Who could redeem Steven?

Who could redeem Steven?

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He hasn't done anything irreversible or irredeemable yet

Now it's an irrefutable fact that Naruto is a better villain converter than Steven.

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>final episode of Future is a second UG crossover

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>Coolest Guy Steven

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A shrink

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i can't believe how dirty kishi did my boy The Masked Man

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The one

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he literally killed someone

And immediately brought her back and she didn't mind being killed

cmon sucrose you gotta follow through

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>No you see officer it's ok because she didn't stay dead, also she asked for it

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Steven's playing God now?

Gems aren't people.

He IS God

he's been playing God since the second he began manipulating his enviroment to better suit him. planting seeds? playing god. cooking meat? playing god. using words to try and influence the behavior of others? oh you better believe that's playing God

Now you're thinking like a diamond.

Claiming that someone got the shit beat out of them on purpose because it was consensual BDSM has gotten people acquitted irl

He created a society of sentient melons who worship him.

We need another fat kid with a fraction of his life experience shrugging aside his problems with a song so he can magically get over his years of turmoil in less that an episode.

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No-one. Steven needs catharsis through rape.

>t. lapis

Steven believe in Steven

I bet I could redeem him, if I got the drop on him.

the catalog

no one

redemption doesn't happen in real life

he's not gonna make it,

Young Steven

a gun

Could Naruto redeem him?

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He also attempted to kill another person in the very next hour

Daily reminder that Rebecca put a Banepost into "The Return" right at the peak of Baneposting.

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I would say the blood of Jesus Christ but apparently Christianity doesn't exist in the stevenuniverse so my answer is nothing.

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anybody got a working mega link

She's coming user. Literally the only gem in the intro who hasn't appeared yet.

don't hold your breath on that one, user

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>Steven turns into a monster
>The first monster he ever saved helps save him
The pottery is too much to ignore

aw man, if the leaks say something different I'll be sad. I feel like it's a great story beat and really drives home that Steven was right to help rehabilitate Centi. What goes around comes around

>Steven hugged her and told her being a monster isn't what she is
Yea, pretty much confirmed. Becky loves doing lazy callbacks like these. Fans will lap that shit up and call her a visionary.

>lazy callbacks
I'm an idiot for taking the bait, but it's not a "lazy callback" it's a central theme of the show

God I really hope Centi plays a big part
and goddamn it I'm sad the Stevenfucker thread got archived, I'm horny and need an outlet for my cumbrain babble

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I agree with your sentiment

>Steven turns into a monster
>The first monster he ever saved kills him
The pottery is TOO MUCH TO IGNORE

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someone please post the fucking mega

why every pic I see form this show the chracters are crying

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Run Steven Run! youtube.com/watch?v=B5F7NbRjqXA
I need to see that image animated into a loop with the music in the background.

Everyone's going to hug Steven's worm form, and they'll all fuse together to form a beautiful butterfly.
It's gonna be super gay.

>butterflies represented stress in Mindful Education
oh fug

Goku, Spongebob, Superman
Also this

How would Goku redeem him?

Goku has frequently punched his evil enemies so hard that the resulting brain damage makes them good, have you ever watched Dragonball?

His wife

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I’ve been meaning to. Would be good for Steven to have an outlet who won’t croak like Jasper

kino incoming.

I really really want this.

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If Lapis was there, Steven would have probably stop on killing Jasper

Which is funny, because both are kinda scum depressed people, they are soulmates at this point

well, yes, it IS okay. If someone in reallife were to accidentally kill someone in a private boxing match but then brought that person back to life, he wouldn't be charged with murder.