For the next few days I'm going to be hitting the random comic button on readcomiconline and storytiming whatever pops up. Today's comic: Bangkok! From a brief look through it appears to be about a hipster couple on vacation in Thailand trying to rescue some sex-trafficked prostitutes. Let's read it!

The Squirrel Machine:

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I had to break the rules for this one a bit and hit the random button a second time, The first comic I got was a furry comic from the 90s called Omaha the Cat Dancer, and while that might have been an entertaining thread;
1) it looked to be volume 2 in a series so nobody would have known what was going on and
2) There amount of animal sex was a bit too high for a blue board
I may still do it on /trash/ or something.

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Tusks don't grow back and it's stupidly unlikely he could remove them from a living elephant.

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It's actually a decent read (and started in the 70s) but being an erotic comic starring funny animal people, yeah, it's not appropriate for blue boards at all.
If you decide to storytime it on another board drop the link somewhere here.

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I like this one so far, I'm digging the early 2000s vibe it has.

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I vaguely remember this.

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Pinya is best girl.

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There were two other ones. Tokyo, by this same author and Seth Fisher (RIP), and London by Milligan and Bond.
All were a little weird, but Milligan was the only one who went straight fantasy with it.

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lol spider jerusalem in the bottom left

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looks like wolverine right next to him too

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I'd recommend Tokyo over London, simply because the art's much more creative than Bond.

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