Nothing personal, Legends.

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He deserves his own show back so he doesn't have to steal someone else's.

I'm so glad he got the Legends gig, it would've been a bloody waste to have the best live action Constantine for one season of a tv show long forgotten.

so what are the chances that Swamp Thing makes it into the next big crossover?

I’ll allow it.

It's so fucking weird because everything else on LoT is a comedy but whenever the focus is on Constantine himself it's a horror show

But he's in the worst season of the show (ignoring the first one)

Was the tv show any good?

With Ray gone, I just have no interest in the show that I used to have

It wasn't one to one but it was surprisingly faithful

It even tried to get around the smoking ban

Damn, I never did pay attention to it. That's sad to hear that it got cancelled then.

You're put in charge of Legends, who do you have in the line up?

Wonder if he'll be in Sandman.

If you don’t care for live action stuff then why are you in the thread

Booster Gold

Rip Hunter (older than his father and maybe not british)
Booster Gold (younger than his son and definitely not british)
Everyone else rotates by the season

I really hope Constantine and Lucifer appear in Sandman

Yes, comic book + capeshit.

Bring J'onn in and bootleg JLI up this bitch

I really hate how they butchered Rip in the show, and I actually liked the Arthur Darville casting

Lucifer can go fuck right off

He was a sacrificial lamb to the absolute lack of direction they had in season 1

Well we do have Elongated Man and they did cast Fire on that show Powerless so we’re partially there

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Lucifer is pretty fun even if it’s nothing like the comic

Batman, but only doing Bruce Wayne things and only bringing out Batman for when things call for a Batman.

Zero to none. It takes a lot of money to animate ST, money the CW would rather spend animating giant Beebos.

They had a suit for the failed ST show. Just use that

then there is no excuse for Bat Nuggets

Keep Sara, Wally, Mick and Ryan

Add Blue Beetle and Booster Gold.

But I'd also really love for the show to evolve into Legends of the Multiverse.

Keep only Sara and Wally and bring in GL Diggle, and then add in new people from across the Multiverse like The Ray and gay Snart.

That would be a really cool concept once they re-establish the Arrowverse multiverse. Some of the Legends gags, like puppets, would be more at home there as well.

The cameos were nice the first time around, but he really has dominated the story arc two seasons in a row. I'm sick of him being around now.

As a hellblazer fan that mostly likes the one season of Constantine and doesn't watch any other of those CW shows, is legend worth watching just for John.
I don't want to watch the whole show. Is there a list of John episodes that can be watched without knowledge of the series?

Another user, but wondering about this as well. I hope that someone will answer.

Season 4 and 5 (current one) are pretty much Constantine-centric.

>Steals everyone else's shows

>Can't hold his own

Why Constantine like this? He's always good in the support group but doesn't do to well on his own.

ive looked into this myself and i think they are very hit an mass from the feeback ive got
hes not rally a main character more of a side character that they stitch his story into the overall plot
my friend said no but idk myself, they should have jsut continued his own series

I hope Sandman doesn't happen. I'm tired of Hollywood and Netflix butchering everything.

You two can also watch the Constantine: City of Demons and Justice League Dark cartoons as an alternative. Matt Ryan voices Constantine in both.

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I know and I still can't believe that the All His Engines adaptation is called City Of Demons.
What if they ever want to adapt the actual City Of Demons?

so how come Patty is the only arrowverse Blonde to never have stolen a show?

because she stole our hearts instead

yfw they reveal oliver negated patty from existence because fefe can't stand competition

I knew that fucker would do more harm than good as Spectre

Blue Beetle and Booster Gold were meant to appear but got caught up in rights.

Arrowverse hits at Kord Industries and mentions them a couple of times up until the last moment where they switch the character to Atom. Atom was always meant to be Blue Beetle.

In that sense, Steel was always meant to be Booster Gold.

these two are so bros, being outright gay would actually be a step down.

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>Blue Beetle and Booster Gold were meant to appear but got caught up in rights.
Who is using those rights? How are they locked down?

If Powerless is merged with the Arrowverse now, per the "Van Wayne Industries" sign in Arrow's finale, we need Alan Tudyk to appear in an episode of Batwoman.

Supernatural is done after this current season so perfect time for ol' Johnny boi to get a revival by 2021.

Good Lord, yes!

I'm picturing Van Wayne as the one Wayne relative that no one acknowledges and looks down on because of his unprofessional status.

Seeing Kate need his help for something would make for an entertaining enough episode. Only because Tudyk is amazing in everything he's in.

When did that Brazillian show up?

Van's dad is also a dick (but still a good businessman) so I guess there's a reason they're shunned by the rest.

Looking forward to the meta jokes with John on the Supernatural set next week. Unless it's the week after. Fuck corona


With Supernatural soon coming to an end, he's the perfect candidate to fill their shoes. Constantine going around the country/world with Gary by his side (replacing Chaz Kramer) Agree or Disagree?

That'd be funny and they also slept together at least once so more fujoshi fuel

Are you fucking serious nigger?

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And boners

They were supposed to get movies.

Read this in his voice

The network deliberately killed off his show by constantly changing the schedule around.