Biggest Douche Nominations Final Part

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...DoucheyOP Archived
Biggest Douche Nominations par(...)
03/24/20(Tue)17:43:40 No.113859090
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247 KB JPG
It's been riveting so far

Nomination and rules are simple.


>You must provide a name, a photo, and a reason why they are a douche (no matter how petty they are).

>You know what after some consideration and just wanting to pull a douche move I am going to do this. We're going to skip the Support and five response rules.

3. No Flavor of the Month Rules.
>Any character who appeared this month is not eligible to join in, they must be a month old to be nominated.

>BENDYs are essentially characters that appeared in only one episode, a character's douchebaggery has to last throughout the whole series, be a part of the mainstain cast of their respective show, or at least appear three episodes. (This rule does not apply to movies)

a). No fan interpretations of a character are to be allowed within the tournament, so as much as I love Eggman pissing on that will not be used a reason for him being a douche.

b). The actions of the fandom will not, should not, and shall not effect the tournament and their douchedom must come from the character, so no you will add Spinel in because she ruined Miss Yas Forums you will however add her for her actions in the film she was in.

c). No OCs and Blatent Self Inserts are allowed in. So yes. Sonichu and Dobson's Bear are completely banned from this tournament.

>To prevent the games from only consisting characters mostly from one show we are only accepting three characters from one show/movie/franchise each.

You have about 9 hours to come up with some good nominees.

So enjoy your time here on Earth and pick that douche.

The Confirmed

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I nominate farmer number one from The Simpsons for being rude, unwelcoming and judgmental of Homer.
Doesn't count as Bendy because he has appeared as background characters in other episodes.

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Nominating Superboy-Prime from DC comics for the murder and shit

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Didn't we just do biggest douche? Wasn't it Dobson? Isn't Ms Yas Forums next up?

Is RIck from Rick and Morty in?
This guy is fucking awful and contradictory

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op picked the fastest days the board has had in awhile so

It's for actual Yas Forums characters this time

I nominate Jonas Venture Sr. for being responsible for the deaths of many individuals, blackmailing/cucking/robocoping his friend, abandoning orphans and shasta antman in a fallout shelter, turning his son into the monster he is today... Long story short, the actions he made in the 50's have had a lasting effect that is still felt today. If that isn't the definition of a douche, then I don't know what is.

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I don't know.

You could have looked in the pastebin but no you decided to ask instead because you're such a lazy cuck baby formed by a botched love affair that you need people to spoonfeed you everything.

But since you nominated him, he is now in.

And yes. This is for actual Yas Forums characters.

Decided why the hell not mostly.

Miss Yas Forums isn't handled by me.

It's handled by true professionals who know what the fuck they are doing.


Can I nominate all four Diamonds? They are all equally terrible
>intergalactic genocide
>millenia of tyranny
>constant abuse towards lesser gems
>responsible for wars and corruption
>suffer no repercussions for their actions

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Spinel from Steven Universe for being a passive aggressive genocidal bitch.

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I nominate Peter Griffin because his character has long transitioned from lovable oaf to complete asshole

Attached: peter.jpg (630x1200, 39.68K)

Nominating Joey, Marky and Dee Dee as one douche since they're pretty much douches to Oggy. Unlike Tom and Jerry where both sides can start a conflict, they're usually the start of every conflict they have with Oggy.

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That brings us to 44 with 4 more hours to go.

Cerebus the Aardvark.

Not only does he rape and murder adults, but he also murders babies too.

Attached: Pope Cerebus the Aardvark kills a baby.jpg (650x1945, 759.08K)

Nominating Douche from Sausage Party for being a literal douche. Oh yeah and also for trying to kill frank and his friends.

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Oooh does nobody care about the Ultimate Showdown for the best cartoon of the 2010s ? Won't anybody think about what's the definitive best toon of the decade ?


He stinks, and I don't like him.

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Glenn Quagmire
He's a massive pervert and wants to sleep with his best friend's wife.

Attached: Quagmire.jpg (900x900, 96.47K)

I nominate OP for making yet another stupid fucking tournament.

Bendy from FHFIF
Reason: causes trouble to others then acts like the victim and blames it on them.

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Numbah 274 (Chad)

Attempted to launch the KND moon base into the sun to prevent his decommissioning

Attached: Chad_Numbah274.png (640x480, 145.42K)


2 hours remain


who said anything about this

Bender from Futurama
He's an asshole, an asshole with a heart of gold but an asshole none the less.

Attached: BenderFuturama.jpg (1000x1200, 111.64K)

Miss Yas Forums isn't until like September and it's not related to this user

Can you repost a nominee from last thread again for replies? If so, Lisa Simpson.

If not, disregard this I suck cocks.

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But that isn't true

Chip from Chip N Dale for being a massive cunt in almost all incarnations like Rescue Rangers and also pulling shit on innocents like Pluto

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Princess Bubblegum is a noted sadist

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30 minutes remain.

Get those nominations ready.


Anne from Amphibia because she is a sociopath regarding deaths and also I don't like her

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Sam from Danny Phantom for not caring for Danny or anyone unless it suits her (aka when Danny has powers)

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Family emergency. Delaying it for a bit.


Nominating the one and only DUCKMAN

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Woody Woodpecker is another one who goes over people brutally even if they don't deserve it and he won't stop until you're dead

Attached: 220px-Woody_Woodpecker.png (220x258, 54.02K)


Hooty from The Owl House for being useless, dumb and gross

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Take your time dude
In the meantime we can get in some final nominations

These two idiots from LPS 2012.
Bullies with no real development or anything to justify their own existence, other than attracting degenerates who stupidly and senselessly jerk off to them.

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Might as well get them in

Please tell me someone has or hasn't nominated this obnoxious Mary Sue by now. Because if not, I'm doing the fucking honor before it's too late.

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Also, add Willow from The Owl House, if that's alright. SJWBS incarnate, that fat bitch.


She was one of the earliest nominations and she made it in with 5+ supports when everyone was struggling before it changed to no need for supports
She'll go far




That's right, let's get rid of that menace!
He's done everyone too much harm!

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Damn, am I pissed when locked in

Hal Jordan from green lantern for a huge ego without results

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