Remember when the simpons were in hulk?

Remember when the simpons were in hulk?

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Other urls found in this thread:,_New_Jersey

Their faces scare me.

Remember when immortal was actually good pre issue #26. The minotaur is amusing but it's still really weak compared to what we had before.

>Springfield is in New Jersey in 616 Marvel

It’s still enjoyable and Xemnu is great

The book is so awesome - minus the “being a tranny is a superpower / being picked on as a kid protects you from mind control but only if you’re someone who cuts off your dick, nobody else who got picked on is as special”

It took a nosedive in quality after they took care of the black ops organizaton

Nah Xenmu has been great. And what kind of aggressively fair weather fan are you anyway? Relax

Samefag ;)

The fuck are you talking about. The xemnu shit is the worst immortal has been

Found the tranny.

>nelson face

Memory manipulation/mind control storylines are terrible.
There's no mystery and it's just the cast just pondering about shit we already know.

Guess that means they survived this.

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Leave the one below all to me!

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What else happened to Earth-616's Simpsons?

Is Frank Simpson now related to The Simpsons?!

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Is Craig "Crash" Simpson now related to the Simpsons?

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Disney owns both now

Oh man, Yas Forums.

No one here ready for The Thoughtful Man.

Holy shit, I totally missed that.
Haven't seen the Simpsons in forever.

I feel immense excitement.

nice reminder Lisa dresses like a 50s housewife.

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Lancaster Sneed's Feed and Seed

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On a scale from 1 to 10 just how fucked up is the next issue (assuming you've read it already)

Yes it was like a week ago.


My LCS opened a day early due to the Diamond news, so I read it early. Ewing was right about Body Horr%r coming back in a big way.

remember? user, I would never forget an issue of Xemnu The Living Hulk

Since you've read it, just how crazy do you think tomorrow's storytime will be?

Gonna set a record for the most replies. Not only is it a 6$ issue with multiple spreads, there's some big revelations and big moments. Hope it gets ripped early, since there's a good number of page turn reveals.

>we get Xemnu badassery
>we get this
It’s a mixed bag. Even though I’m on the right I consider this comic liberalkino. They need to stop with the tranny shit though and get back to what we want which is Hulk vs Xemnu and Agger.

Attached: F5648195-296A-4FB2-B057-5EF03FA601CD.jpg (1242x1270, 977.79K),_New_Jersey

Springfield, New Jersey may refer to:

Springfield Township, Burlington County, New Jersey
Springfield Township, Union County, New Jersey
Springfield/Belmont, Newark, New Jersey, a neighborhood of Newark

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Even more replies than the infamous Hulk Brigade issue?

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This is so fucking bad lmao

Shaping up to be epic as fuck

Xemnu is probably the best arc antagonist so far. Anyways the current arc is ending with tomorrow's issue and then the focus will go back to the leader and TOBA.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Ewing say that the ongoing Roxxon arc will still continue after tomorrow's issue?

Next issue is a leader Retrospective and the solicits for issue 35 say the war with Roxxon is already over.

Somebody post the one where the scorpion mac gargan crashes the Simpson's Picnic.

It'll definitely compete with the final sequence of #24.

We're in for one hell of a ride tomorrow, aren't we?

Actually it's pretty disappointing, you'd be better off skipping this one entirely.

Might be a stupid question to ask, but that's a joke, right?

If you're black you shouldn't read it, so fuck off.

How did all three get blond hair from two non-blond parents?

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I remember when LOST was in Flash

maybe it's recessive in both of them


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The same way black gingers exist, Punnett Squares are a simplification but useful for guesses and quick explanations.

What’s this from? Did John Byrne draw this?

Pretty sure hair colours are controlled by additive genes

Scorpion ruined their camping trip.

Did you feel like something was off with Green Scar too? I think he might have been TOBA manipulating Hulk. Although the location of that last page may throw a wrench in that theory.

I'm certain that Green Scar was an imposter. Savage could smell him lying.

>tomorrow might be my last post with the Xemnu twitter

Well, it's been fun. I wish my life didn't go a little crazy over these last few weeks so I could have posted more, oh well. Thanks for the ride Yas Forums.

None of this shit actually happened, holy fuck Yas Forums, always making shit up in your head and getting mad at it.