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Season 1 was a mistake.
would she be into mating press
I get that people love classic Simpsons but I don't know how anyone can be nostalgic for S1. The show just wasn't there yet and half the episodes aren't funny at all.
Foshy shiclit meltchtakes
i hated nerd jokes like this when they happened in class. fuck, i get it "hurr nerd joke in science/math class. hurr." physics was the only place i appreciated those jokes.
There's a couple good ones but several stinkers.
This show should bring back Ms. Mellon
Season 1 is weird looking back, but I still like it and think it's underrated nowadays.
you gotta put on your 1989 goggles and look at it that way. look at other shit on TV at the time. the 80s was WAYyy up its own ass. Look at how star trek TNG was for the first few seasons. look at 80s twilight zone, or Murphy Brown or any of that shit.
simpsons was knocking ALL of that self-assured smug bullshit down off its high ass horse. this episode did that perfectly.
The preferred spelling of "wiener" is 'W-I-E-N-E-R', although 'E-I' is an acceptable ethnic variant.
Fuck you, Bart the Genius was good.
he's right that it wasn't ALL there yet, but there's only one episode that feels like a dud to me and that's the babysitter bandit one.
but in retrospect, the comedy is there, we're just used to it now. like Homer having difficulty hiring a sitter because their family has a bad reputation, and having to make another call pretending to be someone else, with a thinly-veiled cover..
I agree that Season 1 was rough around the edges but a lot of the shitty animation was charming and it feels like a prototype for Season 2 before the show hit its comedic stride. I'm a big Season 2 fan so that type of genre gels with me better.
Hey, 80's Twilight Zone had its fair share of goofy episodes.
The overall atmosphere of S1 is different because it's basically a wacky dysfunctional family trapped in a gloomy miserable world where nothing goes right for them. S2 starts laying off the dramatic elements and starts introducing other lovable characters that make the town quirky and charming.
If the show had stayed like it was in S1 it wouldn't have lasted.
man shut up
>80's Twilight Zone had its fair share of goofy episodes.
that was my point. simpsons basically embodied the change into the cynical, sarcastic 90s. less goofy, more spoofy.
I've never actually watched a single episode of the Simpsons, only seen clips here and there.
Where should I start? Just go chronological from season 1?
Eh, sure. Season 1's kinda shitty and Season 3 is the generally agreed-upon "starting point" for the best representation of the series.
I'd just start from the beginning. Season 1, not the Tracy Ullman shorts (though they're worth checking out later if you get into the show). If the season 1 episodes aren't clicking with you, you could skip ahead to season 2/3 I guess.
this. season 1 might not be perfect, but it establishes too many things to just skip
hell season 1 gives us homer's safety inspector job
Season 1 is wonderful but it's a different beast to seasons 2-10. It's not about jokes as much as it's about heartfelt stories about this everyman family just trying to do right. It's lovely (especially when you go back to it after you reach the later seasons) and it's probably one of my favourite seasons.
Season one has to be seen because there are a TON of episodes that set the tone for the series and showcase how transgressive and button pushing the series was compared to pretty much EVERYTHING ELSE at the time.
Bart the Genius for instance, the ending where Bart blows up the classroom was a HUGE fucking deal at the time and it and the entire climax of the family therapy episode in S1 (with the family shocking each other to the point that they cause an electric grid outage) was something that no one had ever fucking seen before and were the talk of the watercooler and playground next day at school.
well, in cartoons anyway. that's the thing. sitcoms had started having bratty, disrespectful kids here and there
that's also why they did a Dennis the Menace thing in the episode with Bush Sr. because they were pointing out there's really nothing new or transgressive about a show about a kid being kind of a bastard
Good points. Definitely watch season 1 first.
To be fair I still don't get it either.
Looking back I wonder how show managed to get past season 2, because it wasn't until about season 3 that classic The Simpsons began.
would that even play?
two and a half words. James L. Brooks.
without him, none of it would EVER have been possible. just like without steven spielberg, animaniacs would never have gotten off the ground.
>Looking back I wonder how show managed to get past season 2, because it wasn't until about season 3 that classic The Simpsons began.
A) Lack of competition. The only other cartoons not 'aimed' at kids were Beavis and Butthead and Ren and Stimpy. Simpsons had a monopoly on adult cartoons that weren't slapstick gross out humor.
B) Bartmania, which stemmed from the Tracey Ullman shorts, which was the real first season of the Simpsons.
>The only other cartoons not 'aimed' at kids were Beavis and Butthead and Ren and Stimpy
Those came out in 1991 and 1993 respectively.
Uh huh, and before that there was literally nothing.
It wasn't until King of the Hill came out that Simpsons had some real competition.
Just teach me you bitch.
Eat pant
>late 80s controversial cartoon series
The Simpsons
>late 90s controversial cartoon series
South Park
>late 2000s/2010s controversial cartoon series
Why did the Simpsons get shitty after like 11 seasons, but South Park manages to still be at least decent? Even if you say South Park's late seasons are bad, that's still many more good seasons than The Simpsons.
i think it'd have to be more successful than that, user. something like our cartoon presidentwhich is actually pretty good
2010's is Rick and Morty
2000's didn't really have anything massive for TV if you don't want to count Family Guy, but it did see the rise of edgy internet cartoons.
Rick and Morty wasn't really late 2010,and it wasn't actually controversial, but it generated a lot of memes and you saw people going around with R&M shirts like you did with simpsons or south park. But again, not really pushing the limit for what were controversial cartoons. Our cartoon president might be closer to the controversial factor I thought about, but it really isn't that popular.
>late 2000s
Family Guy
>late 2010s
Steven Universe
Because it still has the original writers. Also most season are only 10 episodes.
BoJack then
That fits. I'd say that 2000s was Family guy, even if it was created in the late 90s it started becoming edgier and more controversial as it continued while still keeping its initial quality for me.
Season 2 always feels underappreciated, or at least it used to, I think people have started to turn the corner on it.
Season 1 is very good, Homer's Odyssey is one of the all time greats.
Neither of those shows is controversial. 2000s was family guy. I don't think 2010s have one simply because people are offended by too many different things all the time that no 1 show stands out.
Most of my Simpsons "nostalgia" is associated with Season 1. That's when Simpsons-mania was in full effect. The rest of my feelings for the show is just appreciating a good show.
Simpsons went sour the moment the good writers all abandoned it for Futurama.
Season 2 is fantastic and I don't understand why so many people say to skip it and start at 3. Season 2 also has some of the best Burns episodes (Brush with Greatness and Bart Gets Hit by a Car).
Also, Bart Gets Hit by a Car has the introduction of both Lionel Hutz and Dr. Nick.
i'm glad bart blew up that school, killing hundreds