Why does the 90s get shit on so much by the comics community?

Why does the 90s get shit on so much by the comics community?

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Many of the best capeshit runs ever are from the 90s

>Why does the 90s get shit on so much by the comics community?
because they were peak edgelord years. Everything was XTREME but just imagine xtreme was written in blood or something

If you were born after 9/11 your taste and autistic options are ignored.

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Old comic fans hated that anti-heroes were becoming more popular than the "American way" types, younger elitists in training looked to these people as role models and parroted their opinions as true scottsmans

Aside from that, there was an element of 90's shit that did get out of hand and pretty damn ridiculous, but to me every era has the stuff that seems like a joke, I hate the 00's anime esque art trend of characters with huge eyes and pointy hair for example

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Swap the first and second and this would be right.

>Why does the 90s get shit on so much by the comics community?
They can't cope with the fact that even despite often being ridiculous, they were much better than their own modern comics making biting social commentary about DRUMPF or trannies or whatever the fuck that's already stale before it even comes out.
Absolutely nobody is going to look back fondly on the comic industry from 2010-2020 the way they do the 90s.

That was definitely true for big capeshit titles such as Spawn or X-Force, but the 90s also gave us Cerebus, Bone, Hellboy, and Sandman, so it wasn't all bad.

>Old comic fans hated that anti-heroes were becoming more popular than the "American way" types, younger elitists in training looked to these people as role models and parroted their opinions as true scottsmans
I think you nailed it.

>The 90's were bad for capeshit

Personally, I feel there were a lot of good runs in the 90's at DC. 80's through the 90's is probably my favorite period for them with the amount of solid books coming out.

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The 90s was when Cerebus declined. Its peak was in the 80s.

people parroting others mostly. dc's vertigo label was full of great comics

There were good comics coming out of both Marvel and DC, along with the indies of course. But with the boom in the early 90s, they were drowned out by the sheer amounts of shit that was coming out. Marvel got bad with the crossovers, especially the X-titles, where you'd have to read a dozen books a month over 3 months to get the whole story. DC was riding the Death of Superman wave and killing/replacing characters left and right.

A lot of it stemmed from the speculator market, which boomed after the Burton Batman movie and a few old comics like Action #1 and Detective #27 start selling for astronomical prices. Suddenly people saw comics as an investment for the future, and would specifically go for #1's or big stories like Superman's death in the hopes they'd be worth thousands someday. Ignoring the fact that they're expensive because they're rare, and no one is going to want X-Men #1 in the future if there's a million of them floating around out there.

>indie books
Call it Franco-Belgian comics you fucking retard.

>Suddenly people saw comics as an investment for the future
I get it when it comes to original comics from the last century about characters who have become everlasting cultural icons, but for the life of me I will never understand what's going through their boomer skulls where they think anything that has come out in the last 20 years will ever be worth more than the garbage paper they were printed on.

Name your best Franco-Belgian comics from the 90s, buddy.

I still don't understand how people miss the concept of this meme

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>Absolutely nobody is going to look back fondly on the comic industry from 2010-2020 the way they do the 90s.
You’re too young to remember this was said almost word for word about the 90s

As bad as 90s comics could be they were still about entertaining readers. No one is being entertained by modern woke shit.

>the 90s weren’t woke meme
All the best 90 books (vertigo) were woke as fuck

Look, I get liking pure, dumb fun. I get it, I can enjoy a dumb comic book sometimes. But more often than not I wanna be able to take my comic books seriously and for them to actually be coherent and not complete fucking nonsense. And in this regard, the 90s fail completely.

90s comics were not bad in a way that's in any way comparable to the ways in which 2010-2020 comics were dogshit.
It's like trying to compare mullets to transgenderism.

What if I am not American? How does my date of birth affect my tastes then huh Squidward?

I don't think you know what that word means.

>2020 comics were dogshit.
How many 2020 comics have you read to make such a bold claim

They are. Have you forgotten how preachy transmetropolitan was? Hellblazer? Or hell, even OG new warriors?

I know exactly what the word means

All Brits post-thatcher aren’t true brits

I don't remember the original New Warriors, but I remember the first two having various themes of modernity without going "SEE THIS GUY? HE'S THE VILLAIN BECAUSE HE DOESN'T BELONG TO THE SAME POLITICAL PARTY I DO!"

Bruhhhhh Hellblazer had literal demons supporting one party

It’s obvious you don’t follow britbong polriics then, because damn was transmetropolitan not subtle with the caricatures at all

Were you supposed to be rooting for the corrupt but pragmatic conservative candidate in the comic, or the corrupt liberal psychopath candidate?

mutts should be fucking hanged

I'm sorry your rainy socialist island is too irrelevant to pay attention to their politics.

This. The 90s had Peter David's Aquaman, Mark Waid's Flash, Ostrander's Martian Manhunter, and Impulse. It was great.

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I had a lot more fun reading comics in the 90s than I do now, that's for sure.

Everything seems pozzed now.

It's because you were younger then, and haven't been mindfucked
I miss those times too, now I go back and realize everything is trash. I can't even enjoy the question now that I realize how much of a simp cuck he is

No, they were just better.
You can reread them right now and see they were better.

I just stopped re-reading the O'neil run because I couldn't take it anymore remembering how it ends, fuck I want to go back

Not to mention Starman. The absolute pinnacle of Shade.

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Capeshit is bad.

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You need to work on your reading comprehension. I never said there weren't woke comics in the 90s ; I said comics in the 90s, as bad as they could be, were about entertaining readers first and foremost and MODERN woke shit is not. Modern woke comics propagandize first and expect you to be entertained from the propaganda alone.

Supergirl, Spectre, LEGION/REBELS, LoSH, JLA, Young Justice, Dixon's Birds of Prey, Power of Shazam, lots of the Elseworlds books, JLA Year One, Stars and STRIPE, Hitman

90s DC was fantastic

Spooked me for a second there Hitman was so far down that list.

You ruined it, good job retard

90s is the second or third best comics decade.

You don't have to pretend shit tastes good just because the older kids told you to.

>I said comics in the 90s, as bad as they could be, were about entertaining readers first and foremost
They were about selling shiny covers, actually.

>Dixon's Birds of Prey

and Nightwing

those 39 first or so issues of Nightwing were fucking awesome, the best thing Scott McDaniel has ever done

Mid-80s to early 2000s is the best shit

I still haven't read that or Robin.

serious question am I the only one who thinks the whole airbrush pillow shaded style of comics for the last 20 years is the most fucking ugly atrocious shit to ever fuck up comics? I honestly just cant look at comics half the time because they look so unappealing on an artistic level. I'm a huge stickler for good coloring and most comics just aren't cohesive in any way artistically. I don't actually understand why comics are like this. why is the artwork always so unappealing? it's legitimately baffling. I would think your prime focus would be making your work as marketable as possible but they just don't give a shit. though I will say artists are getting the hang of good coloring now I've noticed but it's still trash in a lot of places.

>muh mutts
Not an argument, anywhere and everywhere with a two or more party system has a right-wing left-wing equivalent

The art is the least terrible aspect of modern comics.

You're not alone. I despise the coloring style so much that if a black and white option is available, I usually go for that instead.

Yeah, everything feels incredibly rigid.

Debatable. There are still really good artists and some artists way better than 90's ones, but I've noticed a lot of books in the decade that have a very bland storytelling style.

>but I've noticed a lot of books in the decade that have a very bland storytelling style.
That's because the stories fucking suck.
Honestly, how many books from the big two can you honestly go, "It WOULD have been a good story, if the art/paneling/coloring/etc were better!"

>be zoomer
>don’t really know too much different comic eras, just read what I like
>read Grant Morrison’s JLA for the first time
>Superman is blue and glowing
>no explanation why
>look it up, find out this is known as “Electric Blue Superman.”
>go on Yas Forums and ask people if they know about this
>only response I get is “it was the 90s”
>find various forums where people have asked about him, only response ever is “it was the 90s”
>still don’t understand why Superman was blue and glowing

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You do realize Ellis outright said he based Smiler on Tony Blair, right


rampant speculation ruined the industry

it was the 90s.
i ain't gotta explain shit.

I think it had something to do with Superman turning into pure energy and the blue suit is a containment suit or something

>liking capeshit

Where do you think you are

Don't worry user, there was a Red Superman too.

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