ITT: Pastiche characters

Starting with one of the most famous, the Squadron Supreme.

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The Justice Guild of America

The Punisher was such a shameless copy of paperback hero Mack Bolan the Executioner that Marvel had to pay restitution to Don Pendleton.

not the characters themselves, but the team.

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I really am a smoothbrain, it only just occurred to me who this team is a pastiche of and it makes the lineup choice make a whole lot more sense now.

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Big Bang Comics did a lot of DC pastiche comics during the 90's and 00's. They even made up an elaborate history for the comics, like for instance Knight Watchman being created by "Tom King" (this was decades before there was a Tom King actually writing Batman comics).

This comic was originally printed in black-and-white decades ago but ran in color a few years ago in Savage Dragon.

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DC in turn made a pastiche of the Avengers and the MoE, with Godiva instead of Enchantress, Skyscraper instead of Giant Man, and I firget the rest

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Lord Havok and the Extremists

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You're thinking of "analogous". There's no "pastiche" in the Squadron Supreme.

It really evolved into its own thing. And I'd debate as to whether or not they were even all that similar to start with.


So this is the new hipster-word that sjws all just learned on reddit and now are going to be misusing for the next few weeks/months?

Except is an actual pastiche because they emulated the style of the Finger/Kane stories you buzzword-spewing redditor

Dude, chill

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Someone uses a word incorrectly once and you go full retard, huh

Ironically in his blind rage, he showed he didn't understand the definition either.

BBC (hurr hurr) basically did only period piece comics. Most were DC but they also did Marvel ones. Knight Watchman was their longest running character.

GOAT team

My ideal Squadron Supreme line up!

> Hyperion (hickman)

> Zarda / Power Princess (supreme power-verse)
> Old Soldier (supreme power-verse)
> Arachnophilia (supreme power-verse)

> The Rider (great society)
> Doctor Spectrum (great society)
> Boundless (great society)

I think it's got a good contrasting mix of characters.
Zarda & Arachnophilia are edgy & murderous heroes.
The Rider & Boundless are classic idealized heroes.
Hyperion & Older Solider are somewhere in the middle.
Doctor Spectrum could be either depending on if she is from before her planet was destroyed or after.

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Which ones are the originals?

Dr. Doom, Doc Ock, Sabertooth, Magneto, and someone else idk


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Last one is Dormammu, I think.

My favorite Justice Friend was, is and always will be Capital G.

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I really hate that Orlando wasted them on his JLA run, having Not-Latveria as a permanent fixture could really have expanded DC's geopolitics. Theres only so many times they can use Bialya and Qurac

>hipster-word that sjws all just learned
What does "pastiche" have to do with sjws?

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This is you.

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like what?

>not-Daredevil still looking the wrong way.

It's the little things.

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what book is this from?

Flash Forward

Atoman (Superman )
M'rrgla Qualtz (Martian Manhunter)
The Hound (Batman)
Sizzler (Flash)
Scarlet Scepter (Green Latern and Starman)
Sun Woman (Wonder Woman)
Davy Jones (Aquaman)

Vigilante from Venus

You mean characters that started out as pastiches?

Also that

I wish Marvel would create a pastiche Sandman just to make Gaiman mad.
Maybe even Nightmare could fill the role.

If Marvel ever does that it should be a Wesley Dodds's stand in

>Stacked Canary
Well...they're not wrong.

I agree pastiche is more an artsy term. Like you use it as scientific term but not in a normal article or conversation.
Its like saying salt is sodium in a conversation about your meal. Used by people who want to sound smarter.

The redditor with the tantrum is correct in that a lot of people are using it incorrectly, but pastiche is more about imitating a certain style and character. A lot of the characters in the thread are more analogues than pastiches. Actual pastiches would be like the Big Bang Comics stuff, and Moore's Supreme (particularly the flashback parts done by Rick Veitch) and 1963, even if Moore's stuff had a bit of parody in them, because those three are deliberately trying to evoke specific styles and not just do analogues of the characters.

Another pastiche would be when Dave Sim had Roach become Morpheus-parody Swoon, and actually put effort into mimicking Gaiman's style of writing dialogue.

Some details differ, but the broader strokes paint similar pictures:

>protag is Vietnam vet with reputation as stone cold killer
>both were/are snipers
>protag's family dies due to Mob involvement
>protag goes on one-man crusade against organized crime
>both characters have mobile headquarters (War Wagon, Battle Van)
>both keep a "Captain's Log"-type journal
>both wear black sneaking-around garb (tho Frank kinda spoils the effect, opting for the scary white death's -head)
>both have a scary moniker
>both have tried to kill Spider-Man

So, there you have it.

>the new hipster-word that sjws all just learned on reddit
You kids make me feel tired.

So true. The Executioner paperbacks were very successful in their era, creating a genre with a dozen imitators. Gerry Conway was not a particularly creative writer and his first stories of the Punisher read very much like an Executioner swipe. I believe the court agreed.

They did, the Badge ones were like a combination of Simon and Kirby's Guardian + Captain America, with later Badge stuff being like 70's Kirby Cap + 60's Steranko Nick Fury and Cap.

Also I think last I checked they did an Earth-A and Earth-B which is like how the Silver-Bronze Age and Golden Age DC worked, except Earth-B isn't just the Golden Age Big Bang Comics world, it's also the world where the Avengers analogues live. (The Badge was on both Earths though)

That kaiju looks like that knife-headed monster from Gamera.

Pretty much.

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