

Attached: ok-boomer-bernie-sanders-political-cartoon-1.png (1500x500, 63.9K)

You know what I'm gonna say it, Stonetoss could be legitimately good if he kept politics out of his work.

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Stonetoss is good because of his politics, retardo.

Occasionally he has a decent gag, but the art looks ugly to me. I don't know if he'd be good, maybe halfway decent newspaper comic tier.
His politics are retarded though.


Say OK Boomer, then ill shoot up a feminist bakery

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>Only I can beat Eisenhower
Solid heh

someone already spammed this today mobilefag.

Yeah cant stop laughing at the vegetarian vs bikers joke i have been reading since the internet was created.

What other unpolitical comics has he even done besides the vegan vs bikers one?

It's literally an ancient Facebook joke shared by boomers ten years ago.

Still baffles my fucking mind that black voters chose Biden over the literal Civil Rights Protester who demanded that African Americans be treated equally.

Yet, they chose the senile segregationist supporter because he bent the to Obama. Literally just "fuck whitey" was the explanation. I don't blame them, tho. The young supporters of Bernie Sanders didn't bother to put money with their mouth was and actually do something about their situation. They didn't go out to vote and their dream of college debt wiped away got BTFO. They deserved to get ass fucked by Boomers, reminder that behind every unironic Ok Boomer is an millennial sticking their ass up for grandpa.

I have no matter in the say becomes I'm a spic whose entire family got into college with scholarships and one cousin even bought a car with the money leftover.

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>the Stonetoss basedposter is back again
Um, hello, based department? I'm finna file a claim here.

The one where they're advertising burgers

Why does this guy believes his making this comic all the time

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When in reality he's just doing a shittier version of the original one

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There are alot of white guy's who say they'd be okay as vice president to a nigger but only one who actually was. Like it or not Biden earned his black street cred.

>Stonetoss could be legitimately good if he kept politics out of his work.
Making political comics is what gave him relevance and what keeps him afloat.
Maybe with time he will be able to shift into something else but until then it is go with the flow or sink like a stone.

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that's literally the reason he's bad

all of his political cartoons are retarded strawmen


>all of his political cartoons are retarded strawmen
What online comic about politics is not filled with political strawmen?

He has nothing unique or insightful to say. The fact of the matter is without politics stoneturd is nothing.

Welcome to every political cartoon for centuries

Snowflakes find this comic to edgy. Please kill yourself if you do.

Honestly a pretty funny one
T a pretty lefty immigrant about to get citizenship

Isn't Biden fucking dead?

Can someone explain this to me, what's the joke

Kid got fed up with shitty teacher jokes and killed everyone.

>Isn't Biden fucking dead?
I always wanted to have a lych as president.

Nah, he just wandered off bit further than usual.
They will find him, sooner or later.

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No, but Trump just passed away due to the Coronavirus.


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You're an idiot.

American democracy is a farce. In a capitalist society as far ass fucked as USA it's nothing more than an oligarchy.

Voter suppression, a media that actively shat on Bernie in favour of Biden, establishment dems that went out of their way to suppress him. The system is rigged against real populist change and only exists to support the wealthy elites no matter whether it's republican or "democrat"

Trying the play in a game where the house always wins is futile.
The only way to make a fucking difference is to kill them all. Guillotine the rich!

No he's only brain dead.

This ignores completely the exit polls where a large majority was found to say they actually like and support Bernie's policies more but they're voting on the basis of "who's more electable" and because the MSM and the party machinery shills Biden nonstop (plus he's got more name recognition and such strong association with Obama), they voted for Joe, i.e. they are primarily voting with the motivation of defeating Trump, not based on who has the best policies.

And this is what happens when you campaign your entire political movement on the idea of "The only thing that matters is the other guy doesn't win!"

Sure as shit didn't stop Gee Dubya from being president.

Communism only works if the entire populace consists of drones who don't want a better life

Funny how you've literally explained capitalism.

Ripped for your pleasure.

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Actually he literally explained communism.

Also regardless of the issues with the DNC and being full retard since 2014, have you actually been to Sanders' campaign page? I actually stopped by just to see what his points actually were. I made it as far as:
>Green New Deal advocacy
>Wants to phase out coal
>Wants to ban nuclear energy
He's peak retard and I'd rather have Trump again; at least he doesn't seem to bother the TVA and lets them run their nuclear facilities.

Bernie's movement has entirely been driven with talking a bout policies like healthcare and improving people's lives. Bernie's issue is that he doesn't attack enough and doesn't focus on arguing why he is better at defeating Trump than Joe. It also doesn't help that basically everybody has been against him from the start while Biden gets a pass on everything because he's part of the club.

No the ideal capitalist society is where 1% of the populace are sadistic megalomaniacs and the rest are drones.

>Wants to phase out coal

Coal is a dying industry where more coal plants have shut down under Trump, the "clean coal" president, than it under eight years of Obama, the guy who Trump claimed was anti-coal.

Whatever you say, Boomer

Still a nazi and channers are far right violence enablers in their indolent libertarian laxism

>Green New Deal advocacy

Why is this a bad thing?

These are all good things!

Glad to see you understand how the world works.

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No, phasing out the coal is fine. I don't mind that.
But you cannot phase out coal and then ban nuclear. That's now how meeting energy production goals would even work.

Green New Deal is a shitty energy independence plan backed by existing lobbies and a president that's all for the government soaking up costs of innovation for the good of the citizens wouldn't also be in favor of banning nuclear energy but giving the auto industry 2 trillion bucks in guaranteed EV sales.

They guy wanted to basically directly subsidize the automotive industry with I believe 2 trillion in guaranteed EV sales for citizens? I'd have to double check the page. His Green New Deal stuff is absolute horseshit.

Fuck off Hitler

We've been subsidizing the fossil fuel industry for ages (because, you know, they so need a helping hand to stay afloat) and nobody seems to have a problem with that.

Ok, Boomer

>Coal plants in total close more than it did 8 years ago

Peak retard you are.

Proletarian revolution now!

What does that have to do with subsidizing auto to the tune of trillions and removing energy production capacity while outlawing the most reasonable means of keeping up?

Also, the fossil fuel industry runs the world at the moment. Saying "We subsidize them to keep them afloat" misses the point that your society would collapse if fossil fuels somehow went bust altogether.

This isn't even considering the logistical impracticality of suddenly providing an EV for every family as proposed in his shitty plan. That'd be to the tune of 80 million EVs getting produced for his Green New Deal. A monumental order of lithium that comes from primarily foreign nations. You also have to consider how much that would burden our electrical infrastructure and power demand -- a power demand he wants to remove coal from altogether -- without nuclear energy to help sustain out consumption.

That's because literally the whole world is 88% run by fossil fuel you peak retard.

He hits home every once in a while

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Yes, but that is his best trait

Who are you responding to, boomer?

I'm a zoomer