Worst parent EVER. This fucking piece of shit should be burned at the steak

Worst parent EVER. This fucking piece of shit should be burned at the steak.

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better than than my father

He was trying his best. Fuck Stevecels who didn't believe he wasn't a good father after that episode.

He tried. He just wasn’t too great at it.


Has Connie's mother had a talk with him yet? I think she needs to have that talk with him and should've given them the name of a therapist to visit cause Greg is in over his head here.

>Steven makes a retarded claim
>Everyone takes it at face value
Reminds me of people claiming the jedi are evil because of claims made by sith and witches.

Hes literally a fat balding turd who ran away from home and got lucky once by banging a space traitor. Think Homer Simpson but not a drunk but just as inept.

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Use the catalog

He shouldn’t have said Steven was better off than he was. He knows his son has PTSD and shit

You had some anons in the other thread trying to compare this to Luke trying to murder Kylo over a bad dream. Let that sink in for a second.

use cat of log

He actually doesn't. I don't think Steven told him the extent of what he told the doctor. That's just a guess on my part though.

Steven literally said
>How am I supposed to live my life when it always feels like I'm about to die?
Greg knew this and he still said he had it worse than Steven. Shit was messed up.

He made Steven a cup of tea and then gave him ice cream for breakfast. Like he's trying but you could tell Steven's faith in him shattered when he started up that speech at the end of the episode. Funnily enough he actually starts talking about getting Steven some ice cream there too. Kinda puts Steven liking cookie cat so much into perspective huh.

probably cuz this show was written by an idiot sjw? but your guess is as good as mine

Throwing words around like that makes you more retarded user. Especially when it's not true.

Mr. Universe was not an episode that sought to assassinate Greg's character; rather, it was one that sought to show Greg's perspective of his parenting, both where it was sourced from and how it applied to Steven. When Greg discussed the lack of meatloaf and curfews in Steven's life, it was from his outlook - he thought that hands-off parenting would be the best scenario for such as unique case such as Steven, and he was claiming this from his perspective, not one joining both the Gems' and his parenting together.
The episode was not shaming the fans who liked the character; it was a lesson in the imperfections of parents and the answer of raising kids healthily will always be nebulous and undefined. Steven was not right, Greg was not right, no one was. Ultimately, the morals it taught and how it painted Greg's character were of gray morality, and that's what made it such a strong episode.

Maybe Greg isn't the best there is, but he had a code and he tried his best to live by it. He didn't neglect his kid, and did bad touch him. No parent can give their kid everything, and you tend to miss the things you didn't have.

PTSD from what? Not singing and crying enough over sad breakfast food? Steven is a worthless faggot.

I'm hungry now

shitposting aside, he really is the worst dad.

He’s pretty used to people trying to kill him and it’s been stressful.

No, he's right.

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Wow, a wedding that isn't even treated as a gay wedding in-universe. Amazing. Fucking kill yourself my dude.

>Yas Forums has gone so far up their ass in the name of contrarianism, they're allowing themselves to shit on a character they have claimed to be one of western animation's best fathers and best example of a straight white male in cartoons.

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>not treated as gay in universe
Yet its blatantly meant to be shown as such by the creator and interpreted as such by the fanbase. Just because gems have no gender doesn't mean the intent wasn't there you delusional moron. They didnt need to devote an "arc" to this forced drama in the first place.

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I ship Greg Universe with Buck Cluck.

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So does Becky.

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Still a better dad than Goku

Pretty SUF is just the aftermath of Gohan if Chi-Chi never put him in school and let him be a bum

It's treated as gay in the real world. You know, that place you live in. At least, I assume you do.

And you’re mentioning goku out of nowhere because??

Beerus pic

what? one of the oldest criticisms of SU was how the show never awknowledged how shitty Greg was as a parent. but what should i expect from a Yas Forumstard

do you think the average person knows what ptsd even is without internet searching

>best example of a straight white male in cartoons.
That's Eugene, though.

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It's an extremely common phrase.
After the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan it entered public dialogue.

Steven is acting up because he became a vegetarian.

saying greg was as bad as rose went too damn far. Yeah he's had his screw ups but nothing on the level of pink's shit.

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do you think they know what it is?

How out of touch with the world are you?

yeah i'm pretty greg didn't genocide people and commit space fascism

Why did Steven deleted his photo? That seems unusually cruel.

Fucked up mental shit

He didn't want to think about what he just saw.

>Worst parent EVER
Funny you say this when incest rape and house violence are a thing.

>he posts this like I give a fuck about Goku

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>Wow, a wedding that isn't even treated as a gay wedding in-universe
So if the universe a show took place in legalized baby rape, we should be ok with it since they have a different set of rules?

Why the farmers tan if he never wears t shirts jeans or shoes

>Literally makes the masculine gem dress like a woman and makes the feminine one dress like a man
>Not sjw
Stop embarrassing yourself

I heard it was so that they would have harder time censoring it in Russia

>Had the balls to defy his autistic parents and follow his dream
>Still tried to keep in touch but never bent the knee to them
>Turned a magic lesbian space rock straight
>Became a millionaire because his song was so kickass that it worked for any situation
Greg is objectively a chad

What's wrong with baby rape?


Pink never actually seemed to buy into space fascism though. As soon as she started seeing what her colonization was doing to Earth, she knew it was wrong to rob a planet of its life, no "Oh, they don't matter they're just organics." Like YD.

>Answers question
>You didn't answer my question
Have comics degraded your reading comprehension skills user? Or were they shit to begin with?

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Homer literally chokes Bart out, sometimes to badly that Bart loses consciousness.
Honestly is the most probably source for Bart's antisocial outbursts and surprisingly low IQ despite Lisa's being so bright, I think the kid has severe brain damage.

>Burned at the steak.
He does look a little like the classic Boomer grilling meme.

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Neither did Pink.

He didn't want to remember this outing.
I've done similar shit with innocuous stuff I've tied to shitty/traumatic events.

>compares Greg to Pink Diamond's actions
>wishes he didn't have Greg's last name
>deletes a childhood picture of his father
Steven was a right cunt this episode. Yea he wasn't the best dad but he fucking tried Steven. Fuck.

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>Raises his son normally for 5 years
>Son gets kidnapped out of nowhere
>Literally dies to get him back
>Not his fault Piccolo kidnapped and forced trained his son.
>Not his fault the first thing he has to do after coming back to life is save his son from aliens, again
>Never tells his son to go to Namek
>Upon arriving on Namek, this first person he helps is his son
>Not his fault his body got stolen
>Never tells his son to fight the Alien Dictator
>Gets a powerboost after said dictator threatens his son (after killing his best friend, but i'm still counting it)
>Doesn't force his son to train for 3 years, but Gohan doesn't seem to dislike it
>Dies again helping his son clean up a mistake he made.
>Stays away from his entire family because they're safer without him
Honestly the only shit thing you could say Goku did was refuse to come back for a year after Namek, and made Gohan fight Perfect Cell, but he almost immediately fixes that mistake and only made him fight because he knew Gohan could beat him if he wasn't such a bitch.
TFS has butched Goku's parental abilities. Sure he's not the greatest father, but I'd rather have him for a dad then my real father,

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Shut the hell up, I've been lurking here since SU started, and you fags almost never bashed Greg in all that time. Sure there was the occasional user who would try to stir up shit but he was always immediately followed but a fag like me telling him to shut the hell up, or was soundly ignored.

Steven has trauma user. He's not in control of his actions.