Fuck, marry, kiss

Fuck, marry, kiss

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what happened to kill?

Blossom is the least flanderized one

kill them all

Fuck Bubbles
Kiss Blossom
Marry Buttercup

Bubbles, Buttercup, and then Blossom

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Rape all three, Bury them, and Coom on the soil

Came here to post exactly this, demonstrating that even without being the first post, FPBP will always ring true

Killing one wouldn't be fun when you like all three.


God himself wills it to be

Because she looks flat as cardboard?


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Fuck Buttercup for the broken pelvis, Kiss Blossom to get that out of the way and see if she can install a hip replacement, Marry Bubbles because she's a naturally sweet girl and the resulting marriage will be a long and happy one with the new indestructible pelvis.

Marry buttercup
Kiss blossom
Fuck buttercup

Fuck Buttercup
Kiss Bubbles
Marry Blossom

I like intelligent, bookish girls

Idk I think blossom would be way too controlling in a relationship but she prob would have the tightest puss.

Marry buttercup
Fuck blossom
Kiss bubbles

Serious high-maintenance.

Fuck Buttercup
Marry Blossom
Kiss Bubbles


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Fuck Bubbles, look at that figure like damn
Marry Blossom, she's the most well-rounded, intelligent, and a redhead
Kiss Buttercup, as a tomboy her reaction is guaranteed to be hilarious

Fuck Bubbles because she's definitely going to be the most generous, affectionate lover and she thicc

Marry Blossom because she's a type-A natural leader and organiser who would keep a disorganised slob like me in check and encourage me to exercise/dress better.

Kiss Buttercup. I'd rather fuck her because she'd probably be pretty wild in bed, but my mommy fetish prefers Bubbles so I'll settle for a really deep, aggressive tongue kiss.

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Does tcb still roam this dumpster?

Marry Buttercup
Fuck Blossom
Kiss Bubbles
>this is the only correct answer

This user right no other user answer is right.

I think we all know who Buttercup wants to do all three to

Don't forget the fact that Blossom has the brightest future

Forgot image

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Fug bubbles, kiss blossom, marry buttercup

This is the only correct answer.

Get one who is self actualizing and has plan for the future that has you in it- enjoy an equal partner who might put more bread on the table but would never demean you for it.

fuck Buttercup
marry Bubbles
kiss Blossom

Fuck Buttercup
Marry Blossom
Kiss Bubbles
Cheat on Blossom with Buttercup

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>4 cums in one day
Won't you be shooting dry by the end?

>Fuck, marry, kiss

NOOO, it's Kiss, Marry, Fuck

Fuck Buttercup (tomboys are freaks, this is fact)
Marry Blossom (she's stable and always seeks to improve)
Kiss Bubbles (sweet things for a sweet girl)

>Bubbles is fatter than both her sisters combined

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Fuck bubbles because I like cherry personalities and she would probably be a really cute fuck and or a wild one
Kiss buttercup
Marry Blossom although most people would consider her the blandest I'm very attracted to intelligence and all around well rounded persons so her

>Cheat on Blossom with Buttercup
You deplorable piece of shit

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I have a problem with this pic.
Bubbles and buttercup look to similar and I think we all know that Buttercup wouldn't probably look like that, she will be really fit probably with abs

All three with Bubbles, I literally don't need the other two.

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Marry Bloosom - petite pale redheads are just what the doctor ordered. Bangs are perfect. Also type A personality would reinforces those behaviors in myself I think.
Fuck Buttercup - be interesting to be with an aggressive girl for one. Tomboyishness and short hair is cute, great body too.
Kiss Bubbles - just a little too fat as represented her to be sexually arousing. ”Cushion for the pushin’” is great but she seems obese.

>just a little too fat as represented her to be sexually arousing. ”Cushion for the pushin’” is great but she seems obese.
Literally gay.

>hips twice as wide as her waist
>"she seems obese"

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Why do artists draw Bubbles fat anyways?
Wouldn't all three be like well-toned and super fit with all the superheroism?
Or would they become burnouts, like a grizzled alcoholic veteran cop who's been on the force too long, with a 2 pack a day habit, a heart condition, dark sunken features from all the horrors he's witnessed and is 3 days from retirement?

Bubbles likes sweets and it's boring to give them all the same bodytype

fuck Buttercup, kiss Blossom, marry Bubbles.

fuck Buttercup because I bet she fucks like a tiger in bed
marry Bubbles because she probably lives to spoil her partner
kiss Blossom because she's cute

Based as hell

Bubbles is the cutest one, making her suited for thiccness


fuck, kiss and marry buttercup, kill the other two

Acid, lasers, and fucking demon magic don't work would?

Marry Blossom, fuck Bubbles, and kiss Buttercup.

Pass on everything. They never grew into their heads. Still have no fingers and toes.

This is objectively correct

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Dunno man I kinda want to experience a digit-less handjob and a large head implies they can fit the whole show in there...

Fuck Bubbles because I love blonde white girls
Marry Blossom, she'd be a good life partner
Kiss Buttercup, I was only into tomboys when I was a kid

Fuck Buttercup
Marry Blossom
Kiss Bubbles

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Fuck Him
Marry Him
Kiss Him

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