Kids cartoons that just COULDNT have been made today

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original invader zim

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It would've never been the same writing or animation quality if this was never made in the 90's and instead done now.

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lol wrong

wont lie, it would be hard to write.

Also no blood or guns at least not as often.

Did he ever score?

Its pretty unrealistic that Johnny wouldn't be able to get a girl with his kind of confidence.

I thought feminizis would be happy about a show of a jock simpleton continually failing at getting the attention of females who are successful at various professional areas and that can kick his musclebound ass with ease.

>all characters are in the military or terrorists
>good guys are loud and proud patriots
>despite all the diversity,their leader is Aryan
>conflicts are mostly resolved through physical force
>everyone is packing heat
>show existed only to sell toys

It really was a different time

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He got laid with the werewolf girl.

Animaniacs is still happening but being horndogs around the nurse probably won't be included in the reboot.

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>Johnny being that sexual and that much of a perv
>Being that rude and insensitive towards people
>Comments saying its way too accurate
I fucking hate normalfags

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The weird part is GI Joe is SJW as fuck. It's got every fucking color of person that exists from every fucking country of potential origin, as well as women, both in positions of power and in direct combat. SJW's should be creaming their dilation stations over it.

You really are out of touch.

Johnny wouldn't give a shit about being politically correct or getting #metoo'd, which only works to his advantage. Women use that shit as a filter to weed out men without a backbone. If a man accused of these things backs off and says sorry, he's not a real man and is worthless in their eyes. Johnny on the other hand would get laid non-stop in today's society by virtue of believing in himself and not listening to bullshit about "toxic masculinity" which was made up to repel creepy basedboys and "male allies".

And before you start screeching and call me an incel, think about how the same women are whining endlessly about the "lack of good men" and constantly writing articles asking, "where have all the real men gone". They succeeded in making a vast abundance of men change their behavior and mindset in order to to accommodate the new guidelines for masculinity set down by modern women, and at the same time they hate the simping, noodle-spined sadsacks that they've made men into. That is why Johnny, a relic of a past time, would do so well today.

·Someone would've been dyked or gay. Lila definitely.

·Would've made a big deal about arnold and gerald being black and white.

·Cast would be pure zoomer hipster pandering.


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Too RAD for modern audiences

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>dilation stations
fuckin ay

as for ur post, having women or minorities doesnt mean shit, this aint nazi germany
that shit is normal, u cant judge much based on how many women or poc there are in a show, theres a reason we mock SJWs for doing just that

Unironically,that's why Boomerang went "NOPE" on Swat Kats:Revolution at the last minute after having told the creators they where going to produce it.

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She single handedly kickstarted my muscle girl fetish.

get ready for the complaints about it being too political

This is not like Johnny at all. It’s a vile caricature made for third worlders to pretend to understand because they can’t grasp subtlety.

all the characters are in good physical shape and love their country instead of complaining about being oppressed, so no, SJWs wouldn't like it

This is an insult to our Mr.Yas Forums

Thats just sad. I sometimes imagine how many drones they can blow up without any fuzz from the ratings board in a modern reboot.

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To this day, I have no idea how Cartoon Network thought an adult guy trying to get laid was something kids would want to watch.

Men of the past could relate to a guy trying to get a girlfriend.

If you bring this up in the comments you’ll get bullshit like
>hey bro chill out it’s just a joke and like a parody or sumthin’
>why you gotta ruin the fun?

All the other picks they had were worse, nobody wants to see Yuckie Duck having his own show.

After the whole John K. scandal it's amazing it got made in the first place. Nick really clamped down on auteur creator types once Johnny fucked all the executive's daughters and made the budget cry.

>american citizens serving in the military is SJW

You're retarded. The joke of the show has always been that Johnny would obviously get laid irl but doesn't in the show because the women are fictional and only fictional women have standards.

take your medicine

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Is there good fan art of her?

Beign "inclusive" or "diverse" don't contitute SJW.
Making a big deal over it does.

You have to be kidding

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Isn't that basically the joke? That he keeps getting rejected despite being the kind of guy you'd expect to do well with women?

Calarts Batman show when?

A Beetlejuice cartoon reboot might get a pass, but the original was too brazenly perverted to pass muster nowadays, especially with the younger-looking Lydia.

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An amoral demon flirting with his underage sidekick is a little questionable, I'll admit.

>when you're so far gone you see literally any non-white person or female on screen as the work of the evil SJW

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i heard somewhere that the teacher is a fag

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I don't get it, in reallity Johny will be drowing in pussie

Just remembered CN were constantly pairing him with Velma in some way. People would have REALLY been triggered by that now!

That pairing makes a lot of sense.

The best part is Cobra is even more open about put women and minorities in positions of power, remember the top leader of Cobra is a woman, the second in command is some guy with some speech dissorder

You mean early Season 1 Zim ? Always felt those early eps were darker than the later ones, which were wackier


2015-2020 and still don't get it, what is wrong with DD cups in kids shows? Is only a joke, and women can have big boobs

they weren't willing to outright say the teacher was gay. but it was pretty heavily implied

how about the opposite
cartoons you are surprised have not been rebooted in current era

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The boy with bad luck -> Toxic
The boy with a crush with Helga -> Trump supporter
cartoons can't be like the 80's...that is sad

Fucking SJW bullets

>White straigth american male leader
>Female asian no lesbian middle class girl
>No gay character
>No trans character
>Captain Planet is NOT a woman

Ted Turner doesn’t want his pet project turned to shit.

ma-ti was gay as fuck
and kwame was the leader