What is the best Sonic story ever told?

What is the best Sonic story ever told?

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Sure as hell isn't anything in the autismfest from Adventure 2 and beyond

Tails Gets Trolled

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You know I'm right.

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Not Yas Forums, kill yourselves, not once did OP write anything about comics or cartoons, this shit can easily be on Yas Forums. Fuck off or the mods will kick your furry asses.

god dangit

>sonic underground
>not Yas Forums

Sonic Heroes

Someone’s pissed

Nearly everything you just linked was either a (porn) comic or cartoon. Neck yourself, brainlet

my nig

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Why is Tails so awesome?

The OVA.

Still can't believe this show was a thing. Like, Did nobody at Sega of America and DIC knew that SA1 was in development ?

Fuck off furfags, these retards Clearly lists not Yas Forums stuff, fuck off to Yas Forums NOW!

Nah, heroes had a lame plot. Shiro Maekawa's weakest story by far


Reminder that SA2, Shadow and 06 are only ones with autistic plots. Everything else is lighthearted, harmless stuff that could easily fit in a CN show

Literally what is wrong with those??

Off the top of my head, the ones I like the most were:

>Return to Angel Island
>Robo-Robotnik and his tyrannic return and revelation in space
>Rob 'o Hedge and General Commander meeting in personal and bonding with each other
>that one where Sally was kidnapped, and Sonic go forth to save her alongiside Mina
>Tossed in Space arc
>Moebius arc (though, it did left me to desire for more of the Suppression Squad, and Scourge didn't really caught much of my attention)
>The Sonic: Genesis arc (the first two were strong, while the rest felt a little weak)
>Sonic Quest
>Sonic #25
>Antoine and Bunnie visiting General Commander at his coma, sharing words with each other until that General doze off to sleep forever
>Rotor and Nicole going with each other at discovering whoever was the inventor of Nicole

It's really quite a bunch of stories, many that differ at their tone and atmosphere, where I liked personally, and it's hard to define which one was the best.

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Well, i don't think autistic shit like kids being shot dead by the military, a guy going insane in prison and planning genocide, aliens wanting to harvest humans and a princess with a demon inside of her are stuff that should be in a freaking Sonic game. So glad that 06 turning out to be a mess made them stop writing stories like that. Give me Unleashed, Colors and even Forces stories anyday

I havent read Sonic comics since I was a kid and literally the only storyline I remember is Bunnie getting roboticized

Thats why it existed: to promote the Dreamcast.


Btw does anyone know what series/issue that was? I'd like to read it again, it was brutal

It shows. The entire show felt like cynical cash grab with barely any effort put into it. I know AOSTH and Satam are not that great, but they definitely had more effort and budget than Underground did

SatAMs fucking boring though

Not Yas Forums kill yourselves.

>Stop liking things I don't like! REEEEEEEEEEEE!!

There's like six Sonic cartoons out there though

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Sonic and the Black Knight

This is true

It was the 3#.

It wasn't really brutal. At the epoch, Archie Sonic was making its first steps, with its light and pun-filled stories.

Uh... I don't know. I thought it was weak overall. I like most of the episodes in the first season, while I dislike most of season 2, and I think the pilot itself was the best episode of the show.

But then, of course, I think it's just me. None of the animated Sonic series has entertained me enough to consider them good.

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Shiro Maekawa's masterpiece. He absolutely nailed the writing, tone and Sonic's characterization. It also had Jason Griffith's best performance by far

Still the best vocal theme in the series as far as games are concerned. Absolute kino youtube.com/watch?v=o8TxnuOia5w

I agree with you about SatAM. My favorite episode from that show is Fed Up With Antoine (despite it being from the second season), but I think what it needed more of most was Rotor Walrus.

It's that fucking walrus avatarfag again. Why hasn't he been banned yet?

Season 2 had a different director, writers and far more executive meddling. There's a reason why they added that dragon comic relief and gave some clothes to Sally in that season


*begins to inhale*

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I just looked it up #3 and read it and it wasnt what I was talking about. It must have been a different comic series than the archie ones. The one I read was actually scary and had a bunch of dark shadows and the characters were seriously freaked out, way edgier.

They talk about the games retards that's not Yas Forums


I like Rotoranon. He's one of my favorite posters.
You, on the other hand, are a douchebag.


Sonic and Sally had good chemistry

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>Special western format edition

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sonic is a cartoon character, in case you haven't noticed retard

Nothing has ever come close to touching this story's perfection.

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damn nigga you are genuinely autistic.

Criken's Kenshi playthrough


It had the best intro out of the entire DiC trio.

They were definitely going for a Han and Leia dynamic with them. It's obviously not as good or charming, but it gets the job done

Ugh, PS3 version of 06. I can get some mild enjoyement out of the 360 version, but the PS3 version is absolute torture because of the choppy framerate and longer load times

Best credits sequence out of all Sonic cartoons too youtube.com/watch?v=4vXUct2Ti9U


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Shun Nakamura is such a fucking hack. What were they thinking in making him director of a mainline anniversary game ? His only previous experience with the series was being an SA1 level designer. Hardly enough

>You know it's bad when you're coming off as the most autistic in a sonic thread

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