Funny Yas Forums storyboards and concepts that stayed on paper

post em

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King of the Hill has a few interesting ones.

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Guys, make sure you don't draw Peggy too sexy.

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What's with that thumbnail

>making Peggy uglier to be more ""realistic""

Kinda happy I never watched this pozzed show.

Anyone have that one Regular Show board where Mordecai goes
>"Fuck off, Benson"
>(Smash Mouth Plays)
Been looking for that for months without any success

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Happens some times when two anons posts with an image at the same time.

here's your (you)

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This one’s my personal favorite

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They're not telling the artists to draw her uglier to be realistic, they're telling them to avoid drawing off model just to make her look a bit sexier, retard. Peggy naturally looks like how she's drawn on the left.
King of the Hill was one of those shows where they were a bit more stricter with their character model guidelines. They wanted the show to be as realistic as possible

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Animation is meant to escape realism, not be a complete mirror of it. If this show were done by Japanese people, they would've gone with the right and give the show a much more appealing art style. It would've been so much better.

>putting art in a box


If I ever find you I am going to blow your head off with number 3 buckshot send post

That's just good advice

Was this confirmed as a deleted scene, or just the artist pushing their comic?

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the IZ notes were p great

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funny either way desu

"Niga Hooves" is one that stayed to the .fla file.
However it is /mlp/ so I can't exactly post it without Lee getting up his ass. Looks p real.


Were the bad takes used in the project yet?

>niga hooves
Is that when you give a horse DUBS?

You're not even trying at this point.

hehe I say the bad word so edgy

Animation is a medium, just another way to tell a story. And not all stories have to be some overly wacky or out of this world escapism from reality. Nothing wrong with some stories being a bit realistic or down to Earth, animated or not. There's plenty of shows, movies, comics, books and even Japanese manga and anime out there that fall into this category

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Nice try.

Looks like you really never did watch the show, it's based and redpilled (not even in a faggy Yas Forums sense, it's just a show where the MC is a traditional values husband and father who's competent and wise while his wife is dumb and vain, whereas almost all animated sitcoms have a bumbling husband/father with a wife who acts as his brains)

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It's not edgy. It sounds like a perfectly reasonable reaction to have. It's just that you have to find a word with as much bite as "fuck."

>fuck is edgy
No wonder this board gets mocked all the time.

This can't be real

>a fucking sonichu reference almost made it into ok ok
Maybe I should watch it.

post it anyway coward

Even the Youtube algorithm browses Yas Forums it seems.

>a fucking sonichu reference almost made it into ok ko
Maybe I should watch it.

maybe we all should

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unironically good
the whole *every cartoon creator's friends and their friends get a show and in turn THEIR friends get a show and* effect probably allowed for it considering ian is rebecca bf but turns out hes the more talented of the two

The art style turned me off at first, but Ian is evidently based, so I'll trust you on this and give it a shot later, probs today.

The legs taper off into nothing very abruptly, it should be more fluid. Also his arms are too short.

are u actually giving in ur input, or just trying for that quarter? i think the offer is a bit expired

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I have to see this. Somebody find it.

I say what I feel because that's what I enjoy, go away Jhonen.

>storyboard “artists” get paid to draw doodles that take 2 minutes at most to draw

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i know
pretty based, right?

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hold on i know that artist

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Yeah, It's done to stage a scene

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>Yeah, It's done to stage a scene

and then either given to local, in house animators that are in on the rest of the production
or if its shipped off elsewhere to animated the board get refined to their final shape

because if u send THESE toilet stall door tier doodles off to fucknowhere china u get... unfortunate results

They are also staging and choreographing the show. It isn't just drawing sketches user

the "to the extreme" bit is in the pilot but they changed ko's response


No, only official audio.

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Yeah. Hence why the ones posted ITT were either refined or not included all together.
What's your point?

im flinging salt at certain cartoons

>if u send THESE toilet stall door tier doodles off to fucknowhere china u get..
Basically all of Steven Universe post-season one. Also, checked.

>steams a good ham
What did they mean by this?

aurora borealis

Why didn't they include this?

they did

ko's line was changed though, guess they felt it was a bit too on the nose