She ruined him, but he loves her

She ruined him, but he loves her

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Isn't that the story of every man since the beginning of recorded history.

>handsome supergenius billionaire vigilante
>settling for a (hot) slut
I don't buy it.

I know Catwoman is like a 10/10 but man it feels like every other DC woman is like a 20/10.

He loved her...until he found out she wanted to steal everything he owned and ruin everything he worked for in his life only a few years back.

Oh user. Not naive you are.

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Yeah, he could do much better.

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>not a supergenius
>not handsome and built
>not uber-wealthy and refined
He's just a rich guy user. He's not Batman. Also, Musk fucked Amber Heard too, and Trump has been banging models forever. Mirin that jaw on Melania though.

>Greatest crimefighting vigilante across all of fiction
>settling for a kleptomaniac thief who steals for the fun of it (& even robbed her wedding dress from an innocent store)
>Not that she’s superpowered or a genius in any way that can aid him in crimefighting, she’s basically just a bdsm prostitute with sharp gloves

jesus, grimeth is getting grimier by the year

I don't think Batman's tastes account for who would best aid him in a fight. I mean I think that implies he likes bad girls that are untamable and sexy, which is basically what girls like about guys when you think about it.

At this point, I think pale, light-eyed ravenheads are his fetish, followed by redheads. I can't think of any other explaination.
>"nooooo you cannot kiiiillll and break the laaaaawwww"
>falls for a terrorist's daughter and a literal adrenaline junkie thief
It's a fetish.
>I mean I think that implies he likes bad girls that are untamable and sexy,
>which is basically what girls like about guys when you think about it.
Yeah, but those women are SLOOTS. Batman shouldn't be with a SLOOT.

Honestly, Idk if he could.
Think about it logically.
Bruce could never be with someone who kills as their MO - so that rules out Ivy, Harley, Talia, and even Wondy. And he could never really be with a civilian either, because she could only engage with the Bruce Wayne side of his life, and never the fullness of his life as Batman. He needs someone who could match him on that level. So that rules out Vicky Vale, Silver St. Cloud, and girls like that.
Zatanna and Babs seem like possibilities, but Babs is like his kid sister/daughter/erstwhile student, so she only exists as a viable option for Bruce Timmfags. Zatanna is probably the closest you have, until you consider that she doesn't really have an alter-ego. She's really more of a celebrity with a fairly public life who associates with Batman. If she started dating Bruce Wayne, and then starts an escalated partnership with Batman, the cover's blown and the dots become too easy to connect.
So weirdly, Selina seems like kinda like the last woman standing. Sure she's a thief, but she's not a killer, and one of those things carries far more weight than the other for Bruce. She has an alter-ego, and is just as easy at home on rooftops with Bruce as she is as his arm candy at some swanky gala.
Obviously this doesn't forgive shitty and cringe writing on the part of people like Tom King. Any relationship can be portrayed badly. But I think when you take into account the larger narratives that have grown over the characters, Bruce/Selina make a lot more sense than Bruce/anyone else

Amber Heard is a bigger psycho than Catwoman user. You're not helping your case.

Depends on how it's handled. King didn't really know what he was doing in the end. Bruce/Selina really work best when it has the tone of like an early 60's romcom - Audrey Hepburn, Natalie Wood type stuff. Witty banter and such that brings some levity to the otherwise dark and brooding atmosphere Batman seems to have. The thing about Selina is she can actually be fun and playful in a way that balances Bruce out as the constant straight man.

Bruce is fucked in the head and can't maintain a normal relationship because of self-destructive behavior. Selina is the only women who would put up with his shit because she's just as fucked in the head as she is. It'll never be a healthy relationship, but it's the best either of them will ever do. Broken people tend to gravitate towards each other.

Well said.
But Talia's better.

Everyone has their OTP. And depending on how isolated the story is and the skill of the writer, one can make just about any potential romance work.

Talia worked better in the early days with Dennis O'Neill, when Talia was written more as an unwilling associate of the League of Assassins, like a Karamaneh to Ra's's Fu Manchu. But recently, she's become more evil, especially when you consider the conception and rearing of Damian. She's hot and a cool character, but she's also a genocidal mass murderer. So while you might like her better, she's not better for Bruce.

Pure bullshit

Not being a killer have never been a issue before but yes logically I doubt Batman would be IK with a killer but Catwoman have killed before and have been a mob boss before and adding that he wouldn't date Diana because she doesn't have a stricked no kill policy is dumb it's not like she is a mass murdering lunatic or a villain like your other examples.

Zatanna isn't just close with Batman she is Bruce Wayne's childhood friend it would make perfect sense for them to be together.

Selina isn't Bruce's only option she isn't a good option hell she might even be the worst option.

But that's my point. he pumped & dumped her, he didn't marry her.

Lol these threads always smoke you guys out. There are a handful of chronic Selina haters who are more obsessed with with assassinating her character than the most autistic catfags are with making her their perfect Mary Sue.

Selina's a lot of things depending on who's writing her, but you always out yourself as someone who's never read comics when you say she's the worst.

Pretty sure she pumped and dumped him. That was around her lesbian phase.

Eh, maybe. I don't really remember. For a richfag, he could do better. Aside from her face, she's not even that pretty. Now Punished Yaggsbarro is gonna take his revenge.

She ruined the Batman comics.

>these threads always smoke you guys out.
Who people who actually read comics?

I noticed you haven't disprove anything I said. Every character is a lot of things depending on who writes them but some traits are consistent.

>She ruined him, but he loves her
Some of the worst dreck I've ever read.

filler garbage that made me dislike Bruce and Selina.The worst Batman run in the history of Batman. 85 issues of unreadable trash.

I hope Batman gets AIDS.

Batman and Catwoman never worked ever.
Not as a stable relationship
Not in the movies, cartoons, and espescially the comics.

They are angry sex friends who know each others names at best.

Batman catches her while she's trying to steal something and power fucks her into a coma while she helplessly hangs on and scratches him to ribbons.
Catwoman sneaks up on him while he's angry seething and weak and uses him like a sex toy before wrapping him around her finger for a forced intimacy thing.

>he ruined him, but he loves her
That run and relationship killed sales

Man loves. Woman parasitizes, slanders, abuses and destroys like the black emotional void it is.

This is brutally honest and unbecoming of Batman. I hope one day a writer will be honest with Batman's relationship with Catwoman and just have him move on.

get laid

Rich people tend to seek soulmates. They can allow it. Imagine being a 16-year old teenage sociopathic slut making a fool out of a billionaire, pretending to care about whatever he tells you. What a time to live.

>Man loves.
No, man rapes.

But how is Selina Bruce's soulmate? Can't he afford to find a better one? This user is making a lot of sense.

When did he get fucked in the ass raw?

I wanna see an AU where Talia gets her claws in Bruce and slowly corrupts while he redeems her, ending up with a sort of morally flexible Power Couple where they're like Mastermind Punishers. It could work with Andrea too.

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>wayne being targeted for a heist and it's all selina's fault
Yup they're ending this by the end of the arc.

I really think his Batman run is being reduced to a soap opera. All I see in future is every female character Batman ever talked to coming up and acting as temptress or some other test in way of batcat

He made Holly kill 237 people so Selina could take the blame and be a good friend to her.m pissed that apparently the success of Bruse’s family (Dick, Alfred, Tim, etc.) isn’t enough to make Bruce happy. Apparently, only Selina and only marriage would make Batman happy. I hate the way King justified Bat/Cat,

I've never really seen Catwoman as a serious love interest.

I didn't see much wrong with Talia, and Batcat is an awful ship anyway

The conception of Damian was very different in 1987 though and the raising him to be an assassin part could be put on Ra's rather easily.
Nothing a reboot and a good writer can't fix.

no, he definitely dumped her, even all her people were floored by it, based elon absolutely getting his dick wet in crazy succubus pussy then leaving when he got bored of it

It's one thing to say they're never gonna end up together but another thing to say they never worked. That's just Yas Forums's hivemind hateboner for tom king fo daring to suggest that Batman isn't perfect.

And then Selina broke her out of deathrow for one day to show her the big mansion she would live in and didn't care that Bruce wouldn't like that she brought Holly there.

Selina was such a shit person under King.

They never worked as a serious couple on main earth. Earth two is a different situation.
I don't get why batcat stand always use it as an example, earth two Bruce and Selina don't have a lot in common with their modern versions.

I hope so.

The fact that the writer felt the need to drag several other love interests just too ruin them/use them to prop up BatCat is tacky and smacks of desperation. Are Batcat shippers that insecure? Sure she's no Amazon and she's not a well educated high born princess but that doesn't mean that she needs elevation.

Next up is the 1st lady Bruce ever wanted to marry [of his own free will] lets watch

..I just don't think that would work for Bruce, in the long run. No normal woman would ever put up with the fact that they'll always be second fiddle to his life as Batman. They should be third fiddle, honestly, but Bruce has already shown that his love life is more important to him than his children. Particularly the one that is actually his child.

You can reboot anything, and if you have a good writer, he can usually make it stick. But a lot of Damian'a character relies on Talia being unsympathetic. Even if his conception was consensual, his hostility is far more poignant if it's coming from being raised by his mother, rather than offloading it all onto Ra's. And even if you do, you de-fang a lot of what makes Talia so formidable, because it would entail Ra's essentially stealing Damian from her and raising him against her will.

Like I said, a good writer might be able to pull it off, but it's far from straightforward how you'd do it.

Not if DC really sticks with the original Son of the demon story.
Talia gave Damian to an orphanage.
In later stories Talia defected from the league and tried to live her own life.
Ra's could have stolen the baby back and raised him alone.

In the pre New 52 continuity Damian didn't even met Talia until he was eight. She doesn't have to be involved.

Again, so much of this is your irrational hateboner for King. You're not even conscious of it is the scary part, entire swaths of people influence by low level propaganda.

>She doesn't have to be involved.
She does though, if you want the characterization of damian to make any sense.

Not really? Modern Talia is just a worse version of modern Ra's, nothing Ra's can't do.

You're not really refuting any of this user's arguments when you're writing things like that.

And please stop throwing around the word propaganda.

But that's dumb, might as well just kill Talia off then.
user I hope you're not so brain dead that you think Talia can actually be Batman's love interest.

Kings Batman it gets shit when the batcat romance starts.

>user I hope you're not so brain dead that you think Talia can actually be Batman's love interest.
She is his canon wife.

>You're not really refuting
Because it's a cult like mentality, you might as well be talking to a brick wall.
>please stop throwing around the word propaganda.
It's true though, this fervent anti-king hate is the result of a propaganda campaign.

Bruce and Selina have been married/in a LTR for times than he and Talia, user.

>It's true though, this fervent anti-king hate is the result of a propaganda campaign.
Tom King is shit. Tom King doesn't know how to write a wedding.

You must be braindead if you think that way, because she was a pretty major love interest for several decades.

Catwoman is a shitty character. That's why.

And if anyone doubts that the hate isn't entirely manufactured, see >

Put away the tinfoil hat buddy. Hatred for King's run is pretty common, I didn't need to internet to tell me that it was shit.

Catwoman is a major love interest of several who doesn't need a splintered off timeline as opposed to Talia who killed her son.

King's Batcat fanfic is not canon.

Batcat is boring .

>I didn't need to internet to tell me that it was shit.
You sure about that? Because you may think you're a free thinking individual but if Yas Forums wasn't here telling you how much you should hate tom king, would you?

>Pretty major.
But never as major as Selina. Talia literally gets mugged by her at every turn.
And that's saying something, bc Talia's taller. So you know it's bad

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You gpnna try and tell me this isn't a propaganda campaign?

It's all the same poster lowkey

>You gpnna try and tell me this isn't a propagan
Selina is urgly.

Talia didn't kill her son, the Heretic killed him against her orders. At least read the damn comic you idiot.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA King is telling us We hate him...Big surprise people miss a good writer after reading bad writers.