One Page Thread

One Page Thread

The funny, the feels, the awesome. Post 'em.

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The silver age sure hated physics


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Always gets a chuckle out of me.

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So what's the source of this? If it's two handsome men riding around having adventures on a bike I want to know.

Be honest Yas Forums...would you fuck death?

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Should be from Grayson I think it was the last nightwing volume technically

Pete you accurate dick

The opposite, actually, if Grant Morrison is to be believed. The silver age was during a time of scientific exploration, with new frontiers constantly on the horizon. The weirdness of the silver age reflected an unbounded scientific optimism wherein anything could be possible and the realm of the undiscovered contained infinite potential. The thinking was that if you could put a man on the moon, you could do anything.

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It wasn't a perfect run but Johns did a good job with Shazam. His reaction to seeing his first dead body was a little gut punch.

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Death is the best mommy of all

IIRC this annual was done by the writers that would later take over Thunderbolts and turned it into a Frankwankfest. But this annual was amazing and WAND was a nice addition.

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Is that Dr Strange?
Wtf is he doing?

Punisher fucking sucks

It's not really him. Just some otherworldly monster that took his place and all his magical stuff. By the way, this is the first page.

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He sucks when you put him next to fun characters who can't really do "dark"
Spider-man is fun, but he can do dark really well so the characters have room to play. Put Castle next to Strange and all you get is strangled fun.

What did they

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He always makes spiderman look a retard whenever he shows up. Writers have to overcompensate what he can do since hes just a normal guy. Spidey literally goes to the avengers to stop him like ?????

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Punisher would lose instantly if superheroes could fight him normally because they send all day fighting ordinary people with guns. Using the Avengers would only work if they were worried about collateral damage and needed someone to someone to protect the civillians from Punisher's bullets and explosions.

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Charles Soule started as the writer of that volume and it didn't turn into a Frank Wankfest, it started as one. Venom- you know, Flash Thompson, the decorated war vet who lost two legs when he shot stimulants and carried two wounded soldiers out of a firefight on broken legs- the one with an alien costume that gives optic camouflage, super strength and extra limbs on demand- immediately became a sniveling coward to make Frank look badass in a firefight with dipshit mobsters.

Soule is garbage.

When Joker was still funny

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What's under the cloak?

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I've heard this isn't even that hot.

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Imean it's only 1tps of cayenne and some chili powder. Not not even at least a diced jalapeno.

I love this issue and this moment especially. It's rather incredible how Tom King can write both stuff I really love and stuff I really hate.

His one shots are great and while I understand how people didn't like his Mister Miracle mini, it had its moments. But it's always assumed that his mental breakdown and grandmother's(?) death really messed up his ability to write a coherent story.

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mister miracle has one of my all time favorite pages, and even though I really hate a lot of king's writing, this is not one of them

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Is this unknown soldier?

At the time this was as hot as it got.

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Haunted Tank from Vertigo.

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Good news Wade, she'll have better regeneration powers than you when she gets older so she can try that one.

The 'Sad Princess' Frank Castle would have sold far better.

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Kind of cheating because these are two pages stitched together, but I like them.

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This one too. Hellboy's a good guy.

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>holding fictional characters responsible for real world issues

Marshall Law started out so damn good but holy shit they went full Ennis against capeshit before there was an Ennis.

Ah thanks m8
Anyway here’s my contribution

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