X-Men #9

Wherein we get a history lesson.

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>Kree interfere with a developing species again
I guess the Inhumans weren't enough.

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are you also gonna do x-men vs x-men. it has doom being based in it


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Holy shit look at that cast.

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>8000 years later
The kree's keikaku really takes a long time.

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>Bobby continues to be based
Thank you Hickman

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Bumping. Any chance for Wolverine next?

You gotta love that despite Kree empire being torn apart, there are apparently still soldiers that go on.

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>find a new aggressive species
>first thought is to use it against a rival empire
The Kree never disappoint

It's pretty their favorite type of weapon and it always bites in the ass.

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So I guess during all of this Gladiator doesn't notice that his former Emperor is very much alive and just hanging out with the X-Men?

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All hail King Broo!

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Hope you all enjoyed cause this is probably all we'll be getting for a while.

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There's no way this ends well.

There are more immediate concerns.

Broo is gonna get so much puss

This is the first time for this main X-men book to have continued off from the last issue instead of jumping into a new plot thread or returning back to a previous one they did several issues ago. Kinda feels off that way.

look how happy Cylops is in this cover

why go to sh'ar space? toss that shit into the negative zone or wild space

so I guess after the Inhumans left the kree and shi'ar went separate ways? I REALLY dont remember how that went.

you can see Gladiator's "of course it's fucking mutants' face

yes, Jean, we get it, you remembering your phoenix shit

They were using Shi'Ar stargates to travel quickly

>phalanx is an ancient kree weapon

they cant stop fucking it up, huh


Mutants now have a brood army at their disposal

Any chance we're getting Wolverine today?

Are the kree the most unlikable cunts in the universe

I don't know, the mutants give them a run for their money.

no, they were a pre-existing species the Kree found and attempted to weaponize. You literally see them doing that to another species in this issue.

This anthology book has kinda gone down the rails every issues. I wonder why Hickman is phoning it in

Good son, Good dad.

It goes up and down in quality depending on the plot of the week, like most anthologies do


Zero chance this is gonna be reflected on agents of wakanda

Soon there will be legions of little Broos.

Sooooo...why did the leaders of the galaxy think it was a good idea to put one of these things on thier council?

Ignore Bendis

Who the fuck designed her headwear?

I think this is the last time he's gonna do a favor for his son for a long, long time.

literal aliens

Would love to see T'challa reacting to Broo telling him he's a king now too.

Not that the Kree are all that fashionable, but why did they make her helmet a Bop-It and give her sunglasses?

I'll ask the next alien I meet

Talk about a lackluster ending to the issue.
>lol I ate it!

The fashion designer from The Fifth Element.