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Does Star Trek deserve to be an animated sitcom?

Or is this entire concept butchery of a beloved classic?

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It's a sign of delusional weakness. They think parody will win back the Orville audience.

>entire concept butchery of a beloved classic?
Seems par for the course in star trek these days

Sure why not, they already had one animated series that was more of a comedy anyway.

nu-Trek movies, yes.

The writers of the CBS Star Trek series want to save Star Trek but have no idea how. Which is how we get Romulan samurai and Seven of Nine vs. the Space Lannisters instead of the high-minded dialogue and serious ethical dilemmas that existed in Star Trek's golden age.

They want to save the monetization of the brand. They don't give a fuck about the franchise beyond money.

It should have been about the night shift of the Enterprise-D. They could poke fun at all the strange things that are encountered by the main crew and have their own misadventures trying to solve problems without alerting the captain. The old cast of TNG could make minor appearances occasionally.

I never quite understood how shifts worked in TNG. Like there are supposed to be three shifts, but all of the bridge crew are present at the same time and the people who back them up on the other couple shifts are never mentioned.

Star Trek is just gay as fuck lol. It's cool to see the space ships as a little kid, but grown adults liking star trek are always gay little losers. I rank them lower than adult superhero and Star Wars fans. There's a handful of episodes of TOS and TNG that are decent TV, literally the entire rest of the franchise is retard tier

This reminds me of the SevTrek webcomic from the 90s, if anyone here is old enough to remember those. Whatever happened to the guy that made them?

Let me put it this way, Star Wars is better off and more salvageable than Star Trek.

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I'd watch it.
I'm a simple woman.

Because the creators of Star Wars only know how to tell one, formulaic story.

George Lucas tried departing from the formula in the prequels and fans of the originals hated it. Lucas had some great ideas in those but sucked at pacing and couldn't organize a story worth a shit without adding in every detail that was on his mind. His sequel novels to Willow have the same problem.

why not.

>He types, on a comic book and cartoon board.

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If they'd gone for a cartoon about "the lesser known crewmembers" IN THE STYLE OF THE ORIGINAL SERIES then I'd have hope. But this?
Nah. Everything about that style says "abandon all hope, ye who enter here."

It's always funnier to go with older styles when doing comedy about classic shit.

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>It has to look either like Rick and Morty or Venture Bros./Johnny Quest

Star Trek itself is just laughable because it's very clear that that sort of future is now an impossibility. Its vision was always sterile at its core, but we live in a world which has applied many of the principles depicted in it, and none of them work. Yet alone result in actual progress. We're regressing, but have smartphones.

Both that and Star Wars fall in the category of things I never understood. It baffles me why people like(ed) either.

And yet it’s still in a better position and place than Star Trek. It’s still staggering how bad off the series is.

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Star Trek's writers got bored of "progress" after the midpoint of Next Generation. Every spinoff series after is much darker and the characters are more flawed.

I've only watched the original, Voyager, Picard and that prequel series so I'm no expert. But it always seemed sterile and idealistic to me.

>my future must be dark and bad
Give me a break, I'm so tired of the broken future perspective, it's so cliche.

You have a point in that about 50% of the time when the storyline gets grimmer and more intense than usual, it's because of some easily vanquished villain or hostile force hiding in plain sight.

Asterix’s creator died. Chadsterix > Virgin Trek

I would that cat.

I don't want a grimdark future nor do I enjoy such stories, I'm just saying that the Star Trek vision is naive and doesn't resonate.

The whole of... "realistic" sci-fi doesn't anymore. It's a dead genre in my eyes, just like say cyberpunk, which sounds kewl XD in fiction but in reality it's facebook and smartphones. It's an obsolete genre. If you want a vision of the future, it's brown apelings dancing and grunting around fires among the ruins of great cities which they do not even perceive as anything but natural formations.

So you don't want a grimdark future, because you think any future is too optimistic to be possible.

Lmao okay man.

Should have been a animated version of picrelated.
Drugs, sex, mayhem, survival, coffee, avoiding brass and storytelling artefact fuckery.

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>They want to save Star Trek.

Picard seems like one character assasination after another. Sure, its exploring Romulans and actual civilian life in the universe but so much of it is trendy crap they think people want to see.

Yes, I am bitter about killing Node offscreen. I wanted more retard Data.

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Isn't the Orville pretty much that?

Picard is character assassination of a beloved captain, and Discovery is the slaying of continuity.

The people involved in the series' have no wish to make good star trek, and seem to actively dislike what makes Star Trek.

lol Enterprise was the slaying of continuity when they introduced the Organians and the Borg before either was actually introduced

Star Wars and Star Trek are dead and buried. The only media still popular with either are those that have nothing to do with sequels, rehashes, or remakes.

A cartoon Rick and Morty-trek would be another amusing but pointless attempt to rekindle something that's been dead since Janeway.

>"I think any future is too optimistic to be possible."
Thank you, user, for defining my vague belief in such a concise fashion. I'm not joking or trolling. Thank you. You have given me an insight into myself, and I value that above all things.

Now I'll elaborate the why - I'm 33 years old if you didn't know, and I'm from Croatia. I've lived through a war, saw entire political ideologies crumble, rise and crumble again, I've lived in the analog world and now in the digital, I've been there and I've seen that. Assuming you're a zoomer American, you do not have a true notion on the inherent fragility of everything and the inherent evil of us all. But sadly I think you will experience all of that. And your notions of pain and suffering are probably still childish, which will change because life and time, and then you'll understand what I mean by my pessimism.

We've passed the high water mark of civilization.

So you elaborate by insulting me? Cool.

People have been saying your pessimistic outlook for centuries, man. Every generation has people utterly convinced the world will not go on past them. It's ultimately a self indulgent attitude, the creed of someone so sure of their own misery they see any other take on life as a sort of personal insult.

You sound like a sad strange little man, and you have my pity.

We see night shift on the bridge at least once, but I can't remember which episode


I'll leave Kirk to answer that.

I didn't insult you, you'll understand with time. I was once where you are now, it's all pretty natural. I also thought people were bullshitting about these things and other stuff.

Strange yes, but not the rest. I am primarily angry that a proper future was stolen from me, and even more the zoomers who never stood a fucking chance from the start. My generation was merely lied to and tricked, but the zoomers were born into a well-oiled system of exploitation and bullshit sprinkled with "good intentions" and shitty ideologies.

>Or is this entire concept butchery of a beloved classic?
Everything Enterprise onward is
Gene's son is a goddamn killjoy

Now that's a bad idea but I don't mind a Trek animated comedy in a similar style to Rick & Morty. The problem is that this is more than likely just going to be that with a Trek skin instead of a funny, thought-provoking adult animated comedy show that also happens to be engaging science-fiction.

I also think that an animated Trek show in general has a lot of potential. I know there's that other Nickelodeon show they're making but god, I can't stand Kurtzmann Trek.

>and Discovery is the slaying of continuity.
I haven't watched either yet but doesn't Picard shit on continuity more than Disco?

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What do you know, you're from Croatia!

Zoomed and Boomer are actually insults based on stereotypes and ageism. Calling people them is considered belittling.

How do I get a gf with hair like that?

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>seriously replying to Kaziklu

>How do I get a gf with hair like that?
Be a sjw

You sound like a sad titty baby.

How can I get one without being an sjw?

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Not really. Since NuTrek explicitly referred to itself as an alternate universe to mainline Trek there is nothing stopping them from declaring things canon or non-canon as they see fit. TAS is still only partially canon.

You're not special.

Considering that Picard is set at the current furthest point in the ST timeline, no. It's fucking with the setting, but not necessarily continuity. STD is outright fucking with continuity - albeit some of that was mandated due to legal issues involving production contracts.

It's passed its heyday as a popular hairstyle, but still common enough that you could find a woman rocking it without much difficulty.

>Not really. Since NuTrek explicitly referred to itself as an alternate universe to mainline Trek there is nothing stopping them from declaring things canon or non-canon as they see fit.
God, I hope they do this if MacFarlane gets control of Star Trek. Just make a good post-TNG era show that introduces a lot of cool new shit.

>Considering that Picard is set at the current furthest point in the ST timeline, no. It's fucking with the setting, but not necessarily continuity.
Isn't it fucking with some concepts like the Tal'Shiar or how the Federation has always worked?

Croatia gave us Serious Sam. So something must be keeping their chins up.

It's basically building the Romulan stuff wholecloth. For such a supposed major player in the franchise, they had very little development prior. We still know more about the Ferengi than the Romulans.

I really want to see someone take a nuanced look at the post-DS9 status quo. The effort it takes the Federation to remain a peaceable, optimistic society post-Dominion War, Klingons who are struggling to reconcile their culture with their need to adapt if they want to remain a major galactic power, Romulans struggling to move out of their status as the 3rd rate player in the Alpha Quadrant, and what to do about Cardassia. Intersperse the "to go boldly" with political focused episodes that give the setting vibrancy and verisimilitude.

But can you name one thing GOOD that has come out of NuTrek, I mean at least star wars has a multitude of media to pick and chose from. From the vader comics to Rebels to the Books to the Mandalorian, But with Nutrek you have...A few books? STD, Picard is the least offensive and that has it's own problems. This new show not really filling anyone with a optimistic attitude.

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>'member that classic episode of TNG about friendship, overcoming prejudice, adversity and insecurity, heartwarming, but with a dark and poignant ending?
Trek is dead.

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>skipping DS9, the series closest to your worldview, just because you're afraid of black people

I mean it COULD be done well but it won't be. Too late to worry about a butchery at this point though, innit? There's nowhere lower to go than where the franchise is now. I'm not saying it will ever get any better but a silly cartoon will be the least of it.

Star Trek has been getting butchered since the TNG movies.

Define "come out of NuTrek" because NuTrek usually just refers to the Abramsverse films.

>But it always seemed sterile and idealistic to me.
>skipping DS9, the series closest to your worldview, just because you're afraid of black people

DS9 was a breath of fresh air because its about a bunch of people used to the federation and its idealistic super happy perfect future coming to a space station in the middle of nowhere, dealing with a planetary occupation/genocide, and going "What the FUCK?!".

Everythings broken and fucked up, and they have to fix everything and find a way to just deal with it and live, while struggling to hold up their "perfect" federation ideals with backstabbing ferengi cunts for neighbors and angry jew Bajorans bitching about everything constantly.

anything Abrams, Kurtzman, or their cohorts are responsible for

The problem is, I think DS9 poked a few too many holes in the concept. All of a sudden everyone's rushing to out-dark DS9 because hollywood writers are always going to take that path if you let them, without understanding the nuance that made DS9 interesting.

In my mind the original series, TNG, DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise are all in their own universe, while all the movies, and shit like Discovery are all in their own universes.

You realize that ST has its own expanded universe stuff, right? Make It Swole was pretty fucking great.