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BRICC women had always that strange charm...

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Pffft you call that big? Watch this.

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>Gappy’s eyes red and green
Not gonna lie, I’d find it even more jarring than pink Giorno.

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S-Sauce? Who's that gal?

Watch metal family on jewtube

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Thanks user!

No problem

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Unacceptable lack of Jungle Janet ITT.

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All her art is trash though.

>Tough tomboyish girl
>Is straight
>In the year of our lord 2000 + 20
A welcome sight after several years of disappointment.

Attached: Todd-todd-tolansky-16760837-320-240.jpg (320x240, 14.6K)

Clearly, we need more Jungle Janet art.

Imagine the smell

Buff girls in fancy dress are literally the best thing. Especially strapless dresses, since they draw more attention to the shoulders and arms.

She loves heavy metal too

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>tough tomboyish girl who is straight and not gay/bi
I hope we get more of this in western shit. Because stuff like this only happens in manga and even then it's starting to dwindle in number.

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Damn it shes hot

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Freckles are cute when it's a small amount around the nose, but this is just disgusting.

Attached: YOU CANNOT HANDLE MY POTIONS.jpg (480x360, 12.57K)

Nigga u gay

You're allowed to be wrong, Friend.



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Your loss

Yep. Best part is unlike most manga, her bf is cute and actually tries to improve himself and his body throughout the series. It's almost perfect if it weren't for the fact that it got axed and the ending was rushed.

Attached: Saotome_Cover.png (461x465, 524.18K)

What is it called and whats it about?

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Thank you user...I like it!

Metal family in a nutshell

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>What is it called and whats it about?
Saotome Senshu. It's a sports romcom about a muscular female boxer and a short male trainer who are trying to keep their relationship a secret to the public while also trying to go to the (now defunct) 2020 Olympics.

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Imagine how sharp and musky her pit stink is, almost smells like a black dude but very feminine.

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>not posting her reaction to the "poke around" comment

missed opportunity

Wheres the full one?

Too big to post.

thanks user

>segues into fart joke

damn I forgot how corny the old ones were

Classic gogo best gogo

you know it bubba

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>that nail on her foot

ha I never noticed that before

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Does he post his shit anywhere other than fuckin' twitter?
hate looking for art on that site

>crushing a man's head in between thighs
Is this even possible irl?

i hope so, i want to go out that way.

Watermelon can be done, but aside from a weaker spot like just the jaw, I don’t recall hearing anything of the sort

No. Unless she weighed 500 Kilos and stepped on you with full force, neither a woman nor man can crush a skull with their thighs.

>500 big ones of muscular lady
Lawd have mercy


That's if she's using her whole body. If a woman wanted to fracture a man's skull with her thighs. Each thigh would have to be 500 kilos of muscle. The only way to lower the requirement would be adding velocity. Meaning shutting the thighs at great speed.

user, p l e a s e

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Coincidentally. My research has taught me that the actor who plays The Mountain (aka the world's second strongest man alive) weighs 190 Kilograms.

How about the centipede in her ear?