Is He /ourguy/?

And seriously, how can some random person on twitter come up with characters so much better than what professional paid writers and artists at Marvel do? And he probably did these in like an hour, too, tops.

Attached: MFWsurroundedbynothingbutNormies.jpg (1024x715, 101.34K)

This isn't better, it's just an obvious satire.

It's WAY better than New Warriors and you know that.

But to be fair, it's not hard to make something better than that.

Fuck off shill

Better than the original

>being a shill

Honestly, even if you think it's just SJW nonsense or whatever, there are people who identify themselves as nonbinary in real life, so having some characters on a young lefty super group do so makes sense. No reason to erase that.

People are always bitching on here "why do they have to turn X gay/black/whatever instead of making their own character??", but then when they do just that (admittedly very poorly in the instance of the current New Warriors), people still bitch about it and try to make them fit their own worldview.

Absoluteky anyone can make better characters than the new tumblrtards. The real challenge is making something worse without going overthetop

I like this comedic Meme Mad scientist look but, to be honest, almost anything would be better than the current Screentime.

>Guy is hooked to the internet directly
>Implying he's not hard 24/24 watching all the porn on the internet directly in his thoughts

Honestly this, though I'm surprised to see people defend these characters and their traits. Without a doubt this is going to be butchered representation, having bad representation as your only representation will just set that as the stranded. At that point even if you agree with it's politics it's probably best to distance yourself from it.

Yeah, I hate when people bitch about Wonder Woman being a woman or Black Panther being black or Midnighter being homosexual.

Or wait, they don't, maybe the problem is those characters being aboslutely dogshit.

constant boner

>Implying he hasn't used it to download 4 terabytes of child pornography directly into his brain.

Maybe hes depressed because hes sterile and cant enjoy 24/7 porn

>maybe the problem is those characters being aboslutely dogshit.

The New Warriors do seem to be dogshit (except maybe B-Negative, who has an awful name but the sucker hands from animated Morbius, which I dig)... But people DO bitch about Wonder Woman being explicitly bisexual or a feminist (something her creator was pretty on board with).

Aside form that, I'm specifically referencing the posts OP linked, which turn Snowflake into a girl who identifies as a girl.

>there are people who identify themselves as nonbinary in real life,

>something her creator was pretty on board with
Her creator was a crazy pseudo-scientific proto-simp who tried to elevate his femdom fetish into a genuine theory of social science.

>openly banging 2 hot women at the same time and using them as fuck toys to explore every single kama sutra position at least once
>Giving zero fucks about what people think about his super active poligamic sex life at 1940s when it was borderline illegal
>both a genius inventor and a sucessful comic writer

C'mon user

>Steins;Gate + Freakazoid

Attached: pose.gif (300x300, 933.36K)

Yes, he was a super chad but people will call him a simp because he was pro giving women basic human rights.

>hey, wanna huff some internet gas?

this, it's not the same thing without the fart fetishism

Don't forget
>Being the only comic book writer to actually understand stuff like copyright and contracts meaning DC wasn't able to screw him over like they did everyone else

>Is He /ourguy/?
Does he likes cunny?

Apparently Kibblecuck is friends with Zoe Quinn so

Take that what you will. It does explain why he writes gatbage shit.

>makes nonbinary they/them into an autistic she/her
Going for realism I see.

Yup. Pretty based.

>basic human rights
>Genuinely believed in master sub dynamics as a way of life
I think he was a bit beyond basic rights.

pic related is (((YOU)))

Attached: Jewcel.png (564x679, 560.42K)

This is just as cringe and its super cringe you are posting this cause they name checked the anime forum you use.

Attached: 51936406-F89B-4EEC-BA01-25A24091DE2E.jpg (1920x1080, 222.24K)

Her identifying as nonbinary because she's autistic makes a lot more sense.

Yeah, a simp. "Muh love leadership", "Muh women are superior to men in every way"
Him getting pussy doesn't mean he's not a simp at his core.

>basic human rights
Found the subby wubby who wants his dick crushed

How is it any better? Besides >muh Yas Forums flavoring
Your low standards are showing.

Yes. And they exist. And some of them buy comics, and some of them (in a comic universe) might get superpowers.

They took out the nonbinary bit in the Twitter posts OP linked.

Solid counterpoint.

Hope she will falsely accuse him of rape so he will kill himself just like that other guy

It can be both

>Or wait, they don't
They do at least for Black Panther

its easier to 'fix' something than make something up entirely

>it's just an obvious satire.
New Warriors isn't satire?
I'm genuinely asking; One of the characters is literally called "Snowflake".

I sorta expecting this to be a "Dear White People" situation all over again where the content actively baits people and is actually nothing like what people expected it to be.

the guy responsible for it also wrote a children's book about a gay black santa, make your own conclusions

Attached: santa husband.jpg (1316x1126, 295.04K)

fuck me if there are not all better desighed and better named.

I really want to write my own version of the new warriors storyline that would as the story goes on it builds this idea of Marvel’s own Young justice called Young Avengers

Its just another self insert, not much of an improvement

Obvious satire IS better than the new warriors.
What type of shit-sniffer can't see that?

I don't like black panther, but it has more to do with hating vibranium.
God I hate vibranium, fucking BS metal
Yes, that does extend to Cap's shield

all they needed to say was that the internet gas is actually made of nanites

>Yes. And they exist.
They exist, but they aren't people.

You are just mad he dropped the BRAAAAAAAP sniffing angle, you braapfag

>reeeee women shoulnd't vote, I hate women!

tactical cockslap

I think it's better. The cost ads a unique profile to the design.

>How is it any better?
For starters they don't look like 2 literal spergs wearing kids clothes like Snowflake and Safe Space.
>Your low standards are showing.
Im not saying they are good you retarded tripfag, they simply way better than the shitshow created by the infamous hack who wrote the gay nigger santa claus book.

>there are people who identify themselves as nonbinary in real life
key word being "identify". they're all just LARPing women who want oppression points

We've already done this, and better.

Attached: Emoticon.jpg (869x737, 125.67K)

>spoiler isn't skub
>literal pedo shit not even loli
Kill yourself glownigger you ain't fitting in you're sticking out like sore thumb

>Dear White People
Wait you mean the Netflix's thing?

>where the content actively baits people and is actually nothing like what people expected it to be
I never watched it, but, through osmosis, I got the vague impression that it was about black people doing college radio or something
What is it?

>obvious satire is better than obvious satire
This is a challenging rhetorical puzzle.

This I'd like exchanging one bucket of shit for another.

I'd like to think that he funds the teams exploits through subcribestar as he was banned from patreon

I don't like it how they keep pushing that stuff as if it will make the character good.

No one was pushing DD being Catholic
Or The Thing being jewish

These were either given quick nods or maybe an slightly larger amount of notice, but it wasn't what their character was centered around.

For Snowflake and Safespace, we don't even get a backstory for them apparently being non binary is enough of a description to establish a character.

>when they do just that (admittedly very poorly in the instance of the current New Warriors)
You answered your your question.

>not normalfag

Which comic is this from?

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