Has any other fansite caused more damage to the collective ability to think and analyze critically?
Yes, the entirety of Yas Forums.
Fair enough.
Soooooo... everything is a trope now?
to answer your question in the most literal sense: Wikipedia
Youtube reviewers. At least tv tropes’s autism can catalogue Obscure shit so I know what to avoid.
Back in my day we called it a cliché.
All it does is categorize.
Tropes and clichés are not the same thing
That's great, but nobody can explain what a "trope" is. They just say, "it's kind of like a cliché". And if you look it up, it just says it's a synonym for a cliché.
So it's really just the word cliché, but for retards.
>deconstructed trope
>subverted trope
>reconstructed trope
>averted trope
>More examples of things that don't play the trope straight than things that do
i find it disappointing that users from different sites adapt Yas Forums behavior without realizing it.
If you don't understand the English language, stop posting on an English website.
It's useful to see if there's stuff that happens that i hate
I think I'd rank cinema sins higher on damage to critical thinking then doug
Game critics sites
Try to explain what a trope is then, you high school drop-out retard.
>be le ebic 4chaner
>tell newfags to kys when they use reddit spacing
>use greentext arrows on sites that dont even support that feuture .
reddit has probably made everyone less original or a bunch of grandstanders so they can get orange arrow while tv tropes autistically sorting everything. as for Yas Forums some people on here are dumb but it wasnt Yas Forums that made them dumb
How about youtube? Remember when every single comment wasn't in the exact same meme format?
>Old YouTube
>We'll never get it back
A trope is a heuristic, a mental shortcut to deliver a message to the audience. For instance when we refer to someone as "lantern-jawed," we aren't just referring to his strong jaw, we're referring to him as a strong masculine figure, and thus don't need to explain it in the text.
But you're either an ESL or a retard, so this is going to go over your head.
>greentext arrows on sites that dont even support that feature
Using a greater than sign for quoting or summarising what someone else has written predates and is not unique to Yas Forums, youngling. Usenet used it, as does fucking e-mail.
reddit is a cemented millennial website. zoomers consider it a place for out-of-touch old people
Why does this site cause so much butthurt on Yas Forums?
That's not a "trope".
Look at this third world retard trying to teach someone else English.
Greatest website in the history of mankind.
But does it air on PBS Kids?
Honestly, none site really harm people ability. More like shown that people have no collective ability to think and analyze critically. Any example shown in these threads are proof of that.
Youtube comments have always been garbage but it's frightening how consistently the same exact meme format comments show up on every single video. I'm pretty sure the people making the comments don't even know where the memes come from at this point, they just do it because they've seen it before on so many other videos already.
So what's your favorite trope? I can't get enough of ThatOneBoss.
My favorite trope is This Troper and I am not making this up ^_^....
If you stick with cinemasins you were not capable of critical thinking to begin with
fpbp this website has ruined all credibility of opinions on pop culture
>Discussed trope
>Mentioned trope
“Clichés” are just tropes that have gained a reputation for being used over & over to the point where it’s use becomes indicative of a creator with zero imagination.
If all you use are clichés, you truly have zero imagination whatsoever.
Can you explain what a cliché is?
>dude talks to another dude
>Ho Yay
>Nightmare Fuel
>It's not even fucking scary
Is everyone on that site a pussy?
A trope is a piece of story kit that's commonly used. For example, having a hero with some kind of destiny.
A cliche is one that's been overused to the point where everyone is tired of it. For example having a humble orphan hero who grows up on a farm and is secretly the heir to the throne.
Look, I'm a user on that site. And, to be honest, the feeling is mutual. We try our best with quality control, but this shit is just getting out of hand. It's extremely frustrating.
Remember the "Ready Jet Go" fiasco?
Good. All opinions are shit.
She's cute.
>Created the term weeboo
>Created the concept of rule 34
>Popularized Cal-Arts as an insult
Holy shit... Not that I hate these concepts but still.
You talk like a fag
Fpbp. Been here over 10 years and people have only been getting more and more stupid. It doesn't even matter if they're pretending anymore.
I hate how are structured the articles in the mayority of the wikias. For example, the Trivia section only should have some cultural references or production notes (or their own section(s) if there is too much), and not as a badly distributed information in a list form that easily can be converted into a paragraph
Reddit and Rotten Tomatoes
They imitate it without knowing the context. It's like planting a banana tree on Greenland because you like the fruit.
I'd watch Car Safety in the Static Realm hosted by MC Ride