Death Battle

Esdeath won

Next one is Goro vs Machamp

Attached: Grey Fullbuster vs Esdeath.png (960x540, 749.79K)

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Goro is going to win this... why would they pick a pokemon for this match?

They both have 4 arms

>Goro is going to win
>He doesn't know

Was it the ice army or freeing time?

the same way they used Freeza against Mewtwo? sure showed me.

Wtf I can't believe DB supports nazis...

Freeza didn't fight Mewtwo on DB
Mewtwo fought and defeated Shadow.

>9 years
>7 seasons
>124 episodes
>Still no Galactus vs Unicron
>Still no magical girl episode
>Still no slasher episode
>Still no space ship episode
>Still no army match since Eggman vs Wily
>Still no wrestler vs wrestler episode since Zangief vs Hagger
>Still no team vs team episode
>Still no team vs individual episode
>Still no Ship to Ship combat death battle, traditional ships or space ships.
>Still no car vs car episode (Sweet Tooth vs Joker was only a third of that)
>Still no cyberspace episode
>Still no stretchy guy vs stretchy guy episode
>Still no psychic vs psychic episode (mind stuff, not just telekinesis)
>Still no giant monster match that doesn't include Godzilla representation
>Still no stop motion episode
>Still no /lit/ representation outside of Harry Potter, Yas Forums also pretty under represented
>Still no tabletop representation
>Still no western webcomic representation
>Classic Sci-fi also generally underrepresented, still no Star Trek combatants
>Still flooded with Yas Forums (especially big 2) and Yas Forums garbage

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Why would they pick Goro? What happened to their love for Killer Instinct?

Where's Liu Kang vs Jago?

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>>Still no Galactus vs Unicron
pic related

Dormammu vs Triggon instead, please.

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Machamp is stronger

1. She's not a Nazi, she's part of a generic evil empire
2. Who cares, she's hot

Lowest common denominator

my dick vs your asshole

Four armed video game martial artists who serve a master

They should wait for MK12 for Liu Kang
We don't know if he's keeping god powers or not

She dresses up as one

>Talking to it

>1000 megaton punching mountain pusher
Sure pal

Should have been Ryu vs Liu Kang

Scorpion's the real poster boy user

Lots of fictional empires dress like Nazis. Its shorthand for "evil army" now.

>Still no western webcomic representation

Not gonna lie, this fight was one of the best they had so far this season.

Gray should've won. They missed or downplay a lot of things. Gray is immune (or very high resistance) to ice in general. Gray can freeze at absolute zero as he was shown to be able to do several time. Gray beat invel who ice can freeze other ice. Also, invel ice armor freezes anything that it touches which it did to gray a little bit. So odd for them to try to compare invel turning a part of the map cold when he wasn't trying against esdeath trying to make a continent cold

Lets be real
Machamp vs Goro may not be fun to discuss but it possibly being the second coming of Balrog vs TJ Como makes it worth it for the animation alone

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That isn't saying much

The researchers did a document for any additional questions regarding the episode

What would a good team vs individual matchup be? never really thought of that.


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Fucking this, I REALLY hope they put more care into this episode's animation than Mewtwo vs Shadow or Renamon vs Lucario. Scratch that, a LOT more care. Can we also be very thankful that the pokemon matchup is NOT Arceus vs Beerus

Miles Morale vs Stactic was pretty dope too. The only reason I prefer this one it's because it was more even between the two characters. Stactic raped spiderman the entire battle, that wasn't fun to see.

Now I wonder who will fight Beerus. If it does end up being Jean that that puts dragon ball at 4 losses.

Not him but I think Left 4 Dead 1 survivors vs Nemesis could be fun

I wanna see Sailor Galaxia because Big 2 is overdone and magical girls are due for representation

Mewtwo vs Shadow was literally a botch job since the animator half assed it to get it over with and quit fight animations altogether
Anyways, Goro vs Machamp being a 3D match is already pretty exciting

Whatever is is they're probably waiting for the current Dragon Ball Super arc to end.

>to end
You do know Beerus is confirmed for this season right?

Does Goro literally even have any feats that aren't his fatalities or "Hurr durr karate chops titantium in a mini game"? Is this shit going to be Sindel all over again?

>Four episodes left after Machamp vs Goro before we hit the DBX hiatus
>Crona, Danny Phantom, Obi Wan, and Beerus haven't been used yet despite being confirmed
Anyone who isn't interested in these characters or what opponents they can fight is free to leave these threads now until late Summer/September

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>Danny vs Jenny
>Obi Wan vs Kakashi
>Beerus vs Jean
>Crona vs who cares

I know but so is the Moro arc isn't it? If Goku bumps (and he already is doing that) the power levels to another level, that might give Beerus a new shot in the match they have planed for him.

I'm not a DB fan but fair is fair, if new feats drop by they should be considered.

>Crushed a car in a comic
>Survives losing his arms
>Survives a blow from Shao Kahn's hammer cracking his skull
That's about it
There's some scaling like Kintaro surviving a miniature nuke but it's not gonna do him much good

Ben's 30
He doesn't understand cartoon channel related meta themes
Danny's probably gonna fight another ghost based character

Like what? I doubt beerus will get anything substantial from the latest arc

>Goro vs Machamp is 3D

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Why Jean? she shares nothing in common with beerus

Ben was 13 or 14 when Danny Phantom was airing. lmao

I want Anglerfish Team vs. the crew of Fury.

Or Scott Pilgrim vs. Minmax from Goblins.

They are still wrong though. Invel ice freezes anything and not just "another ice magic"

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We'll only see once Goku and Vegeta go all out against El Cabron.

The new KI Goku is already hyped up to be angel level so you know cool feats are coming up in the next chapters.

Planet destroying power.

Destroyers with cosmic power, also someone keeps posting it so I'm rolling with it.

I'm 26 and I watched Danny Phantom and MLaaTR when I was younger.

Surprised by the lack of art with Goro duking it out with Machamp. Would Blanka vs Goro have been better?

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He means Phoenix Jean, I think. Two cosmic world destroyers.

No real thematic connection there

He was watching Avatar instead

Someone make a version of this for power level faggots.

Me too.

>Invel ice freezes anything
Invel vs Cirno?

XJ-9 would obliterate Danny from orbit, she is better than him in every stat

Pretty sure Danny has better durability feats.
Also intangiblity

Goro likely isn't a fan favorite.

I think Goro vs Gargos would be more thematic.

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Jenny’s got planet buster feats and has been punched through a planet, Danny is stuck on gay ass Earth like a chump

Don't know who the other person is. Invel have very little feats to himself to be used

MK12 won't be for another 4 years at a minimum. 11 had no sequel hook like the last 5 or 6 games before it

Goro is a fan favorite (he was one of MK's icons at first) but the MK devs actively fuck over fan favorites to push guys nobody likes.
Even Scorpion, the star of the games, barely gets screentime and gets btfo constantly.

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Kronika confirmed there were others like her called Titans

Kenshi is seen as the only 3D era character most people actually liked aside from Crunchy

Goro was a fan favorite enough to be MKX's pre-order DLC and even NRS uses the name Goro's Lair for the arcade room complete with a neon sign

Machamp can't miss and has Dynamic Punch.

I have no idea. I think a big name suggested it in a past thread, but it's a terrible idea. Jean doesn't do the punching Db fighters are good for, and Beerus' beam and mind shit is weak. Jean should fight Phoenix Ikki and Beerus should fight Asura or someone with a decent set of fists.