I am genuinely surprised that they are still making new DC shows for CW...

I am genuinely surprised that they are still making new DC shows for CW. I thought they were all coming to an end because DC wanted to do stuff on their own streaming service. They must be very popular, which is surprising because I have never heard a single person talk about them and they look very low budget, especially considering they are for a multi-million dollar company like DC.

Attached: stargirl.jpg (1080x1080, 328.36K)

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Why stargirl?


Luke Wilson would have made a pretty good Jack Knight, he seems like the kinda guy that would just chill in a second hand shop

>I thought they were all coming to an end because DC wanted to do stuff on their own streaming service.
Stargirl is actually a DC Universe show, the CW airing is next-day.

Come to think it, doesn't WB literally own both DC and The CW? I guess there's no rights issues here.

This was made for DC Universe and has a far higher budget than any of the CW shows as well as a different style. The only reason it's airing on CW is because DC Universe is struggling with finances/subscribers so they've been giving co-ownership to their shows. Stargirl is obviously shared with CW, Doom Patrol will be shared with HBO Max , and Harley Quinn will be shared with TBS when it's done releasing episodes on DC Universe. Titans and Young Justice are stuck with global Netflix contracts so they can't seek out a US partner, otherwise they would be shared too.

It does, but ownership of assets doesn't work the way you think it does. They still have to sign agreements and make payments, it's just easier.

The CW airings will be censored. Watch the DC Universe version.

What could there possibly be to censor? It's not like this is going to be some gory show.

>The only reason it's airing on CW is because DC Universe is struggling with finances/subscribers so they've been giving co-ownership to their shows.
I've got to wonder how long it is until all these streaming services start folding/consolidating into each other. Watch Disney+ numbers plummet after the free year Verizon customers got expires, then they'll start sharing content with Hulu.

Language and scenes cut for time.


Disney+ is the one service I can't see failing. It's Disney, so people are going to buy it no matter what. Granted I'm not sure many of these services are going to fail. Most of them seem to be making enough money to justify keeping things split up. DC Universe is just too specific so nobody wants to pay for it for just a couple shows.

Like we're not all just going to pirate it

I don't know how to do that...

Then pirate the right version ya dingleberry

I don't know that it will outright fail, but I don't think that it will be profitable ENOUGH in the long run for Disney to not just merge it with Hulu as an add-on.

They might also merge Hulu with it, since Disney has more brand recognition. They could call it Disney After Dark.

Learn or wait it out and watch it on some dodgy website. Thats how i do it.


AT&T/WB are basically a bunch of different companies that decided to form an alliance with each other. One company will own the rights to a specific thing and will require another company under the AT&T umbrella to pay a licensing fee in order to use that specific thing that they want to use.

Because Stargirl a cute

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Yeah, they're not putting out enough original content for people to really care. Kids have lots of other stuff to watch, and The Mandalorian and nostalgia isn't enough to bring in new subscribers.

I think the streaming service bubble is already bursting. If companies like DC and CBS want people to actually watch their shows, it's much smarter to partner with an established service. People don't want yet another monthly bill just to watch one show.

DC has a shot if WB gets their shit together and puts all their stuff on HBOMax

Possibly. Personally I lost any desire for DC streaming shows after they fucked over Swamp Thing.

Cereal Lord has photos of all the WB suits doing their cocaine

live-action shows are like japanese cartoons. it's 5% something happens, then the rest is just talking

This is not a flattering picture of her, it makes her look fat

>>implying a little chub is fat
>>implying that's bad anyway

Also like 12 years old.

Ran out of S-A listers.

So why does the one in OP look like a chubby cosplayer

How many feminists will complain?

So who is playing her black boyfriend ?

Royalties, Johns shills for the stuff that will give him the more money

How? Disney+ is a service where 100% of the content is owned by disney, they don't need to get the rights to anything, nobody cares about hulu outside america.

Do you think Johns has liked his feet and calls her "litle sis"?

I thought The thumbnail in the catalog looked like it said "VIAGRA" rather then Star Girl.

They didn't fuck over swamp thing. Taxes fucked over swamp thing. The just suddenly cost millions more than they had budget for. No new show would have survived cancellation

It's the best way to make a stealth JSA show
Also this


reminder that writing a close one into a comic character is still a self insert. stargirl is a self insert

It is by definition not a self-insert. What are you on about?

>let's write my sister into a comic book and make her kick ass and be completely forced!
it's not literally a self insert but it's still inserting autistic bullshit from your life into a comic book

why does she look retarded and why is she wearing one of those cheap country fare plastic masks

it looks awful but the suit is an improvement over the smallville version. that is truly pathetic even for the standards of the time

Attached: stargirl.jpg (174x290, 9.25K)

>not literally a self insert
Good I'm glad we agree. So why did you say she was? To exaggerate? To stir up controversy? Genuinely curious why you're going out of your way to be upset by a man paying tribute to his dead sister.
>autistic bullshit
Just because you say something is autistic doesn't mean it is. There are many examples of great characters having originally been based off of real people.

I remember talks about a Hitman series. Part of me was happy, the other part not because it was CW. Did that just not happen?

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So I guess Alex Ross was wrong to make his dad the Preacher in Kingdom Come ?

Fuck off m8

I love that Tommy respects Clark

DCUNIVERSE shows being consolidated into HBO Max has been predicted for good while now. It will probably happen eventually with DCUNIVERSE remaining as its separate thing, cheaper possibly, as a source for digital comics

I wonder how many people actually use DCU for the comics? I've tried it a few times but it's still missing too many issues and the reader is still too clunky for my taste.

It certainly won't lose money, but with only a trickle of original content it won't be the cash cow that a company as large as Disney demands. Eventually they'll just look at the balance sheet and realize it'll be more profitable to merge it with the more diverse content of Hulu.
I'm not sure if they would do that since Comcast/NBC Universal still owns a significant stake in Hulu. From their end it would be better to make Disney exclusive content a paid add-on (like CBS on Amazon) rather than importing all that other content to their proprietary platform.

>best way to make a stealth JSA show
Kinda like how Black Adam is a stealth JSA movie

Between all that and Doomsday Clock it's only a matter of time before we get another JSA ongoing.

I'm hyped for that movie

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THAT was TIME WARNER, especially after they merged with the Turney companies, because that drunken asshole insisted that his OG companies could be run as separate little mini-empires. Once AT&T bought them, that no longer exists, which is why all those people left, even from places like HBO which weren't governed by the older TNT/Turner network rules but had their own fiefdoms from when Time Life ran 'em

stargirl is cute. wish this had been a cartoon though instead of live action.

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Imagine a JSA cartoon.

It would get shitcanned after one season, but it would be a damn good season.

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What's the run where these two are together? Are there enough cute moments to justify reading for the ship?