Who would win?

who would win?

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I'm gonna post it!

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Doomguy. Al Simmons is a faggot like his creator

Spawn wrecks


Its not about winning. That's decided by the author depending on him telling a good story. Winning fictional battles depends on how he feels that day or on random whims. It only matters that the audience is winning.

Doomguy with cheats
Spawn when he doesnt run out of magic

The most likely scenario is them teaming up together and fuck up Hell really badly.

This board has an unhealthy boner for Doomguy

I hope when they properly reboot Quake, ranger will get the same treatment

Depends. If it’s current spawn then absolutely not

he's hellspawn

he'd die

for me it's Crash

Fuck off back to Yas Forumseddit, Doom-trannies. You Mary Sue self-insert is fucking boring.

>Yas Forumstumblr in charge of telling people to leave

user, Trannies hate NuDoom


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Standard hellspawn dies. Endgame Al Simmons Spawn takes over as god so Doomguy needs to be at max power to stand a chance. Spawn wouldn't be able to kill him but it is conceivable that he would imprison Doomguy again.

Go blow your bland non-character where you're welcome, queers.
As if.

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Here comes the barneyfag

Spawn. Spawn literally attains God-like power at one point.

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Doomguy is a god.

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They both team up with Dante and Kaldor Draigo to smite all the evil Hell can summon

Attached: Zoom_Eternal.jpg (1280x720, 90.59K)

And gives them up. He no longer has those powers.

Explain to me how he’s a non character without memeing

See Nothing but a entity who rages.
>Doom can kill anyone! XDD
Soi Slayer is a plot element and even that he's shit.

>without memeing

>implying classic Doomguy had any personality

Action DOOM is canon, so he wins by default.

He's memes incarnated. Meme were the only reason he's remembered. Take out the rage meme and what do you get? A generic gunner who kills evil demons. Like that never happen before,

>? A generic gunner who kills evil demons

Spawn easily, but they would likely work together

Spawn lol

He can't die. Even if Doom could land a single punch on him, Spawn can't fucking die. Even if Doom could atomize Spawn. Spawn can't fucking die.

If Spawn gave chase to Doom, Doom would have as much time left as Spawn would deem needed to track him down.

The end.

Oh shit, Todd raised the thread. Fuck you Todd, Spawn is trash

Soi Slayer is your Doomguy now. He can kill anyone because *grr* he mad xDD! B-but he has a fluffy soft side who loves cute thing evrn though that was a side-joke that one time!

How come in every Spawn thread there's this one guy who keeps crying about Todd?
I literally don't care about the character and it has still made an impression on me. Drink your meds schizo.

There’s actually an in canon reason why Doomguy can’t die or be bested in battle. Of course you don’t care, you’re a fag from Yas Forums looking for attention because you’re drowned out over there

Struck a nerve, did I? It’s no secret industry guys lurk and even post here. Your autistic ass fits right in. McFarlane, you’re a fraud and a thief.


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Wow... I didn't realise Doom had managed to ruffle the alt-right snowflakes feathers so bad.

He has a pet bunny named Daisy.

I take it you're Yas Forums's token schizo. At least you're not a tripfag so there's that.

He is this guy, also resetera discord group is hating this game because of the mortally challenged jokes.

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Yas Forums is just retarded.
The game itself cracks jokes comparing the Hell Invasion to immigrants.

What the hell are you even talking about you tard? In fact Doom Eternal goes out of its way to shit on lefty’s, jabbing at PC labeling and immigration (dead serious).

That gives him character. It’s not much but he’s very very simple. Idk why that triggers autists.
That’s called character

Whenever I hear people call Yas Forums the worst board I chuckle.

Yas Forums is like observing a different species.

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Boy howdy, you’re also a fucking tourist too. Fuck off back to your YouTube channel

No it doesn’t. He has no character. He’s just a meme. He’s basically what Deadpool is to Reddit

The UAC hologram was funny as hell.

What the fuck are you actually talking about you retard? Unironically drink your meds or bash your fucking head against the wall so you develop clarity.

>This much autistic anger
>Calls others schizo
Underaged or Todd, your choice. You’re pathetic, honestly. Come on boy, give us another. C’mon boy! Dance monkey!

Yas Forums is the worst board and this thread proves it. You have insane faggots complaining about both franchises as if it's an off topic thread.

Blackheart vs Spawn would be a cooler match up.

Attached: mshvsf-blackheart.gif (328x400, 38.23K)

>it's anger to call a spade a spade
My reaction is nothing short of normal. I'm not obligated to tolerate insanity. I don't care about your mental disease, you will be judged like anyone else.

>I-I-Im not mad!
Good show sir! Another, (You) for you! Keep going

I love how cartoonishly evil it was. I was sort of hoping it was a broadcast sort of thing and we ran into the person (or their mutilated body) near the end. Especially given all the shit talking it was doing about Doomguy later on

I can only be so mad before I realize I'm not clinically insane and a burden gets lifted off my shoulders.
For someone who likes to complain about so called tourists, I'd expect you to understand you're only supposed to act like you're a schizo, not be an actual one.

>he has no character
>has a soft side
>wants to save other dimension earth because he fucked up and got his destroyed
>autistically angry
He has a character but he’s not OMG DOOD 3DEEP 4U.

Yeah, totally not Yas Forums and it's off-topic porn/animal cruelty/gore/politics thread. You look like the kind of person who overreacts and exaggerates, calling anyone who disagrees with you "Worse than Hitler" and claims anything that meets with your disapproval is "The worst thing ever".

>I’m not crazy, You’re crazy!
Amazing. I think Yas Forums is more your speed

I’d say both boards are equally as bad. Stupid off topic shit everywhere and real threads die before they even started. Discussion is impossible for both boards