Batman - Curse of the White Knight #8 Storytime

The end of the second chapter in the White Knight Saga.

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Pretty good interaction between Bruce and Dick.

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>letting your hyena near your baby

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For all the shit Murphy gets, I love all the callbacks and references he imbues on his art.

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Pretty clever way to reference Knight's End

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It's cool to see Burton's Batmovile in action. It was always my favorite version.

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Harley really wants that Bat dick.

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There you go.

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Harley and Bruce is cute. Thanks for the storytime OP

New thread >>>


Spoonfeed me, please.
Izzat Jason Blood????

user youre retarded


Why would a hyper Christian zealot use a sword with Allah on it?

I really enjoyed this alt-universe (despite how stupid it can be at times). I'd like to see it keep going. With most of the rogues dead, maybe it could start advancing into the Batman Beyond timeline gradually. Or they could bring in villains from other heroes' galleries.

Thanks for the storytime

the seconnd panel should feature a BONK instead of CRASH

Not Jason.
It's not him. Could be Willis, but I don't think either.

>Not Jason
>nametag says Todd
>knows exactly what Bruce is capable of
>Bruce trusts him to know how to keep Batman in a cell
>Not Jason

It's the second time he has appeared in Curse. Aren't you reading his book, user?

>Black, when he was way whiter in the previous flashback
>Military. Think about Jason being military. Yeah, no way.
>Bruce calls for him
>Bruce thinks Jason is dead.

It's not Jason.

I mean, it's Robert Todd. It's Director Bones, the big guy over Amanda Waller and the Suicide Squad. If anyone know how to keep him in a cell, it's the SS guys and Belle Reve.

>>Black, when he was way whiter in the previous flashback
He's got a buzzcut and Murphy's lines all over. His skintone is the same as Bruce's. But you could be right about this.

What? Open your eyes
He's a cop. he has a badge
>Bruce thinks Jason is dead
He doesn't think that. Didn't Joker tell him that he let Jason live, just to torment Batman with the fact that Jason chose not to go back to Batman? Pretty sure that happened.
It's Jason.
>knows my tricks

No, user. His skin is darker than Bruce. Look at it again.

Please compare Todd with any of the actually black characters in the series before posting again

Ok, if you say so, anons. Maybe it's my eyes, that are shit. And my memory, too.

>darker than Bruce so he must be black
Well he's lighter than Duke so he must be white. Checkmate atheists

Point taken, user.
I dunno, user. I know you're sarcastically shitposting, bu

>but dark skinned people can have different skintones too.

So can white people

I know.

GUYS its Jason just look the the shadows in the middle panel.

nice catch user don't know how I missed that

It's pretty similar. And all the blacks in the series have distinct heavily brown skintones that differentiate them from the "muddy" white skintones Murphy uses.
We'll see. Bruce learned that Jason survived back in the first book. It's logical that he would've tracked him down somehow. And also the shadows like pointed out.

Retarded skintone user BTFO

Gotta hand it to Murphy. He is very lucky.

Geez, sorry for being wrong or something.

>>Bruce thinks Jason is dead.

Bruce knows Jason's alive.

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Good one, user.

I feel retarded now.