I feel that the quickest way to, as a fan of any work of fiction...

I feel that the quickest way to, as a fan of any work of fiction, make a character unlikable to an outside audience is to play up or obsess over how powerful said character is.
Power level faggotry is obnoxious, you know I'm right.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Really? Breaking out Alien metal chains? Not the Messiah of the Metaverse?

The same way Batman is good at everything?


>Power level faggotry is obnoxious, you know I'm right.
And yet every manga is a Dragon Ball copy.

>Power level faggotry is obnoxious, you know I'm right.
Right there with you. It's just arbitrary numbers that result in unsatisfactory victories. The problem was solved not through strategy, or clever use of one's abilities, or exploiting an enemy's weakness, but by sheer brute force. It's boring.

Poor Clark has been done quite dirty by the power creep shit. Dude's an investigative journalist, he should be written as such. Let him solve problems via analysis and collecting information, not by ooga booga punch.

>inverted black hole
So a black hole that inverts on itself?


>make a character unlikable to an outside audience is to play up or obsess over how powerful said character is.

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Shhhh, comic writers are doing what they can with a public H.S. background in science.

He is likeable because being OP it's his character.
Superman is supposed to struggle when he doesn't have to

Saitama isn't that likeable after the "I'm really strong but also mostly aloof" gimmick gets old in the 3rd episode.

Saitama fights a desperate, daily battle with ennui.
That's his epic struggle. King is his best ally in that fight.

Why powerlevelfags obsess with One Punch Man as an example of how to write powerful characters?

Sandman, Superman, Lucifer... so many good examples of good stories protagonized by powerful characters, but fucking "One Punch Man" is the one they think is the best of all?

Saitama isn't the charismatic hero you're supposed to be rooting for in the story.

One Punch Man is consistent in the power of its protagonists and antagonists in a way DC has never, ever been. Sandman and Lucifer in particular are just plot device vs plot device.

Excuses, excuses

>list Superman as a good example of how to write OP characters
>in a thread complaining about how OP he is
Congratulations, you won the retard awards

My boy, are you really gonna badmouth Sandman and Lucifer in order to praise "One Punch Man"?

Of course Superman is a good example of how to write powerful characters.

80 years going and still famous. Do you think anyone will know what "One Punch Man" is in 2090?

>Of course Superman is a good example of how to write powerful characters.
I hate when ESL don't even try to google translate the OP's subject

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What makes Superman a bad example of how to write powerful characters?

>My boy, are you really gonna badmouth Sandman and Lucifer in order to praise "One Punch Man"?
I own those comics. They are fine. They are irrelevant to "power level" comics because the protagonists can do literally anything they want within the limits of a tiny handful of other plot device characters who can say "no you cannot".
Oh and mysterious "Laws of the Universe" which they go ahead and defy almost immediately in any case.

Which is why it's an issue that he is the focus/main character. The show would be better without him, where heroes like Genos would be able to face adversities and have compelling conflicts without the spectre of Saitama's win button hanging over them. Having the final battle of the first season be super bombastic is pointless when all the high stakes are thrown out the window with Saitama's mere presence.

>I own those comics.
And somehow you think that they aren't as good as "One Punch Man"?

>What makes Superman a bad example of how to write powerful characters?
Oh my god this user is serious

Yeah, serious about outing you as a brainlet

Because he can literally do anything, except when the plot (frequently) calls for him to not do that, in which case those abilities are ignored.
Same for Flash and Green Lantern and a lot of the DC heavy-hitters.
They generally only "remember" they have about 20% of their powers, because otherwise writing dilemmas for them is basically impossible, aside from "Your Evil clone/parallel dimension version wants to fight!".

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Yeah, and I'm serious. If you can't answer, I think you shouldn't be in ths thread at all.

If the best example you can give is the pic in the OP, then you have no example at all. I own that comic, it's called "Superman: Up in the Sky", and it's not a story about Superman just solving every problem with brute strength as you seen to think it is.

At maintaining a consistent degree of power and conflict? No, OPM is better than basically any DC comic at that.

If you don't know why Superman is bad example of how to write powerful characters then you don't deserve an answer.
You would just knew it if you actually knew and read comics.
So no.
I'll not answer your question because you don't deserve it, you don't deserve to know something every comic fan knows, because you aren't one.

>Because he can literally do anything
Superman has fewer powers than Thor, Dr. Strange, Franklin Richards and Silver Surfer and I have NEVER seen powerlevelfags getting pissed off at those characters.

If Superman is a bad character because "he has all powers" (which he don't), then all characters that have more powers than he does should be under the same scrutiny.

Including Goku, the god of powerlevelfags.

>Batman is good at everything?
He's not, Dr Doom is good at everything.

Yeah, but Dr. Doom is a hivemind-approved character, so we can't say anything bad about him.

It's like how Superman being powerful is bad, but Marvel characters being more powerful is okay. Or how Batman defeating white Martians is bad, but Valeria Richards defeating Celestials and Beyonders is okay.

Powerlvelfags only have a problem with DC, for some reason.

Saitama's narrative purpose is to "punch holes" in the concept of what it means to be a "hero".
Throughout the chapters, he's allied/in conflict with other heroes of classic archetypes, (the brooding avenger, the selfless martyr, the egotistical jerk, ect) and forces each to re-examine their preconceptions of heroism, while trying to deal with his own issues.
All the monster-punching is just icing on the cake.
It's simultaneously a deconstruction, parody and homage to all the classical Japanese and American superhero archetypes.

You're definitely reading too much into it.

At no point has "One Punch Man" ever examined what means to be a hero.

He's also genuinely a good guy, supportive and even a bit self-sacrificing. He's dedicated to helping others, even as it becomes monotonous and depressing, because he can't think of anything better to do with his powers; even when given other options, other avenues to enrich his life being a hero is STILL the best thing in the world to him and he resents the implication that having fun is more important or a better way to live, or that heroes who give their all and risk their life are somehow wasting their time.

>Valeria Richards defeating Celestials
Wow really?

>Superman has fewer powers than Thor, Dr. Strange, Franklin Richards and Silver Surfer and I have NEVER seen powerlevelfags getting pissed off at those characters.
Superman has Krypto-Fu when the narrative calls for it, he can read and use the total sum of all Earthly medicine in a couple minutes when the narrative calls for it, he can fucking sing Darkseid out of our reality when the narrative calls for it.

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You want to know how I can tell you are an Anime casual?

>He's also genuinely a good guy, supportive and even a bit self-sacrificing. He's dedicated to helping others, even as it becomes monotonous and depressing,
So he's better than Superman because the author is straight up copying Superman traits, ok.

Agreed my guy.
If I were to be honest, myself, I feel as though I'm guilty of hyping up characters myself.
My first real exposure to the DC canon was the DCAU, and while it took a while to grow on me, I do recall that Flash was my favorite of all the DC heroes showcased in the various series. As I got older, it became easy to indulge in posting about how fast and strong the various Flashes are, but looking at it from the outside, I've come to realize just how obnoxious that behavior is, and how easily it can push others away from the character.
It wasn't any dumb "faster than instant movement" feat that made me enjoy Flash as a character, nor was it any stupid attosecond feats. Sure, seeing Flash in the series take down Luthor Brainiac by circling the world over and over was a really cool and dramatic scene, but it was only so memorable because I already liked the character.
In all honesty, is was moreso moments like this that made him endearing

The only thing tiring about Saitama is how fucking obsessed you guys are with him.

>Superman has Krypto-Fu when the narrative calls for it
And your most recent example of it is a comic written 50 years ago.

Meanwhile, on current Thor, Thor has the powers of Mjolnir, plus Odin-Force, plus his own powers, plus Galactus powers, and has beaten Galactus in every single issue of the current run.

Has that pissed you off, or are you to busy being angry at 70s Superman comics?

None of that makes it good or entertaining to watch. Saitama is still an annoying bastard that ruins the entire show

Superfags are coming out of their basement to defend why they fap to Superman.

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Don't you get it?

Every character can be as powerful as they want, and its no problem.

The only exception is Superman. Superman, and Superman alone, is the only character that can't be powerful.

Why is OP so miserable?

just give up Thorfag, your damage control is not working

>Meanwhile, on current Thor, Thor has the powers of Mjolnir, plus Odin-Force, plus his own powers, plus Galactus powers, and has beaten Galactus in every single issue of the current run.
If I started a thread tomorrow about Odin-Force Thor being tougher than Superman, you'd be first in line to laugh in my face and we both know it. Give me a fucking break.

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Saitama works because regardless of his immense power relative to his setting, he's still constantly failing
>b-but Saitama always wins
that's not his goal at all, he wants a real challenge but he's constantly failing to find it. He rarely actually gets his way in general, and despite his power people don't really respect him.

Thor also performed surgery though. When he had Donald Blake swimming in his head

Yes, because Blake was a surgeon. Superman can literally do this with any profession in existence.

DC claims Superman is the center of the DC multiverse and the most important figure in it. DC claims Superman is the most powerful being on Earth despite the fact that he isn't. DC claims that the moment Superman goes evil, no one can defeat him despite several such beings existing. DC claims Superman is always right no matter the circumstances despite the fact that Superman had gave alien refugees grief for wanting to be left alone and endorsing the mind rape of Batman. DC claims Superman, especially Prime Earth Superman is the most Superman among Superman across the multiverse and only Superman that is shown capable of defeating the multiversal Supermen killer that killed/enslaved multiple Supermen.

>"Superman: Up in the Sky", a story about Superman looking all over the cosmos for a a random orphan girl that has been kidnapped by no-one-knows-who

>"One Punch Man", a manga whose punchline of every arc is Saitama solving the current issue (always in the form of an strong enemy) with a punch
>"Damn, 'One Punch Man' offers such a deep reading about heroism and the role of literary archetypes."

Fucking retards, man.

>dude, the character is invencible but that's okay because he's bored and depressed
FACT One Punch man is Yas Forums Rick and Morty

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The quickest way is to say a character is better than most people's favorite characters. This is why new characters normally fail. Hack writers can't help themselves.

holy shit an INVERTED black hole?!?!?!!?

>there literally a goku vs superman thread on the front of this board now
your right tho

This page is out of context. Its the wnd of a series of pages showing Superman's perseverance through life.

It's not meant to show Superman as powerful, its meant to show his intransigence when faced with a limitation or injustice. It shows that he is indomitable as a force for good.

Yes, and what makes Superman a bad example of how to write powerful characters?

>Can cite one example of a Superman story that isn't Superman winning by being the Super-est.

>Entire arcs of One Punch Man basically do not even have Saitama in them.

Go be an Yas Forumsnime casual elsewhere. I've probably even read more Superman than you have.

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Almost as impressive as "outrunning" death.

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Next time I make a thread I'm just going to open it with "why is Yas Forums so obsessed with OPM" because that's clearly all you faggots care about.

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Technically, he was a surgeon created out of magic. Or something.

>DC claims Superman is the center of the DC multiverse and the most important figure in it.
He arguably is. You do know that every capeshit, including Japanese capeshit, is just Superman-derivative, right? Of course he is at the center of the Universe he spawned.

>DC claims Superman is the most powerful being on Earth despite the fact that he isn't.
DC has never claimed that.

>DC claims that the moment Superman goes evil, no one can defeat him despite several such beings existing.
DC has never claimed that.

>DC claims Superman is always right no matter the circumstances despite the fact that Superman had gave alien refugees grief for wanting to be left alone and endorsing the mind rape of Batman.
DC has never claimed that.

>DC claims Superman, especially Prime Earth Superman is the most Superman among Superman across the multiverse and only Superman that is shown capable of defeating the multiversal Supermen killer that killed/enslaved multiple Supermen.
Now you're just going crazy.

It seems that the vast majority of your problems with Superman are shit that you have imagined.

>DC claims Superman is the center of the DC multiverse and the most important figure in it.
That's Elaine Belloc
>DC claims Superman is the most powerful being on Earth despite the fact that he isn't. DC claims that the moment Superman goes evil, no one can defeat him despite several such beings existing.
Except that he was defeated by others heroes at several times including at Injustice
>DC claims Superman is always right no matter the circumstances
Straight up wrong, there was an entire story about the Guardians of the Universe proving to Superman that he must change or he will fuck up mankind unintentionally so he promise to change.

I don't watch porn for the story, homie.

>Next time I make a thread I'm just going to open it with "why is Yas Forums so obsessed with OPM" because that's clearly all you faggots care about.
But that's not SU

His ethical dilemma earlier in the story was a better example of that, this page just felt like extra supes masturbation.

>DC has never claimed that.
You clearly haven't been reading enough comics.

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