Did they let a bunch of angsty teenage fanfic writers take over the show?

Did they let a bunch of angsty teenage fanfic writers take over the show?

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Yes, but actually no.

>Steven walks in on his dad being taunted by his momsister transformed into his dead mom, while alluding she has done this before for her own sexual gratification
this show has always been angst personified

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But now it's like every episode.

sugar is an angsty teen fan fiction writer, she's just older now and works in animation.

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That's a better kind of angst though

Literally /ourgirl/


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yes and no its edgy and better

I think you're mistaking this for Homestuck 2.

Yes but actually yes. The drama is forced and they turned Steven into an unlikable faggot.

He is just going through the realization that the people around him are the ones that caused all his traumas (the Diamonds especially). The only option left for him is to make every single responsible beg for mercy, it will be then when he delivers his own kind of "mercy" to all of them.

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Who cares as long it leads to shitpost gold.

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Why is he doing the sans pose.

>angsty teenage fanfic writers?
As opposed to?

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Was everything building up to this, all along?

I stopped watching at the end of season 4, what did I miss?

>The Diamonds try to help him
>Steven freaks out anyway

Literally the only angst is coming from Steven. Everyone else has been nothing but nice and accomodating to him.

Mental illness is irrational. The dude has been spent the last few eps trying really hard not to have panic attacks and he keeps failing and having them anyway. I've been there and it sucks.

same actually and I'm on happy drugs now

Can relate, user

>while alluding she has done this before for her own sexual gratification
ITT: shit that never fucking happened
seriously, how dirty does your mind have to be, to get THAT out of that scene? where was that ever implied?

>steven universe developed a split personality disorder
>we thought he was just an innocent talk no jutsu kid who believed in all things good but in truth he was repressing fear and rage all this time and now they're slipping out since the side of him that helps people has nothing to do.

actually pretty interesting shit. also

>why is an angsty teen acting like an angsty teen
gee i dunno

are they working? been thinking of going on them myself

It's an absolute shitshow. Daring enough to confront the fallout from years of torture, not daring enough to recognize said torture, which makes Steven look like an irrational faggot. Great.

It's as if it's been commandeered by some overpowered narcissist. C'mon White, you may be able to fool them, but you can't fool me.

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Not really because that’s the only case of something like that happening before. That is the darkest thing any hero does on the show, and it’s forgotten quickly so the audience can not hate Amethyst

>Steven doesn't fuck the pink noodle that was thirsting for him to wash his pain away

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How do you feel that his irrational actions will leave him no consequences and burn no bridges?

it happens again in the movie though, with greg there
so they kind of addressed it again

"I've seen your junk before"

They didn’t really addressed it because they just told her to do it and didn’t go over how fucked it was that she did it in the first place.

she at least bothered to ask if he was okay with it this time

meet rebecca sugar, angsty teenage fanfic writer in an adult's body

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>Taking the Joker path
No, this is Steven Universe. The show that proved that violence is never the answer (even if that's not true irl).
He just needs some prozac. Now he can't just think well but he needs to be conscious about his mental processes. And when you have lived your life as everyone wants to kill you, you just can't.
Sorry, but he will get help but it will take a long time in series time.
Obviously, he knows something is wrong, but he just can't figure it himself.

Because when people understand you're crazy they can tell someone's if off their meds and it's the illness acting.
Other people are irrelevant or just assholes

Well White did rip his Gem out, even after a few years, he’s not over it and is too unstable right now

I think Steven's mad at Pink.

I wanna kiss Spinel

Steven is finally having some logical development,do you guys want everything to be sunshine and rainbows?

This. One of Sugar’s major influences, Utena, shows how not everybody will be perfectly fine after trauma and are going to act out in negative ways

thats called build up user,
they wouldnt have many episodes if they had him confront all his problems over a two episodes

What if his dragon form fucks her stretchy pussy? "I do it for My Steven." she says through gritted teeth as searing pain cascades through her form with every massive thrust.
Then when he cums, she shatters.

Yea but then it wasn't Steven acting like a little bitch over shit that the show had already addressed
SU:F has been treading old ground for half its run, making Steven's character seem inconsistent and his slow corruption totally contrived

the problem is that all of this development will be fixed in the final episode, so it is going to end with sunshine and rainbows regardless of all the edge presented beforehand.
I have not seen Utena but did that show also end with all the characters with trauma being magically fixed and losing none of their friends because of their lashing out? Because thats whats going down this week.

Technically Utena had to die for Anthy. Or become a car.

you are mad over a thing you imagined and just assume is going to happen because you're the one who imagined it

the leakers who spoiled the Diamonds fixing broken gems said what cures Steven is a hug by everyone. I know what happens.

Where can I find those leaks?

rebecca was the angsty fanfic writer all along, and I mock everybody who failed to pick up on that by season 3

user. user. No.

Steven can handle fucked up shenanigans. He's a sanity tank. He has to be. Maybe it makes him sad or uncomfortable sometimes, but he'll get through it.

What you're seeing here? This is someone who was tortured. Which is too much for a kid's show, in my opinion.

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When they say everyone do they mean everyone or just crystal gems and maybe connie.

Where's the fucking mega

>Did they let a bunch of angsty teenage fanfic writers take over the show?

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yes, but only after a month or two of taking them

She’s shit and only spammed because of her (((talents)))

well it does make some good points throught out the episodes that have been out
also keep in mind that while kids are a major demographic there are also teens and pre-teens on that list too
nothing wrong with a little darkness in a cartoon.

Difference is that Steven didn't act like a little cunt over this and was fairly understanding over how people that are hurt can hurt others.
Which is pretty funny when you think about it.

If the dude who molested me as a kid came back now with compassion and true intent to help me I would still want nothing more than to kill him on sight. WD ripped his diamond out almost killing him while mind controlling the people he loved so no one could help him, it doesnt matter that WD a fuckin born again hippie who thinks she can therapy power everything away. It makes complete sense that he gets enraged just looking at her face even years later

This was drawn when she was 15 you disingenuous faggot.

thanks user, I'll keep that in mind if I ever take the plunge

What if the dude who molested you was your grandmother?

And you bet your ass she's drawn lewds of all her characters.

that would make it even worse because the betrayal by a family member would make you hate them even more - probably why being a selfish bitch aside, pink decided blue and yellow didn't give a flying fuck about her 'cause they ignored her protests, chucked her in the time-out dungeon and made her cry a lot.

Wanna get a little darker? No one can acknowledge that Steven is being tortured because the most powerful being in the known universe is the torturer. So not only is he being consistently tortured over a period of years, he's also being gaslit to believe it's all the induced "trauma" of yesteryear that is making him break down.

It's pretty fucking bleak.

probably makes the trauma reaction even worse since its family.

they did acknowledge it though - did you not see steven sperg and blurt it out during the roller skating episode? or the PTSD induced flashback in the leaked ep?

That's 90% of artists lmao

I can’t wait for the salt. You fucks deserve all the shit you get

He usually hides his feelings when others need support, that’s been established since the Test. It probably really messed with him but he kept it hidden.

fuck you, i wish i could stop caring about this shitshow

>Stepdaughter seduction+femdom
Pioneering subject matter for television.

you can. just let go.