Why is powergirl so rude

Why is powergirl so rude

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>old boomer whose power is "used to be a journeyman fighter"
>thinking he's got what it takes to fuck a Kryptonian sex kitten
It's for his own good, they both know he can't handle her.

Because that was part of her personality, back when she was written as more than just some boob jokes

This is now a JSA/Infinity Inc/Earth 2 thread

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Redpill me on JSA/Infinity Inc/Earth, what should I read? What are the essentials?

Because she doesn't have to answer to authority and is invulnerable. You pick a person at random and give them kryptonian super powers and just see what kind of monster they become.

Why was Power Girl so asexual for most of the time? She made out with Hal one time but other than that she only really wanted to fuck Superman. And I know most people don't like that she was banging Mr. Terrific and later Val-Zod but at least she was fucking someone.

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>All-Star Comics
>All-Star Squadron
>Infinity Inc.
>90's JSA
>JSA: Golden Age (so good that people forget it wasn’t canon)
>Robinson/Johns/Goyer JSA
>JLA/JSA Virtue and Vice
>Johns Justice Society of America
Hourman, Robinson Starman, and Sandman Mystery Theatre also feature golden age geezers (and some of their legacies) too

Because she was gal pals with Helena Wayne.

The Pre Crisis Infinity Inc/All-Star Squadron crossover arc. Hell pretty much any of either title you can get your hands on, they're pretty much the story bible for the Robinson/Johns JSA era.

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>female friends have the best chemistry with each other
>never hook up
>proceed to have some of the most bland romances ever
>or in helena's case be a complete whore until she swears off sex and then robinson writes about her, lady blackhawk, and hal having a threesome and gail simone gets pissed off about it

It's the harem protagonist curse. When your oniichan is the most beloved male in existence, no other male can compare.

>or in helena's case be a complete whore until she swears off sex and then robinson writes about her, lady blackhawk, and hal having a threesome and gail simone gets pissed off about it
That’s Helena B not Helena W

But yes had one of the been a guy Peeg and Helena absolutely wouldve gotten married and had a baby before earth 2 died instead of Peeg getting magically impregnated by her grandfather Arion and thinking Hal did it

>gail simone gets pissed off about it
Is she going to complain about it on twitter and use it as an excuse why her son doesn't want to read her comics?

Its like those korean pop stars. It ruins the charm if she bangs someone so she must be presumed single/tease at all times. And also get ever increasing breast.

Guys, Power Girl is a Tsundere. The blond hair is a dead give away.

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>at least she was fucking someone
you say this like it somehow makes her a better character. she has always been boring shit, but now she is totally cool because of your bbc cuck fetish.

Do you have something you wish to share with the class user?

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He's like the weebs who can't handle female characters they like dating.

I don't like power girl, but i also don't think a character fucking somehow makes them more interesting like that user.

A laundry list of insecurities and just enough pride to make it troublesome. This is also why BDSM artists cannot stop drawing her.

She really is DCs Carol Danvers

Except Peeg is a good character.

is she though?

Under Johns she was, yes.

Conner/Palmiotti? Ehh less so but still yes. But people just focus on the boob jokes in that run.

>Writing good anything

Pick one

>Under Johns she was, yes

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If it wasn't for her moderately decent rack, no one would put up with her.

If it wasn't for her rack she'd also have a backstory.
For me it's Atlantis.


>she'd also have a backstory
and no one would care

because she is from earth 2

She's a fun cheesecake character. She wasn't always like that but that was a great way to set her apart from Supergirl and other super heroines.

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What is wrong with Conner/Palmiotti's run?

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Between Peeg and Jonni Thunder, Syl had a type.

People thought that it was too silly, but that run wound up making PG more popular, she became less serious and more fun.

This. Why don't they just pair up Helena W and Peej? They had amazing chemistry, amazing backstory(did it get retconned? because if so it needs to be brought back, a lot of people like it and it makes their characters 10x more interesting, rather than the lame "oh my entire family got murdered in front of me" backstory that Bertenelli got like every other superhero)

They're kinda like the female versions of batman and superman, I don't see why they don't just smash them together and push it hard.

I mean, Poison Ivy/Harley started out as gal pals which people loved and now they're a couple, why not do the same for Huntress/Powergirl? Could perhaps also make the characters more known about/popular.

>PG tells Wildcat to fuck off
>Yas Forums: Why is she so rude, bros

>Wildcat tells PG to fuck off
>Yas Forums: omg BASED

The run itself is just fine and entertaining, but looking back at it, it helped hurt the character in that all people talk about her are her boobs, either by jerking it constantly, whining if theyre covered, whining that they aren’t covered, or just cracking jokes about them.
She was a fun and interesting character in JSA without having to turn to boob gags every other issue.

No one bought World's Finest.

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Maybe cause they didn't know it existed. But nowadays once people learn about it they find the story cool.

If it gets pushed as hard as Ivy/Harley did then I'm certain people would start jumping on board. Hot woman + hot woman = profit

I just realized who the ideal romance for PG is. I can't believe no one has said it before. I doubt they even have any good moments together, but it fits so well for both of them.
Jimmy Olsen.

You’re just self inserting

fuck of /u/nigger. harley/ivy ended ruining both characters.

People want the JSA and Power Girl to be part of the main continuity, so Helena Bertinelli is the Huntress and not really associated with the JSA, You could have PG join the Birds of Prey or have Black Canary rejoin the JSA and bring Huntress with her (and given how rocky BoP is as a franchise perhaps folding those two into JSA would be for the best).

People really weren't for the New 52 take on Earth 2/the JSA at all.

I don't relate to Olsen at all.

I've heard this argument when it comes to female politicians. They can't act the same way as their male counterparts without being accused of bitchiness.
I think there is definitely some truth in that.
On the other hand, what Powergirl is describing here in a male counterpart is someone like Guy Gardener. And he is a polarizing figure so I don't know about him getting away with stuff unchallenged.
Although, he definitely does get away with more shennanigans that a female counterpart would be able to.
Could you imagine Powergirl mooning the JSA?

Harley would have gotten ruined either way. However it brought more dimension to Poison Ivy's character because all she was used for before that was "femme fatale that kisses people and wants to take over world for plants". But yes in recent years Ivy has kinda become a sidekick for harley. I feel like maybe writers just don't know what to do with her character?? There's alot of unexplored potential there but they only give her other plant based villains as her conflict

Huntress and Powergirl work because their issues would not drive them apart like Harley and Ivy. You gotta admit that the latter have severe mental shit going on that hinders them having a "normal" relationship meanwhile Huntress and Powergirl share the burden of a common problem and can work off each other well.

>n-no one would care if I was a man
Except a litany of heroes have called Batman a cunt to his face for the same behavior, they only don't call you out because you're a woman.

>'ve heard this argument when it comes to female politicians. They can't act the same way as their male counterparts without being accused of bitchiness.
>I think there is definitely some truth in that.
That shit was specific to hillary and it wasn't true. Everyone could just tell she was a conniving bitch.

Not the same behavior. For actively conspiring to take down other heroes (Even if not following through with the plans himself), forming his parallel groups when the JL didn't do everything he said, creating a murderous surveilance AI...
No one gives shit to Wolverine for being a dick, they just accept it.

American women are awful.

She's kryptonian though

Well calling someone a 'broad' is pretty rude and demeaning so he deserved it.
Solidified her as silly gag character and has basically made her whole persona about having big tits and this being the one thing 99% of people who claim to be fans of her have read and think this what the character is all about.

You land in usa you get corrupted. Indians curse.

Oh boy a post 2000s faggot who's never even read Morrison's JLA let alone JLI, get the fuck out of here you dumb casual.

Yeah, NYU did a gender swap of one of the Trump/Clinton debates and the libs in the audience were upset because they loved femDonald and loathed maleHillary.

I did ... in trade form ... during my LCS's big sale ...