossdressing Dipper is nice

I like how he is actually worried about his cap.

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This, Dipper was never that selfish just overly cocky

Yes because it makes my pp big.


Too bad Robbie was a shitty person.

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>bottom row
Didn't Dipper have a canon "will of titanium"?

Not when it comes to Mabel.

Hence all the hypno stuff with Mabel

>all this fag shit
>no pinecest

eat my unwiped ass, anons

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Is it possible to discuss this show for more than 50 posts without the thread devolving into fetish shit?

Also: Dipper's partially descended testicles.

So let's say Dipper had gone through with it and completed his training, what would have happened next?

Those things are what Alex Hirsch considers manly.

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I wonder if Alex is really aware of the irony of using Stan, a lying, paranoid, swindling, doomsaying crooked scumbag, as a symbol of his democratic and anti-Trumpist views.

They must feel very soft and smooth to the tongue.

Do these idiots really think Trump is part of the KKK? Do they have the same problem with Zionism, La Raza or the Black Panthers?

mabel is so cute / hot
I thought my attraction to her was waning but I'm watching GF on tv right now and falling in love with her again

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Wait, is this fan work?

Soos was kinda retarded but he was caring and always willing to help, had no sense of greed and was overall a good person. I hate how season 2 used him for an obligatory mother's basement neckbeard kind of character. At least that was confined to one episode and he did manage a girlfriend out of it. It was still hard to watch.

When was the last time a girl's panties were shown? Like the same age as a boy's, in a kid's cartoon? The surprising time with Wendy's bra doesn't count because she was an early adult and not 12.

Kinda but the guy is a known pixel animator and he worked on Gravity Falls' giffany episode, so he's kinda staff, but staff art is still called fanart if it isn't meant for production.

What do you like about her?