Should comic shops get a bailout?

Should comic shops get a bailout?

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They're all filthy and the people that congregate at LCS are alo the filthiest subhumans on the planet

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Let the freemarket decide.

No, I want the comic book industry to die and take the sjw faggots with them..

I dont know how they were surviving anyways, the one near me is always empty except for the action figure section

Fuck comics, just read manga

No. This was the inevitable fate of the floppy market. Corona just hastened the process

Yes. But only for powerful tales of Superman, Batman, Spider-Man and a few others, kicking the ass of criminals without politics or sex freaks

Nah just fuck the big two.

I'm not even that into reading comics, but comic shops are great places to hang out and look around. It probably varies a lot, but I like my one. Has comics, cards, games, used video games, records, even video rentals.

>Pandemic virus ruining people lives, touches this retard's comic book shops

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Yes, let the pestilence purify the industry.

Fuck no, we gonna nationalize them.

They would still fail.

90% of the comic shop owners that get bailout money would just spend it on Rare figs, replica lightsabers, and furry commissions. While the shops still go under any damn way.

Comic shops always look like they are circling the drain. That just seems to be the business. They barely make enough money to afford garbage ramen, but they get to have a cool comic shop for a business and talk about obscure characters and powerlevels all day.

Even in the 90s glory days of speculator price hikes, comic shops were barely making rent and the owners were taking home less than people who work at a McDonalds.

>sjw faggots


They were scrapping by with funkopops and #1 relaunches from DC and Marvel.

Goon pushed back their books

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Cringe yourself into slitting your wrists.

Oh no not Albatross!

>t. selfie

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I can't wait to see mags visagio kill themselves once they run out of their hrt meds that are no longer being made in China.

LCSs should start offering delivery. Agree or disagree?

Companies should be offering subscriptions

No but they will regardless

No. If your company can’t survive on its own two feet, it shouldn’t exist.

Unless they’re willing to pay higher taxes as compensation.

>the ones paying higher taxes should be the ones who need finantial aid the most
Man you really have no idea how taxes work do you? As expected of a neoliberal.

But Thanos used a snap, not a punch. No comic book fans that don't know this deserve to have their shop survive

Nigga wot?

>Written by (((Dana Schwartz))), illustrated by (((Jason Adam Katzenstein)))

This fucking jewish cabal, /pol was absolutely right

reminder that if christians helped each other out like jews did this wouldn't be an issue

>blaming Kung Flu on comics shops failing

this sjw and feminist invested industry needs to die
only then have good comics a chance to be made again by people with passion and love for comics who didn`t just get the job due to diversity quotas and only care about destroying things white men like

european comics are still good, try wunderwaffen, lanfeust of troy, eagles of rom, or basically anything from splitter or european comics.

reminder christians used to help each other out until a certain people started to infiltrate the academia, media and universities to push things like "white male privilege" and other sjw nonsense designed to turn societies appart.

nah only hard working conservatives deserve government support since they actually pay it back and contribute positively to this country unlike lefty leeches who hate america and adovate for the abolishment of borders and nations

>Should comic shops get a bailout?
Of course not, the comics industry doesn't employ a lot of people, saving it would be worthless.

And the comics industry will die from this, Diamond will go belly-up, and the only viable market from thereon will be Scholastic, but that's not a big enough market to support anything but small time publishing.

2 months from now:

>50% of LCSs closed indefinitely
>60% of indies file for bankruptcy
>Marvel/DC cancels 40% of titles
>Disney sold to Tencent

Nuthin personnel, kid.

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Fuck no. No one bailed me out when pres kang tanked the economy.

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>christians used to help each other out until

Nigga, the pilgrims literally came to the New World because they were tired of non-Protestants bullying them. The Mormons used to be considered domestic terrorists for decades (because they were), and US soldiers could shoot any they came across. At one point, the fucking Irish used to be hated by the KKK more than blacks or Jews just because they were Catholics.

Christians have NEVER liked each other.

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No, comic stores are to comics what video stores were to videos. The medium itself completly shifted to online offering, why go to a physical store to buy a piece of paper that can only get damaged and is limited to a4 size, when I can get digital version that's better, clearer and cheaper in every way?

A few might survive selling old vintage comics in combination with figures, merchandise, game cards and houstig weekly events or something in major cities. But it's not sustainable and meant to be phased out.

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Good. Western comics have been almost as colonised by SJW's that don't care about the medium or quality and just using it as a propaganda soapbox in their self perceived foreverwar on culture to brainwash children as tabletop games are.

Let the fires of contagion wipe the slate clean. In the coming post viral economy the 'guilt trip ally sales' will not exist and they will devour each other.

If they open a crowdfunding page, with the government helping small businesses out (if they actually will), then yeah

On the plus side, digital comics will get a boost out of this

This ain't the 90's anymore you insecue fuck

they dont have anything to sell other than funko trash kek. and some of them still hate japnaese stuff and cling to american/western trash.

honestly they deserve to die.
they cant restructure themselves anyway.

Why is Yas Forums such faggots to LCS? Holy shit, this is why we can’t have nice things. Fuck digital.

You mean they don't?

Prepare for Carousel Boomercuck. Your time is over.

Not our fault that comic stores provide a poor service. Also comics are more niche than video games, and even gamestop is flatlining. Their demise is inevitable and they have no one to blame but themselves for not adapting.

lmao the comic industry won't die
you know what will? all the non-chain shops
enjoy the conglomerate future

>provide a poor service
Hey mine is actually pretty good

You think manga will be in a better shape after this?

Do you think comic shops are the only physical media stores closing?

>Corona just hastened the process

This. There are a LOT of longstanding problems with out economy and healthcare system that were just sort of squeaking by because thats just the status quo and no one was willing to do anything about them.

Covid didn't create this problems, its just showing how shit these problems always were in a big dramatic way. Like a house that has rotted out and is clearly unstable but hasn't fallen over YET, but which finally collapses in storm.

Everyone knew the comic shop model wasn't thriving, but it was hanging on. The problem with just 'hanging on' though is that means that you get wiped out the moment anything even a little bit bad happens because you can't weather that kind of pressure.

Video games are usually played on a device that can download them. Comics can be read without technological assistance

>If your company can’t survive on its own two feet, it shouldn’t exist.

Didn't stop the banks from getting a bailout when they retard-greeded themselves into a financial collapse.

Can we at least wait until May? Please! FCBD is around the corner

Or the tourism industry currently getting heaps of money

Postponed until later in the year.

Just ask your local if they do delivery, or order shit from Amazon if it's about the publisher.

>or order shit from Amazon


I mean it'll come next week, but you've paid for it, no?