Steven Universe Future: Homeworld Bound

Why is CN so fucking unprofessional?

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Other urls found in this thread:!0HxxiJxQ!WB_8hyDKH9U6oRyYK6DUUTxE9qcYYJiJbqZ3yAHbhrA

Well, it was gonna release early for the rerelease of the movie in theaters but this whole coronavirus thing happened

Is someone gonna put it on sug?

>that Spinel kiss
>Steven immediately getting mad at her
oh god please put me out my misery

Release it now so that we can end this shit



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mega when

I only got a two minute clip:
>Steven runs off to Homeworld
>The courtroom's been turned into like a museum with tours given by a purple Pearl
>The two Zircons are running for some government position
>Spinel is on the tour, she's happy to see Steven and kisses him (in a cartoon gag way fuck off shippers)
>Steven gets pissed at her
>clip ends

Oh great, the Spinelfags will be going apeshit all week

You need cable to get the full episode.

the salt must flow

There's gonna be lots of "WE WON" shit even though she immediately pissed him off

It’s called being a tsundere

yeah can someone sign in using their grown up login thanks

>Steven Universe Future S01E17 - Homeworld Bound!0HxxiJxQ!WB_8hyDKH9U6oRyYK6DUUTxE9qcYYJiJbqZ3yAHbhrA

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>Spinel with TV-quality animation
Maybe CN was right about the movie.

And some of them are going to be convinced this is setting up development in further episodes.

Someone has a link?


ah that brings back memories of the app back door people used to use to get episodes weeks ahead of time.

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There's only three left after this one

But we literally and figuratively won. StevenXSpinel is endgame.

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>Why is CN so fucking unprofessional?
because the crewniverse is

>dolphin porn
no thanks


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Can you hear it?

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Never bet against the power of hope

how do you mean? was it originally not gonna be movie quality?

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>Blue DIamond song

Is this the only time yellow diamond has looked good? she always looks weirdly drawn in every other appearance

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So why did they put up this one and not the other 3?

CN wanted Spinel to be shattered in the movie.

so, blue just gets people high now?

>steven wanted to shatter white diamond as revenge

holy shit

She’s kinda got it coming

>Steven wants to kill white for everything she did to him

Finally a human response

Ok watched the episode via Here are the main takeaways
>Yellow is undoing clustered gems, finding the pieces and putting them together again. I guess that means that the Diamonds have the ability to reconstruct gems by themselves? Then why the fuck didn't they do it when Pink was "shattered"?
>Blue is currently feeling fine, using her emotional power to cause joy instead of sorrow.
>White's power has been reversed, now being able to channel others minds into her body, shown off by Spinel taking control for a few moments. She then channeled Steven, which then lead to him having a fucking mental breakdown.
>Spinel is adorable and used the Super Peel Out
>ends with Steven running away to god knows where, with his eyes becoming diamond shaped.
Good build up for what's to come, but Steven's mental state is seriously FUCKED right now.

...the Diamonds really are gem gods, huh?

>Bismuth, I want you to finish the job.

Jesus Christ

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FUCK I fucked up the spoilers. Ah well. Watch the episode for yourself if you want, but I would recommend just waiting for all of the episodes to be released as this will just make the wait even more painful

>Zircon voting
ok you fucks, you got a giggle out of me

I thought it was more like a Steven(human) vs Steven(diamond) moment?

>all the Steven x gem ships are dead now
oh nononono

you mean the fake shard? what good would that have done

Would've clued them into the fact that it wasn't Pink Diamond's shards. Or they would've written it off as a Diamond being unfixable or something.

Was supposed to be released early anyways at the SU movie theatrical premiere.

Guess they felt bad on not being able to deliver the original promise.

White knew maybe she just never told Yellow who maybe though he she couldn’t fix another Diamond only lesser Gems.

I think Yellow was so selfish that she never cared enough to try until now because gems were just that disposable and they wouldn't be shattered unless they displeased her anyway.

This is probably the most disturbing scene I've seen a western cartoon.

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>I thought it was more like a Steven(human) vs Steven(diamond) moment?

i think it's kind of both, since he had flashbacks to when she removed his gem

he both hates himself and can't control his anger

Kinda felt like he wanted to kill himself

You're a small fry

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They never found Pink gem, she would have tried otherwise

a nice neat murder suicide all wrapped in to one

It's especially disturbing that he didn't actually stop himself, it's just that his skull was less sturdy than a diamond the size of a compact car.

I thought he was wanting to kill White Diamond here. Really looks like he was aiming to hurt her gem.

Steven's gotten a taste of killing already and now he wants more.

>tfw steven finally goes punished mode and tries to shatter the gems

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>Steven talks about his pain and troubles
The way Spinel frown looks like she has written *not this shit again* on her face, probably getting flashbacks from her "play" time with Pink.

>dolphin porn
mucho thanks

But doctor…I am Pagliacci.

>He cant make a change
Its so easy dude come on, even Spinel could.

I don't think White actually hit a pillar, I think she was the big Steven. Steven just got a little confused by the concept of being in two places at once, plus whatever weirdness his powers interacting with White's caused