Because of Corona-chan knocking on my door I've been rewatching the series from TLA to LoK and I suddenlly realized something.
How can FN, WT and EK during TLA be so homogeneus when it comes to the people that inhabit them? There doesn't seem to be any mingling of people from different groups. Each seems to be so racially/ethnically pure it would make Hitler envious.
One could say it's because of the 100 year war, but that doesn't really solve anything since it would only explain FN being racepuristfags. What happens with the WT and EK?
With all of this I don't mean to ask why people didn't move during the war. My point is: what about the people BEFORE the war? Those gorillion years between Wang and the Genocide. There was no movement of people? Commerce? Any of the classical reasons for which groups end up mingling with one another? Because if they ever did, how come we never saw any Waterbenders native to EK (and I don't mean subgroups that live in isolation like the Swamp Tribes, I mean Waterbenders of EK culture).
Hell, even with the AN being all monastic and shit if there was any contact there should still be a few airbender bloodlines belonging to other nations.
I've read stuff published post Korra that talk about there being more interactions between people from different nations, like how the rise of Kiyoshi reveals her mother was a runaway AN nun. But in what respects to the two shows canon, it seems that things like that never happened, looks and bending capacities seem to be locked to their geographic location.
In fact, going only with the shows, the actual first real contact between groups was the 100 year war, which ironically puts the FN and its superiority complex as the pioneers in racemixing due to the colonies.
So what's up with all that? Was Sokka really the first Water Tribe teen to ever see an Earth Kingdom girl and think "Oh boy do I want to irrigate that fertile soil"?
What's with the homogeneity in Avatar?
Haha element printer go brrrr
What about this?
That's what I meant with the OP filename.
The Waterbenders from the Foggy Swamp
Guru Pathik
The Bhanti Tribe
Fucking Ogodei
you are thinking too hard about it. Most of the people are just background characters, all of the main cast is very diverse. Like toph and bumi dont look similar to any other earth bender, or the swamp benders similar to katara/sokka.
>The Waterbenders from the Foggy Swamp
>Because if they ever did, how come we never saw any Waterbenders native to EK (and I don't mean subgroups that live in isolation like the Swamp Tribes, I mean Waterbenders of EK culture).
>and I don't mean subgroups that live in isolation like the Swamp Tribes, I mean Waterbenders of EK culture
>Guru Pathik
Not even the show runners know from where he's suppossed to be.
>The Bhanti Tribe
Where around before Wan.
His parents are firebenders.
Looks like an Asian nigga but still doesn't respond to what I'm asking.
The point that I'm asking is:
How come there aren't people with characteristics of other groups? Like Water Tribes with green eyes? Or waterbenders natural to Ba Sing Se?
The only one that comes to mind is Suki, who is from the EK but has blue eyes.
It’s a cute story, not an exercise in autistic world building. Yes realistically there’d be loads of languages, cultures, subnations, tribes, religions, and social castes. That’s not the point though.
>Like toph and bumi dont look similar to any other earth bender,
But they do. Bumi is tan, like Haru or the Boulder, while Toph has fairer skin like Long Feng or the Hippo. And Bumi, Haru, Toph and Long Feng all have green eyes(can't say for boulder and Hippo since their iris are too small).
I mean, it is autiscal overthinking. But that's one of the topics of this board. We're adults overanalyzing stuff aimed at kids.
>There doesn't seem to be any mingling of people from different groups. Each seems to be so racially/ethnically pure it would make Hitler envious.
That is the natural state of the world and it has always been true up until the last 50 years, even less, and it was forced upon the world by threat of violence.
Someone post THAT gif
there were children from the colonies. it was implied.
also we have outliers like guru pathik. where the hell is he from? who knows
ok grandpa
Nice non-argument. Again - multiracial, multicultural societies are a modern invention, barely 50 years old (closer to 30) and they only exist through artificial means backed by the power of the US military. They also inevitably disintegrate into chaos, bloodshed and never rise again because of biological degeneration (racemixing).
Nobody wants to live among or with people who are not of his race, and such societies are by definition disjointed and internally weak. This is why the US had to invent the Cold War, the war on terror, and now China as the enemy. It's for internal cohesion because nobody has anything in common with anyone.
People move from one place to another long will modern technology.And race mixing it good to stop DNA problems like people doing incest.
>there were children from the colonies. it was implied.
That's the thing. What seems to have brought heterogeneity to the countries was the war, and before it (the thousands of years since the Avatar appeared) there seems to have been none.
Also ignore the Tripfag, I knew making this thread would bring brainlets like him out of the woodworks with their compartmentalized views on history.
>Also ignore the Tripfag
Do you mean him?
Its not really modern invention as old nations like the ottoman empire, have many races, religions, and cultures.
>People move from one place to another long will modern technology.
Yes, it's called conquest and killing the other tribe.
>And race mixing it good to stop DNA problems like people doing incest
A common lie. The entire species and all its branches has an inborn aversion to incest, and racemixing is nothing but destruction.
Yes, I know. I'm a Croat. We fought tooth and nail against those savages for 300 years just like the rest of the Balkans. It was shit that western liberals are trying to meme into being anything other than shit.
cause avatar is a kid's show and kids don't care about stuff like that
>Yes, it's called conquest and killing the other tribe.
Add many cultures in it and ethnicities and religion. Also the war on terrorism started with 9/11.
>Add many cultures in it and ethnicities and religion
I don't understand what you're trying to say.
That's not even mentioning language.
Fact is, that the characters in Avatar all speak the same language, with zero variation despite the geographical distance is world-breaking
I cak barely understand Australians, and my people are only separated from them by around 150 years. The nations in Avatar have been separated for way longer, without the benefit of our ultra fast telecommunications tech
The similarly divided Philippine islands have around a 100 languages in an area the size of California. The peoples of Europe aren't even separated by water, and there is a massive diversity of languages despite a well-connected civilization. It makes no sense for the nations of Avatar not to have different languages
Rome have many cultures in it and ethnicities and religion. Also the war on terrorism started with 9/11.
They're smarter than us and know that miscegenation is a sin against creation.
The avatar world has an unorthodox origin. All of the people in the world where once sheltered by giant lions and then ended up being connected by the avatar. The world may be divided by elements but they all seem to follow the same religion.
I have nothing but pure respect towards authors that have gone the extra mile of creating a semblance of language diversity. I once took a glance at the languages Tolkien created and he made more than ten just for the elves.
Bigger question should be. What did Ty-Lees parents feed her to give her tracts of land that big?
>Toph will never jump up to kiss you but accidentally knock your faces together
With all due respect, you didn't fight shit. You're a grown man arguing for xenophobic racial purity on a mongolian basket weaving forum using a children's cartoon show as a weak vehicle for your argument. If you've ever so much as thrown a punch when you weren't 110% sure you were completely safe from any possible retribution I'll be amazed.
The world is largely pre-industrial. Also keep in mind the bulk of what we see of the Earth Kingdom specifically BSS and there are people of varying shades there.
People have been racemixing since prehistory. All the modern races are legitimately mixes from older ones.
Tolkien was a great world builder because he started with languages and a map, THEN made the story to fit them.
Instead of slapping together a shitty english cipher full of Xs, Zs, and a billion apostrophes like so many lazy writers love doing.
>Rome have many cultures in it and ethnicities and religion
But that's precisely why it fell user. A modest, simple, enduring civilization is preferable to the excesses of Rome. Empires and such always come to a bitter end. Always.
>Toph will never jump up to kiss you but accidentally knee you in the gonads
I'm just a regular guy, yes. But from here to Bulgaria to Greece to Albania, trust me, we all despise the Ottomans. That was my main point. We ALL fought against them and hate, utterly hate and despise them because the things they did still loom large in our minds. You cannot fathom how terrible they were. Fucking slave empire of corruption, theft and violence.
There were alot of contributing factors to the fall of Rome. To say it was because of multiculturalism is a gross oversimplification and intellectually dishonest.
Ty Lee is cute! CUTE~!
You realize that Rome became MORE culturally homogeneous as it fell, yeah?
I'd say the people of the EK and FN are for the most part racially similar to each other. The differences between them being cultural, rather than ethnic.
>The world is largely pre-industrial.
Even without good means of transport 10.000 years of stepping off their Lion Turtles is more than enough time for people to move around for one reason or another and strat fucking each other, but instead the prevalence of a set of features and a single element per geographic location makes it look like people just set camp in X places and never left.
Not exactly. A "Roman" from Augusta Treverorum would be quite different from a "Roman" from Carthage or Palmyra.
A combination of a lack of travel in what is a very large world and pic related keeping "balance" in the world by making sure the four nations never got too intermingled. Otherwise how keep all four elements afloat? The only reason the world seems small to us is because of Appa. Avatar's are race purists, if it wasn't obvious enough.
Why were the air nomads the only ones that developed tattoo ink that synched up with the avatar state?
>Keeping "balance" in the world by making sure the four nations never got too intermingled.Otherwise how keep all four elements afloat?
But that's the reason Airbenders went extint (minus Aang), because they only existed within the temples and nowhere else.
They thought themselves the coolest.
That's why they had to die.
And now their identity is being used by people of EK extraction.
Kind of like how some Bulgarians calling themselves "Macedonians".
Pretty sure the guy just racist.
But then ottoman became Turkey and everyone loves Turkey
Fuck you, Turkey is objectively shit. Only retards fall for using it.
>The Avatar stopped people from intermingling
That's not true. The only evidence we have of the Avatar interfering with the nations' trying to interact with each other is attempts to stop the Fire Nation from invading/genociding the other ones. Because one side diminishing or extinguishing the other ones isn't the same as mixing them.
Woah man why so angry with Turkey.
It's a shitty bird and I hate the morons that keep using it for holidays.
We can't prove that, but if it were true, it would probably have something to do with the spirituality of airbending.
Yeah I prefer chicken.
One Ty Lee's ancestors might have taken an Air-Nomad woman as a wife/concubine.
I used to think like you. Always found turkey to be dry and shitty.
But last year for Thanksgiving, my father-in-law cooked the most delicious turkey I've ever had. So juicy, so tender, so good.
I asked him how he cooked it and immediately forgot. I figure I'll ask again when the holidays are near.
But we can all agree that fried chicken is best bird food.
I still don't get how air nomads had a 100% rate of benders due to their spirituality. In Korra the Lion Turtles are the ones that gave people the capacity to bend so what does spirituality have to do with inheriting it?
That's if you'll be able to.
I fucking hope this pandemic shit will be over with by then.
1. Its anime.
2. It's based on Asia. Mostly China and the Han Chinese.
If this is bothering you then you should be more concerned with how shockingly small the avatar world is or how the biomes are set up like a themepark mmo.