
What went wrong?

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The creator/lead animator/writer/VA actually died for real and everyone had to scramble at completing his unfinished ideas.Also Tom's apparently an Asshole

It was unironically never good
>literally baby first drawing style
>literally baby first premise "hurr everyone is stupid except me"
>shitty animation
>shitty humor

Edd was easily the least talented of all big newgrounds animators.

Really? Any first hand accounts of Tom being an asshole? I 100% believe it but are there any stories or something?

Tom, that's what went wrong. Everyone was giving Matt shit too, why? I have no clue.

It aged badly. It should stay in the 2000's where it belongs

Why Tom? What did he do? He totally seems like a asshole I’ll give you that

edd's passing, tom and the rabid fucking fangirls

Eh I kinda liked it. It’s kinda cringe especially the legacy episodes but it has some moments that are actually funny.

Why did he do it bros?

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The fandom for overworking Tom and Matt after Edd died, and overwhelming Tord to the point of him deleting any trace of his online presence.

But why was Eddsworld such a victim to this? I mean dosent that happen with pretty much every single show/movie/artist?

Keep in mind this is basically gossip, but I remember hearing he was super possessive of the property after the Edd died and was a huge dick to Tord,which The End episode kind of gives those vibes

Edd said before dying that Tom, Mat and Tord were not friends, they were his social circle but they never had interest on hanging out with each other, the way he portray them as a group of guys always hanging out together is not based on real life experiences.

I think Edd said on some post somewhere that Tom and Tord never worked out well with each other, but Matt got along with Tord just fine, judging from the video Edd took while they were all in Norway.


Why does Tom hate Tord so much anyway? I mean Tom literally made Tord the main villain in the finale and even said he represented Edds cancer coming back. Like what the fuck? Did Tord fuck toms gf or something? I heard rumors that it’s because Tord didn’t go to Edds funeral or something

To be fair Tord was portrayed as a maniac psychopath by Edd even going as far as murdering people for fun.

Edd said that Matt is friendly and talkative to literally anyone.

Yeah but for him to represent his cancer? That’s pretty fucking rude if I were Tord in real life I’d be extremely offended I bet there was some bad blood between them over something

no idea, but tom is a massive cunt in general. then again i think he only really went off the deep end within the past five years or so

Edd said that he tried to introduce Tom and Tord to each other while at a coffee place somewhere, and left them alone for a few minutes to find out that they apparently hate each other, for some reason. Maybe it was just a stupid argument they had back then or something, I dunno.

>he represented Edds cancer coming back
When did he say that?

Tom has always been a notorious asshole in the animation community makes me wonder why Edd kept working with him for so long, anyway all the criticism over nu-eddsworld is very well deserved, it's never ok to try and cash in on someone's death especially a friend

But why? Why is he considered to be such a prick?
It’s mentioned in a blog post on tumblr or some shit

There's a lot of hearsay and stuff that I don't recall but there's a lot of reports of just generally unprofessional behavior and treatment during the nu-Eddsworld stuff, overall just treating artists and talent poorly, turining Eddsworld into a vanity project for himself, not paying artists, not giving credit, stuff like that.

It's never very clear but most of newground consider him to be very rude, if I recall correctly he's been mentioned in a few sleepycast episodes and it's been made very obvious that he is not in good terms with them, especially Zach and Chris who were known to be close friends with Edd

Let's not forget the fact that his rise in popularity is mostly due to his constant bitching about shadman's eddsworld parody.

>shadman's parody

I don't even remember that.
God I feel old

What was the best episode and why was it Zanta Claws 3?

Basically Shadman went full edgelord and posted a drawing of edd getting buttfucked by death, Tom endlessly bitched about it and tried to sue Shad even though Shad could barely afford his rent let alone keeping his website up.
So basically Tomska moralfag'd his way to fame and then proceeded to reboot his dead friend's property all the while abusing the already underpaid staff he hired.

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Christ, but as always that's what you get for moralfagging

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Tom's a fat narcissistic cunt. He's not right in the head.
Tord left Eddsworld because he was being harassed by fans.

Season 1:
1. Zombeh Nation
2. Tord's Adventure
3. Breakfast
4. Hello Hellhole
5. Christmas Visitor

Season 2:
1. Zombeh Attack 2
2. The Dudette Next Door
3. The World of Edd
4. Ruined
5. Spares
6. Zombeh Attack 3
7. Zanta Claws

Season 3:
1. Moving Targets
2. 25ft Under the Sea
3. Matt Sucks
4. Zanta Claws 2

Season 4:
1. MovieMakers
2. Climate Change
3. WTFuture
4. Xmas Day
5. Zanta Claws 3

Season 5:
1. Hammer & Fail Part 1
2. Hammer & Fail Part 2
3. Space Face Part 1
4. Space Face Part 2

Remember when Tom didn't look like a redditor?

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What the fuck
How did he get so fat

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I liked spares, fun dead and to an EXTENT the end.

Well, Edd literally fucking died so there's that.

Zombeh attack 2 is also decent

i forgot he used to be genuinely good-looking. jesus fucking christ

I had not seen a picture of tomska in 8 years. How did it get this bad?

>Not WTFuture
>Not Hammer and Fail
>Not Spares

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is that some MGTOW term?

What do you think of the end? I feel like it had a lot of potential but ultimately fell flat but I do like the part where tord is sitting by the cliff side

5 The End
4 Fun Dead
3 Zombeh attack 2
2 spares
1 WTFuture

The Legacy episodes are okay. But they feel completely different than the OG episodes.
The Legacy episodes feel like legitimate productions while Edd's work felt like a fun project between friends. It felt more genuine and fun. Nearly every old episode ended with the whole crew dying and featured licensed music. It just had that amateurish soul to it.
Also, the fanbase ruined everything about it. I could write a goddamn book about everything those fuckers did wrong.
Not him but The End is the worst episode by far. It misses the mark completely as a finale


What’s your problems with the end? I agree that it was pretty bad but I think it was OK as a finale, although the second half of the episode has some really horrible animation at times. Also what did the fandom do wrong?

It's 25ft under the seat, you invalids

It was mostly just 'meh' for me, but making Tord the villain was where I ended up disliking the episode as a whole.


I used to think Ukinojoe was hilarious. tf was wrong with me

>Pikachu thing in background
This can't be real

There are 2 rules to a great show finale. You better go out with a bang and that bang and that bang better hit the target. And while EW did go out with a decent bang, that bang didn't hit the target.
The episode is WAY too focused on Tom for the final episode of EDDSworld. Not the best for the final episode.
And there's the tone. Comedy shows can be serious if done well, but The End was not done well. It's way too sudden and forced, it feels out of place compared to the rest of the series.
Oh, and it was a bit of a dick move to bring Tord back only to make him a dumb cancer metaphor so Tom can feel smart.

And for the fandom, where the fuck do I even begin? There's a good video by The RPG Monger that covers all the bad shit. I was in that fandom once and I don't think a day has gone by in years where I didn't regret every moment of it.

Oh, one more thing, I once saw a YouTube channel that reuploaded the Legacy videos for some reason and the title for Saloonatics was "How to naturally increase penis size". And that is just the funniest thing to me

Why does he own so many weapons? He clearly is not physically fit enough to use most of them

Completely rhetorical question, but if someone were to make a video detailing Eddsworld's history, specifically how Tom's leadership of the series almost lead to it going off the rails, where would one be able to find evidence for these aforementioned events, as well as a timeline of these events?

I don't know who this guy is but holy shit

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Yeah that cancer metaphor is EXTREMELY disrespectful. Although I have to admit I liked what they were planning on doing with tords character and all that “read leader” shit but as a finale yeah it blowed. Tom is definitely a huge asshole

You can go through Tom's social media but considering how active he is it'll take weeks of reading cringeworthy rants so here's a list of people to contact that may be eager to help.
>The team from the Eddsworld reboot
Good luck, can I have a link to your channel so I can see said video when it comes out?

Also don't even try contact Tord he's been through enough

Oh but it is

Honestly one could consider contacting anyone Tom has worked with over the years, or just watch Tom's own videos where he talks to people whom he has ruined friendships with. His recent video with Chris Bingham was enlightening.

Good taste.
I have a soft spot for some of his older music videos like This World of Edd and Eddie's Teddy. Other old stuff like Dudette Next Door and Tord's Adventure are also nostalgic as fuck.