Hellions #1 Storytime

Zeb Wells and Stephen Segovia presents a book about violent mutants.

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Bump if you're reading.

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dumb quote

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>no Hellion

Mr Sinister is the best character in X books

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If they got their own nation now why are they committing attacks on the word like this?

Shouldn't the Avengers go and stomp a Mutie?

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What in the goddamn...?

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I mean Scalphunter has it coming.

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Seems like someone doesn't have the full story. can't they just look into his memories and see he was attacked first?

They still take down threats to mutants and Krakoa.

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sad but true

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He probably felt he deserved the attack, his moral compass has slowly been turning north after Messiah Complex.

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Tangent here but has anyone been collecting the current stuff via the Dawn of X trades which include every book chronologically?

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Guess who?

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I’m having hard time believing the only ones unable to live peacefully on Krakoa to a point where they need to be nearly exiled is this ragtag team of losers.

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Oh shit


And that's it! If you liked this, try to support your LCS during this time. Or don't, whatever.

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>Kwannon as team leader

Is there even going to be an issue 2?

Because Fallen Angels was shit but Hickman clearly has plans for her

I think their pryorities just got changed

This would be far more interesting if this was about Sinister begrudgingly being forced to exterminate his failed clone batches protecting the orphanage because of the practice that you cannot clone anyone who isn’t confirmed dead, and say it’s because having dozen almost identical thinking clones running around fucks with the back up process. And the team actually consisted of multiple original Marauders that are on Krakoa, who now have to deal with the trauma of slaughtering their own clones, because Sinister is that much of a dick that he thought it would be funnier that way.

Because reasons. Honestly, they couldn’t even half ass this by saying she would be protected from Empath’s influence?

When Psylocke returned to her ninja body?


You both lose to Apocalypses shoulder

She's hasn't, Kwannon stole the name.

In a Hunt for Wolverine book that's only purpose seemed to be for bringing her and Betty back to normal.

I'm very confused

What did he do?

That's...actually pretty cool

This was leagues above Fallen Angels, for kind of a similar concept, love how D-list the team is, reminds me of Secret Six or Exiles. Better than Excalibur too. Zeb Wells doesn't work a whole lot, but I'm somehow always pleasantly surprised by his stuff, current Ant-Man is a lot of fun and his New Mutants is great.

So what's the deal with this Peter?


>Inferno underboob costume
Based Maddie not giving a fuck.

This is claremont's fetish isn't it

I am

How's the quality of them? And have they been collecting one-shots/Zdarsky's mini?

Its an interesting way to collect the books but does it feel disjointed at all?