Zoomers are now nostalgic for Out of Jimmy's Head...

>Zoomers are now nostalgic for Out of Jimmy's Head, blissfully unaware that it was the predecessor of CN Real and nearly killed Cartoon Network as a whole.
>What went wrong? Why do Zoomers have shit taste?

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The predecessor of CN Real was them airing live-action movies like The Goonies.

Please, please, please, PLEASE stop spamming this shit user. Get some fucking help.

It's literally impossible to be nostalgic for Out of Jimmys Head; the show was in very short circulation, and half of the series itself is now considered lost media as a result of it having very limited home media releases (if anything worthy of note at all). There may be a very small batch of people who have a healthy memory of it or obsessed over it, but over 90% of people who watched Cartoon Network at the time are not going to remember it in the long run. It was a fart in the wind, and that's all it deserves to be.

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The movie was re-run up the ass back then.

>Zoomers are starting to feel nostalgic for Star vs. the Forces of Evil, blissfully unaware that its considered one of the worst Disney cartoons of all time and destroyed the reputation of Daron Nefcy.
What went wrong? Why do Zoomers have shit taste?

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And surprise, nobody watched the re-runs.

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No joke, this show is 5 years old now, you can actually feel nostalgic over it.

>Zoomers are starting to feel nostalgic for Voltron: Legendary Defender, blissfully unaware that its considered one of the worst Netflix cartoons of all time and killed the career of Joaquim Dos Santos.
What went wrong? Why do Zoomers have shit taste?

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Aren’t a lot of these episodes lost?
The only ones I remember are the talent show episode, one where they ban egg salad, and one where they convince the new principal she’s shrinking.
I actually didn’t mind this show, probably due to low kid standards, but I guess it reminded me of Ned’s Declassified. I remember rewinding and watching the talent show sequence over and over again. Haven’t watched it since it aired though.

I’m nostalgic for it. One of the last CN shows I remember watching before my mom banned it from the house. I missed out on shows like Adventure Time and Regular Show

Actually, i am a zoomer and I am nostalgic for shows like TMNT '03, Code Lyoko, the Transformer anime trilogy, Biker Mice from Mars, New Captain Scarlet etc. In a way, only Horrid Henry dulled it. But what Henry dulled, Miller sharpened.

>Zoomers are starting to feel nostalgic for We Bare Bears, blissfully unaware that its considered one of the worst CN cartoons of all time and wasted the talents of Daniel Chong.
What went wrong? Why do Zoomers have shit taste?

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>I’m nostalgic for it.
No you're not.

Would people hate the show less if it wasn't live-action hybrid and just focused on the cartoon characters?

If they did that they'd be getting rid of the only novelty it has; being a poor jab at Disney

It would just be another mediocre mid-2000's CN cartoon like Squirrel Boy and My Gym Partner's a Monkey. It already is painfully average and the live action is the only reason why people hate it with a passion so much.

Yes I am. Am I dying to see the show get a revival or something? No, but I have memories of watching it. Therefor, I am nostalgic

Crawl and die.

It's because of the greedy bastards at Nickelodeon filling the best slots with SpongeBob and outright destroying Rainbow S.r.L. in the early New 10s. The latter was the start of the teenage years from hell.

My DreamWorks-related mental breakdown led to me dropping cartoons for a year. I started watching them thanks to Amazon. Then, the memories came back.

I saw this once years ago and i only remember the extremly bad train scene

Seething zoomer

when you have been fed nothing but a steady diet of shit. shit is all you know.

>Core millennials (born late 80s-early 90s) are now nostalgic for Pokemon, apparently blissfully unaware it was widely considered the worst show ever by forum posters at the time

What happened?

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>Zoomers are now nostalgic for anything
They can't keep getting away with this

They have nostalgic for shitty things user, that's the problem.

>Millennials are now nostalgic for Nrauto, blissfully unaware that it's considered one of the worst Japanese cartoons of all time and nearly destroyed Toonami as a whole.
What went wrong? Why do Millennials have shit taste?

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Naruto is zoomershit, nice try.

I forgot this even existed. The kid had a brain transplant or something, right?

ok millenial


Yes, he has the brain of the Walt Disney of their universe.

Bullshit. I've never seen a zoomer even post dumb zoomer memes about this shit.

Tux was my favorite character..idk if penguins of Madagascar was on at the time or not but I was definitely obsessed with that show too. I cringe a little at my obsession with Kowalski but kind of revel in it considering he became a meme


The tux show was one of those episodes I remember the most, probably because Tux was my favorite character. Also the Halloween one where there were disembodied parts of a cartoon spooking Jimmy

Squirrel Boy died for this.

So was this piece of shit the reason why they discontinued Squirrel Boy?
For fuck's sakes, now i despite it even more.

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Squirrel Boy was shit, what are you retards smoking?

It was much better than the CN Real shows and Fried Dynamite.

How the fuck?

Don't really see how anyone could be nostalgic for this show desu. I never remember it exists until someone brings it up. It's one of the few times it's lost media for a good reason. I remember watching it when it was airing back when I was younger and I definitely didn't think it was any special then either. If anything I think I remember being annoyed that this was on instead of whatever else was airing at the time. Okay at some instances but very few and far between.

I only remember the Halloween episode where they showed the alien older sister's feet.

(Which happens to be the only clip I could find: floatinglantern.net/Jimmyvideo.html )

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Nope. I'm a zoomer and hated this show as a kid. It's the epitome of bland and forgettable.


I remember my family was needing money at the time and only watched it because there was a hundred dollar call in give away

>voiced by tom kenny

Just got my box set of Duckman in the mail yesterday. Heard it was good shit

The nostalgia cycles have grown too short. Zoomers are nostalgic for yesterday evening. What happens next?

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It just means their actual nostalgia will be stronger once they're actually middle aged and realized they pissed away their lives

Because most kids only saw an episode here or there. So you got the gist of things since it was so episodic and formula driven. It's actually borderline perfectly done to keep kids attention even when kids watch it out of order.
>the ash's pokemon and his badge count roughly indicate where a random episode you are watching is in the journey
>enough episodic episodes that are just different enough so you rarely watch the same episode more than once if ever
>complete connection to the games so you can play along/emotionally connect to certain episodes

I'm not surprised of how addictive the show was back pre-iPhone internet despite it being kinda bad.

But it was a movie you fuckin retarded zooomer

Yes! It is Tom Kenny, he adds a certain charm playing this character. Maybe it’s because the character itself kind of reminds me of an eccentric aunt of mine that would have us recite songs and stuff when she visited.
Just a personal take, but out of that I think it’s just because I like tux’s goofy yet sort of refined showman quirks

Those look like teenagers. You got something to tell us, user?

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I'm not nostalgic for that shit. Next you'll tell me I miss Iggy Arbuckle and George of the Jungle. Just because people remember something doesn't mean they have a fondness for it.

It's animated

Fuck, I remember parts of that Halloween one.
I think there was one part in it where the kid had his crush in the same room as him and jumped into some cartoon hole that he was hallucinating, which just made me wonder what the fuck she was doing the whole time he was off going on his apeshit ayahuasca trip.

Nice pick user. It's great, one of the better adult cartoons out there. Legit good jokes and social commentary.


Not an argument.

>Zoomers are now nostalgic for the 2008 recession, blissfully unaware that it was the predecessor to the problems that countries such as the US face today, such as the shrinking middle class and high unemployment rates.
>What went wrong? Why do Zoomers have shit taste?



If you are just going to meme, do it right.