Hey, mentality prepare yourselves because I just watched the FULL finale and it ends on a mild clifthanger

Hey, mentality prepare yourselves because I just watched the FULL finale and it ends on a mild clifthanger

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Details nigga details

Leak it bb

pink diamond back isnt she?

please don't or atleast keeo to just screen shots, its the last hurray

where do you watch it?

Nice fanart.

Be patient, really.


Private copy sent to me among other people

I found it by searching "Steven Universe Future White Diamond". Don't think it actually represents what I saw

>Dude, trust me

Attached: teapots.png (750x562, 250.33K)

use catalog


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>Steven leaves Beach City
>Cue new "series" (which is really just a named season) called "Steven Universe Odyssey" or something.

A spin-off is a chance to make someone else the protagonist. Or to tell the same story from another perspective. Why would anyone want another Steven series?

does he shatter the CG's?

Hint without spoiler?

Was that leak of everyone saving Steven through hugging legit?


we dunno

Does best gem Jasper get a happy ending?

>Steven has to work out his anger issues
>Jasper was working before he accidentally wrecked her too hard when he didn't meant to
>Clearly the solution is to find evil things to slaughter to help


Attached: Heavy metal gets stronger.jpg (1060x1200, 111.33K)

you don't need someone else to tell you what you can figure out for yourself

Because teen steven isn't as much of a bitch

>goes in his van throughout the country searching for wrongs to right and acquires a posse of quirky gems and people along the way

>goes in his van throughout the country searching for wrongs to right and acquires a posse of quirky gems and people along the way
That's a worse Lars story.

Leak it, user, we all are your friends, you can trust us.

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This. Besides, this is a fucking epilogue, it's supposed to wrap up Steven's story.
This guy better be fake because if this really ends in a cliffhanger then this is the worst epilogue of all time,

there probably won't be anything else after steven's story ends. I don't think they'd do a spinoff about another character.

the only chance for everyone else getting further development and resolution is for steven to keep going

Not sure if its legit but somebody posted this image yesterday saying its spoilers without context. Was that you?
It's weird enough that it might be real.

Attached: su 4chan spoilers.png (530x3751, 1.69M)

So Evangelion.
Based sugar.

That wasn't me but I can tell they have probably seen it

Was the finale at least good?

It was fine. I liked CYM more because this one clearly didn't make closure a priority but that's okay since it's an epilogue.
They are, at worst, very good SU episodes that really shouldn't have been a finale

Shit bait, no details at all so you can keep pretending once it's out, trying to save face on an anonymous imageboard. r8 0.5/8

im so convinced pink diamond will reemerge. Fuck it they only have 33 minutes but surely a satisfying ending is steven is resolved of his duties and pink now has to take her role as a diamond again

Time to overanalyze some probably fake shit
>First image is basic shit, Steven feeling alone in the universe
>the vibe check meme to imply Steven kicks the shit out of someone else
>the broken car meme probably means the van is absolutely destroyed beyond repair
>handsome squidward is the buff Steven from the preview
>dog with cat is Jasper? Maybe
>Rapist image is probably Steven seeing his friends as enemies because of his mental state
>weird angel is probably a giant fusion made to take down the worm
>last one probably means the show ends with a song and they didnt like it.

>surely a satisfying ending is running away from your problems and just passing them back on to your mom
I take back what I said OP, this is the real shitty bad.

>My dad works for Nintendo

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>this one clearly didn't make closure a priority but that's okay since it's an epilogue.
but that makes no sense because an epilogue IS about closure


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I'm saving it just in case.

Steven is a diamond and has to learn to live with that, taking away the diamond would be the worst way to resolve that shit.

No. Finales are about closure. Epilogues are about wrapup.
Look at it this way, we have already seen the ending of the Steven Universe story. What we are watching now is just a little bit more content to cap off a couple things that were teased but we never got to see.

Future is like the after credits scene of Steven Universe.

>What we are watching now is just a little bit more content to cap off a couple things that were teased but we never got to see.
You'd have a point if they didn't throw in pink steven.

He is getting pinkier by the second.

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she's dead. you can't confront people who are gone forever and have to piece together your own closure from within yourself

I trust Sugar to give us that Steven meets Rose/Pink scene.

>Steven finally has a breaking point where his gem unfuses due to not cooperating
>no gem, no fuel for steven to do anything
>worm thing is final form of diamond powers
>diamond worm holding weak steven body in temptation to obliterate his human form and carry on solely as gem beast
>no fucking clue, i guess someone fuses with the diamond worm without consent
>scatch that they all do creating the final form of an all gem fusion including humans
>all gem fusion is voiced by rebecca
>love like you

FIN, how did i do Yas Forums?

to further prove it, heres an unconfirmed fusion yet to appear

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It’s been reemphasized over and over that Pink is G O N E. Even if she did reappear in the finale it’d probably be for one of Steven’s visions at most. Plus considering that Pink/Rose is basically a trans allegory permanently bringing back Pink would completely destroy that.

>Pink/Rose is basically a trans allegory

That's obsidian

So is the fusion the vague shape on the left of Obsidian? Do they not even show a sillhouette?

the one next to obsedian is the yet to be revealed fusion

>Pink/Rose is basically a trans allegory permanently bringing back Pink would completely destroy that.
back to the dying hellhole that is tumblr with you

My brother works for steam, half life 3 is coming. Just be patient.

Thank you Obama.

But the problem is that this season is not just wrap up, it introduces a major problem with Steven's emotional issues that is a very important thing to his character. If Steven did not have any melodrama in this season and it was purely just to say goodbye to everyone, then you would have a point. But Steven is going through a lot of shit, and ending that with a cliffhanger is garbage because it doesn't address the problems he has.
Its like the LOTR epilogue, that one had everyone find an ending to their story, and while Frodo had an issue of not belonging in the world, he quickly found a solution and took it. That's an epilogue, it doesn't introduce any new threat to the characters or the world, it just gives them ending. Future introduces a shit ton of problems that Steven has to deal with, and by what you are saying they dont treat it well

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I mean, did you see the ending of Alyx?

but there are no external problems? The show spelled it out multiple times all of the problems ly in stevens inability to not feel useful. Everything he hoped for in the main series have been fullfilled to an extent

I thought that was just some retard. Now I'm not sure.

it is just some retard

Except his problems are bigger than just "feeling lonely" now, because he murdered a gem and tried to shatter another one the very next episode. You can't just say "well they hug him and tell him he's never alone" because the latter half of this show has introduced themes of ptsd and family dissociation that cant be fixed with a hug. There are no gem threats but what Steven is going through is a lot.
Like the LOTR example, Frodo also had issues of feeling useless back in home and had no idea what to do with his life. But he didn't go crazy powerful and killed/revived his friends, he just took a decision and left them, no big drama.

>diamond fusion
i believe it

I want it.